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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Surepip, That sounds AWESOME! Too bad we missed out. Do you have tomorrow nights menu? We had Applebee's while we were in Rome. Spinach dip for appetizer then DH had a Southwest Shrimp Pasta and I had the Three Cheese Chicken Pasta. Very filling and we brought home enough for another meal.
  2. :rofl: Once backed WAYYYYYY back in the corner there eventually is no other option. He definitely was back in that corner and each action has an ulterior motive. Even this "confession".
  3. Your son is a lucky fella. We have known and been close friends with Di LONG before America fell in love with her. People have no idea how truly talented and amazing she is!!!! Other than having talented kids I have something else in common with her Mom, Brenda. We all LOVE dachshunds and have puppy-sat for them quite often.
  4. Nikki Minaj is THE reason I will NOT be watching this season. And, it is sad to think the reason folks are watching is to watch the B*T*H do what B*T*HES do!!! The show is intended to showcase talented people not the drama. JMHO.
  5. Before GPS we got directions off mapquest.com to go to the Loretta Lynn Dude Ranch in Huricane, TN for DS to perform. We went most of the way on the interstate but then it took us off the interstate and we drove about 90 miles on back roads. ONLY to go back on the interstate TWO exits from where we had gotten off. :rofl: Needless to say I have NEVER trusted mapquest since.
  6. Professional athletes have been "fooling" and "passing" drug tests when they were doped for decades. Just as they know where to get the stuff they also know how to "pass" the drug tests. Passing the drug tests is NO indication of innocence - ESPECIALLY in this situation.
  8. S - U - R - P - R - I - Z - E S - U - R - P - R - I - Z - E!!!!! (in my best Gomer Pyle voice) But, what about all the other riders who accused him of doping that he dragged their name/reputation through the mud to claim he was innocent and to glorify himself? What about the rag magazine he sued AND WON for claiming they had proof he doped? What happens to that money now? He now wants to "come clean" and give names of other dopers. WHO is going to give a rats butt and WHO is going to believe him NOW??? You cannot LIE and point fingers for FIFTEEN years and come out smelling like a r
  9. Who is also newly SINGLE! What a BEAUTIFUL Lady that can drive the heck out of a car!!!
  10. What theaters have cheap Tuesday and Wednesdays? TIA.
  11. Rodney's has a separate dining room that is private and cozy. Rodney will cater the meal to your need. Not to mention any and everything he cooks is DELICIOUS!!!
  12. Yes, mustard on my burgers AND mayo on my hotdogs!! (actually mayo on any and everything considered a sandwich/burger/dog/etc)
  14. DISAPPOINTED in the last half is an understatement! Come on Matt Bryant!!!!!!
  15. We have looked at those at Petsmart for $100 for our dachshund puppies. But, we weren't sure how effective it would be and that is a lot of money if it isn't. Were you able to eventually take the collar off after it was used to "train" your dog or is it something you use on going? Do you have to manually release the citronella?
  16. Just half?? When I read about it on FB I said "They are describing 85% of Paulding County".
  17. I used it a lot 4-5 years ago to give stuff away (I am one of those who can just not throw anything away) and also got some great stuff off of it. One lady was all the time offering clothes and shoes in my size that were brand new. I still wear one pair of the shoes. I didn't know if it were still around or not. Can someone post a link to the new site, please?
  18. This doesn't sound AT ALL like the meal my family and friends ENJOYED on Jan. 1st. Matter of fact I was talking to one of my friends yesterday and she brought up again how much they enjoyed the New Years Day Feast. She said she hoped Rodney would do this again next year as her family would like to make it a family tradition. I told her I thought this was the 2nd or 3rd year Rodney had done it so maybe he would again. Her SIL ate FOUR huge plate fulls. I laughed and was not surprised because Kirk is a BIG man and I had said when we made plans to go that Rodney was going to lose money on that cu
  19. Did you see DS???? :clapping:
  20. After coming home last night from my 3rd hospital stay in 2 months we enjoyed a good but easy dinner tonight: chuck roast cooked in the crock pot in cream of mushroom soup and french onion soup and green beans cooked on the stove all day. The last hr or so added red potatoes to the beans. Rolls & gravy. It wasn't much and I didn't eat much, BUT......it wasn't fast food and most importantly it was NOT hospital food!!!
  21. I agree - Bay Breeze in Mableton and Sea Breeze in Douglasville (as well as the location on Canton Road but I am not sure which name it is) are very good. Another place with decent seafood that is brought in fresh from the Gulf weekly is Backwoods in Tallapoosa. Okay, it's not exactly in Tallapoosa it is IN THE BACKWOODS with a Tallapoosa address. :lol:s For those of us who didn't grow up on or near the Coast we tend to settle for seafood that might not be what others are accustomed to.
  22. Our family and friends LOVED IT!!! Everyone has been bragging how good the food was and what a pleasant experience it was. Unfortunately I missed it being at home with bronchitis AGAIN!! Thank you Rodney and Tammy for the Brunswick Stew - it was AMAZING and hit the spot!!
  23. Yes the appetite was slow returning but eventually did. It is not a fun thing to go through. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.
  24. WOW. Bless your heart! Did the doctor say those symptoms were due to the diverticulitis? That does sound like the flu. My only symptom (as bad as it was luckily) was the excruciating pain in my abdomen. I could not stand up straight.
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