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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I turned it when I saw what the topic was. After 18 years investigating child abuse I saw TOOOOO much of those type cases up close and personal.
  2. I may be in the minority but I just don't think that is right. They should not post the commercials until the game is over!!! I LOVE football and watching the game but I also like the surprise of watching the commercials.
  3. :::snifflesniffle::: I posted this on my FB page earlier this evening. What a SCUM BAG COWARD SOB!!!!! I have NEVER for one second believed his lame story. WHO takes their toddler boys camping in the SNOW at MIDNIGHT????? It broke my heart to read he did this - for Susan Powell's family - they have lost so much - losing her and now these precious GRANDbabies. Too bad Josh didn't tell his attorney what he did with Susan in the email he sent to his attorney seconds before he blew up the house!!! At least then the family could bury her with her boys.
  4. You are right rockysmom - it was an AWESOME sommercial!! I enjoyed hearing Clint's voice and the words just made it that much more AMAZING. I am sure most of the commercials are already online. MANY of them were online and shown on TV talk/news shows prior to tonight which I hated because it took some of the anticipation out of it. I would be surprised if they run it again tonight at $3.5 million for a 30 second slot. I liked Mr. Quickly too.....of course I would, it involved dogs.
  5. YUMMMMMMMMY To be honest I wasn't sure I'd be a fan of the Cycle Cicle but I AM ~ Very Good!
  6. I had to look on the menu to see what the Blooper was. It does sound GOOD - might have to try that soon.
  7. Several threads have been discussed about what happened to the missing baby known as BABY LISA. I haven't seen much said about this case in the media recently. Her parents are being interviewed on Dr. Phil now - Friday.n
  8. REDUCED TO $9.00!! LAST FEW DAYS AVAILABLE before sell them to a retail vendor in the next few days. ~~~THINK VALENTINE'S DAY~~~
  9. You are WELCOME - I only speak the truth!!!!
  10. That was my thoughts, too???? DH and I went BACK again tonight. He got his regular - double cheeseburger and I got the chef salad again. I had been thinking about it all day today. As usual our food was GREAT!! We will miss out on the $.40 wings tomorrow because of DH getting an MRI and then plans with lifelong friends. BUT.....we will be there next Thursday and hopefully the kids and GRANDS will be able to go back with us. They loved the wings when we went and the 7 yr old GRAND has been asking when she could go back with Nana and Pop.
  11. GEORGIA or GEORGIA TECH 16 OZ Stainless Steel Travel Mug with raised logo. Retails for $19.99 Selling for $9.00!! Polorized Sunglasses: ALABAMA, LSU, AUBURN, TENNESSEE Retails for $24.00 Selling for $9.00!! THESE ARE LOWER THAN MY TYPICAL LOW PRICES. I AM SELLING THESE AT WHOLESALE + SHIPPING. THANKS.
  12. AWESOME!! I will be placing an order at some point this month. This will be from the Fall?Winter catalog, right??? Lovin' my Scentsy!!
  13. I got on to see what your special was for today. We'll be seeing ya in a bit.
  14. I saw the sign over the week-end and pointed it out to DH as we drove by. He sometimes brings home Popeye's from near his work in Buckhead. It will be nice to have one close by and it not be cold when it gets here. I had to giggle at the comments about Church's chicken. In 1990 I had just had a miscarriage. I was not able to eat anything because of my emotions but DH brought home Church's for him and DD. LITERALLY grease dripped out of the pieces of chicken when held up. For years they would talk/laugh about that every time we'd pass a Church's. YEARS later there was one near my work in A
  15. There is a lot of unanswered questions. It appears his attorneys have been putting money in his prison account in exchange for letting them appeal his case. Unethical to say the least. His brother (who is also in prison for his involvement in the same murders) was in cahoots with these attorneys - attorneys Tate did not want and did not want them to file the appeal. (or so he said). The DA has said he is going to look into the behavior of the attorneys and possibly file an ethics complaint with the bar. Or at least all this is what I have gathered from interviews and news reports today.
  16. Why was the subject title revised?????
  17. DON'T YOU KNOW IT?????? The family has gone through SOOOO much and now because he's changed his mind they have to suffer even more. OUR JUDICAL SYSTEM NEES MAJOR REPAIR!!
  18. WSB-TV reporting Tate talked with a prison chaplain and now isn't ready to die.
  19. You are TOO sweet, BUT.......NOT this Thursday. (We have plans with lifelong friends who live in Acworth) Can I get a raincheck for Feb. 9th??? Plueeezzzz????
  20. DITTO! No problem with customer service and they were the ONLY store to carry the Wise Crunchy Cheese snacks I eat all the time. What is a girl to do?????
  21. Thursday works for us, too. This Thursday we already have plans but can put it on the calendar for the following Thursday.
  22. NO. Not until we went Wednesday night of last week for wings had I ever laid eyes on David (the owner). But, he was SO friendly and accomodating it makes you feel like you DO know the owner personally. We have been back two other times since then and he always is the same friendly feller. I will also say something that David doesn't even know and I have not said to him nor have I mentioned on here. BUT.....the first time we went I ordered unsweet tea. He whispered to his FIL (which David had introduced us to - that is the only way I would have known it was his relative. Once again, making
  23. It was GREAT seeing you too, GeorgiaTornado and meeting your Hubby. Of course, I have posted over and over how much we have enjoyed EVERYTHING we have tried there!! Hubby continues to order the cheeseburger and says it only gets better each time. I agree the dill pickle spears are good, good, good! We were there Wednesday night for the wings and ended up ordering NINETY WINGS!!! There were three adult women and three girls ages 7-11. We brought a few home for lunch the next day but ate almost ALL of them sitting there. GREAT!!!! If you see my post above where we ordered NINET
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