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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. OMGosh!!! TOO CUTE!!!!! I love the bottom left one where she is laughing - that smile is contagious.
  2. Fox News interviewed a neighbor who talked to the brothers who had a camera. He indicated they knew it was going to take off. They are also speculating he is scared and hiding. They are conducting ground searches. IF this was some type of publicity stunt, they will be facing legal charges. Who????
  3. So.......WHERE is he???? I am watching CNN but I didn't hear that either. Could have been said when I was watching another network. FOX News is now reporting several witnesses observed him falling out. But, that area has been searched and he has not been found. They are also saying IF he fell out the TV cameras should have picked up on him falling out. Unless he fell out before the media started covering.
  4. ME TOO!!! I don't know why the Sheriff is saying he was never in the balloon. If that is what they thought, why have they had the world following it? If they think he fell out, where do they think he fell out? He is not in the house or in the families yard.
  5. CNN has been covering it for quite some time now, along with ALL the news cable networks: HLN, MSNBC, FOXNews. Definitely gotten the attention of the US.
  6. There were reports the brother said he fell out soon after it took off. BUT? If he did, you would think the family would know and the Sheriff wouldn't be at their home waiting to hear about the balloon. You would think they would have found him IF he fell out when it took off. How ironic? His name is Falcon. Lord, please protect this child.
  7. I DID TOO!!!!! Been watching it for about 30 mins now. BALLOON IS DOWN!!!
  8. We have been watching it on all the cable news channels are covering it and they just broke in on CBS. He is floating rather quickly at 7000 ft in the air! An Air National Guard helicopter has been called in. It looks like a flying saucer. WHEW - can you imagine the talking he is going to get???? The family was building it but I am unsure how it took off. I apologize if this has already been posted. I looked but didn't see it.
  9. SPORTS SOURCE DGD's would absolutely LOVE this playhouse. I NEED a ticket!!!!!
  10. SO SAD!!!!! Seems like our kids are having to learn life's lessons way too young. Sounds like the school was prepared to handle the announcement appropriately and I am glad the principle was able to let them all know it was okay, and they should, grieve. Prayers said for her family, loved ones and friends. This will be a difficult day for so many.
  11. YIKES!! I plan to go to Six Flags Fright Fest on Sunday to see DS in "Love at First Fright." I was a bit surprised when I stepped outside to let the dogs out this AM, but I LOVE IT!!! Fall is my favorite time of year. It would be nice if the rain and overcast clouds would go away, tho - makes it difficult for me to see.
  12. DONE! And, God does know the need and is there for her. (and you)
  13. On the contrary, my immune system is basically non-existent due to being on anti-rejection drugs for a renal transplant. I have gotten a flu shot for the past 9 yrs (I didn't prior to then b/c as a child they always gave my mother the flu) after being told IF I got the flu I would die. That was 'nuff said. This is a topic that can be debated and discussed until we are all blue in the face and there would continue to be differences of opinions. I agree with what someone said earlier, it is a personal decision that each have to make for themselves. I anticipate getting the regular flu shot
  14. DH cooked chicken fingers - he seasoned them and put them in the frig for an hour before battering and frying Baked homemade potato wedges topped with grated cheddar cheese Garlic bread ((( Innocent plug: mark your calendar to go back to Jalapeno Joe's on Saturday evening, Nov. 14th. )))
  15. I'm with you!!! DH and I have a joke that he freezes to death when it gets below 60 and I burn up when it gets above 60. The only thing we are not compatible with.
  16. I have very little bit - I have some Ladies shirts and I also have the same Door Mat shown above in UGA - I have it in Tech. GT does very little licensing of products and I only carry merchandise that is Licensed. Since there is so little out there, what I do get in sells really quickly. What are you looking for or need??? I can be on the lookout for you. THANKS for asking!!
  17. Their subs are great as is their chicken. I like the different seasonings they put on their wings and if you catch their fried chicken fresh - there is NONE better in the County!!!!! Enjoy the field trip and your sub.
  18. I have received an email stating the Tennessee and FSU throws will be available on Monday. So, I am expecting them to be shipped out on Monday or Tuesday of next week. YAY!!!!! If anyone has pre-ordered one of the Alabama, Florida or Georgia throws and not picked up, PLEASE contact me to arrange pickup. Most have been picked up but I still have a few here. I would GREATLY APPRECIATE it if those remaining could be picked up this week. THANKS!!!!
  19. THANK YOU!!!!!! That means so much. We are active in fundraising for CF, too. Bless you! YES, we do know who is in Control ALL the time. Thank you for your prayers.
  20. Been there, done that. There is no easy fix, but, please do whatever necessary for your health!!!! When my son was 2 yrs old (and he will be 19 in two weeks), DH had what was initially thought a stroke and was in ICU with an excruciating headache, partial paralysis, etc. He would beg me to hold his head on so it wouldn't blow off, the pain was so bad. We owned our own paint and decorating business and he, like you, was working 70-80 hrs/week plus all the stress of running the business and keeping it afloat. The doctor told him if he wanted to live to see our baby grow up, he HAD to make s
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