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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. You are right. Scott is a WONDERFUL man and husband but I think that might just have pushed the WRONG button. Gets my vote. Did we say Wednesday? If so, it would have to be early for me to make it as I have a doctor's appointment. Could we do 11:30 again? If that doesn't work for everybody please don't make plans around my schedule.
  2. WOW!! That IS getting close. It is sad they are having to venture into the unknown to find food and water. They are beautiful creatures but very dangerous. THANKS for the heads up and I hope you are able to get a picture. (Did you see it already yourself?)
  3. Glad I could be of service!!!!! Life can be pretty comical for me sometimes.
  4. When I read the topic title (of course I can't see) What I read - several times - was "Watching Hanging Dish Towel". Finally curiosity got the best of me and I HAD to open and see WHY you were WATCHING a dish cloth. That is when I realized you actually said MATCHING dish cloth.
  5. Alabama One time DD and I were driving through Clay County, AL. DD got a ticket on Hwy 9 by a State Trooper. I was so mad, I made her let me drive. A few minutes later going through Ashland, AL, (same County) I got a ticket by the City!! We joked because the only person with us left to drive was my MIL who was blind. But, DD was relieved b/c DH couldn't get mad at her b/c I got one too!!!! I don't have enough fingers to count the number of tickets DD has gotten in AL during the last 10 years. And, most of them she got on the road near her in-laws. And, a couple of them have been by
  6. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that was why it was set for today. Sounds like many folks were going to join ya. I had planned to join in and would have loved to see ya - it has been awhile -but my plans fell through, too. I am ALWAYS available for lunch as long as someone sees my thumb out. (I am a hitch hiker) Hope ya'll had tons of fun!!!!
  7. YES, Bobby Jo, you ARE da THANK YOU!!!! (Yes, I just got one too. YAY!!!!)
  8. Friday is a Holiday for many folks because of the 4th falling on Saturday and some people will be out of town. Other than Tess getting there late (which means I will be late since she is my dependable ride. hint, hint), who else is going?? Just curious if it would be better to put off the lunch until next Wednesday (only a 5 day wait) so maybe we would have a better turn out???? What are the thoughts of others??
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It is a good feeling, isn't it????
  10. Sounds like fun. Will try to remember to stop by.
  11. HELLO!!! Been missin' our chats about our dachshund babies.
  12. Sorry I didn't get by yesterday before you left. But, it was nice visiting with Danny for a change.
  13. You would know! :::hijack::: BTW, Haven't talked to ya since he got back but DS had a great and productive trip to NYC. He will be returning in August. :::end of hijack:::
  14. Lay's Plain or BBQ. DS likes Sour Cream & Cheese or a certain kind of Dorito's (cannot think of the name, just recognize the bag), DH doesn't care for chips a bunch but will eat whichever I have on hand. I LOVE Laura Lynn brand of Cheeto's.
  15. Is this the bank that sat on the corner across the street from Walgreens? (I think that was the drug store. Been awhile since I've been down that way.) Sad, another causality of our economy.
  16. Lowe's has done this more times than I can count during the past 12 yrs!!!!! I will believe they have built in Paulding Co when they have their Grand Opening!
  17. I did not know this gentleman but am sorry for the loss and the heartache of his family, friends and loved ones.
  18. This is absolutely correct. We have friends that have spent $1,000's and the child never get one call. And, we also know children who were signed, the parents never spent a dime but the child earned good money. And of course, there are those in between. Those where you are not charged to sign your child and it is a legitimate agency. But your child does need some specific "rounding out the edges" and classes are suggested. You have the option to take the advice or not. The best advice: BEWARE!!!!! And, please do not let your heart and love for your child over take your head and good sense in t
  19. Gotcha. But, why would you not tell us to come look????? I might get a second chance. What have I missed (as usual)?
  20. "My Sister's Keeper"? I went today and my friend and I both cried literally from beginning to end!!! It is SOOOO good yet SOOOO Sad!!! I have a question. Two ladies were talking as we were walking out and said the ending of the book is totally different from the ending of the movie. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but if you have read the book and have seen the movie and it has a different ending, could you please PM me and let me know?? THANKS.
  21. Are you still having YOUR sale or are you going to garage sales???? ETA: I should be able to make it to lunch.
  22. I don't have a clue what this is about but to answer you second question, NO, I didn't stop at Krogers - DH was stopping there while I was at Wendy's.
  23. YEP!!!! She is very Brilliant and the Gov just keeps getting the noose tighter and tighter.
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