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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I have never heard of someone tapping into an account without the card number. Interesting. I often joke that if someone stole my debit card or number they would be in for a HUGE disappointment.
  2. Recently you posted a thread about selling pans of lasagna. Is this still a possibility?
  3. Bless your heart. I can feel the pain in your post. 19 years ago I had a mini-dachshund that was 12 and had been in the animal hospital with diabetes for 5 days. I would go by and visit him after work. Every time the vet would get his sugar levels under control his triglycerides would go out of whack and vice versa. They vet had told me IF he was not better by Monday morning we would have to consider putting him down. Sunday morning I had gone to the grocery store and when I returned DH told me the vet had called and Alvin had passed away in his sleep. I was 5 months pregnant with DS and
  4. THANK YOU to everyone who wants one of these Halloween bags. I only have one Ghost and one Witch remaining.
  5. I still have the appointment scheduled for Monday but have also made an appointment with another dentist on our dental plan that was recommended by a p.commer. I am just going for a second opinion and hoping maybe I won't have to go the route of the oral surgeon.
  6. This was not the case with the company we bought from. They were a "real" meat business, something similar to the Swan company. It was not just a man selling meat out of his truck.
  7. Wellllllllllllllllllllll..............good thing you are not around my DH..............he ALWAYS says Wal-Marks, K-Marks, etc. (Yes, not only does he put a S at the end but he says the T as tho it was a K. ) We just blame it on his Talladega Slang, tho. Fortunately, I don't sweat the small stuff - got too much important stuff to sweat.
  8. Years ago we would be from a guy that came around our subdivision. For the most part, they were pretty good. But, we like our steaks medium rare and their steaks were pretty thin and hard to cook to our liking. We bought several times but I remember at one point having a problem and then had trouble getting our money back and quit using them. I can't remember exactly what the problem was only that it was a pain to get "satisfaction guaranteed".
  9. Nemie I am SO sorry this happened to you but am glad you and the companies caught it in time. Sounds similar to problems ppl were having after eating at a local restaurant several months ago. It is scary to think what "could" have happened.
  10. It actually is for both of us. He is doing okay, Thanks for asking. I have a molar that has broken off and is rubbing my tongue - very painful to talk or eat - and it is very difficult for me not to do either. I have an appointment with Dr. Vandewater on Monday b/c it was going to be another week before I could see Dr. Davilla. Since some have recommended Dr. Vandewater, too, I went ahead and scheduled the consultation. I really appreciate everyone's input.
  11. That type of thing drives me absolutely NUTS!!!! But, I also absolutely love it when I wake up to a bouquet of flowers DS has bought me for no reason other than he loves me.
  12. URGGGGG......I am sure none of these fees were ever mentioned when he offered to come explain everything to you. You were right in showing him the door - with his books in hand!!!
  13. I think that was probably a take of of his ads. But, just so you know GMH only takes cases that involve personal injury claims. You have been given some excellent advice on here and I would add - do NOT take their first, even second offer and stand your ground to get what you are owed.
  14. Got it and responded. THANKS!!! I understand completely and will hold two for you. THANKS!!!
  15. Attempted to watch the first episode of Flash Forward, but I lost it - was too deep for my feeble mind to keep up with.
  16. THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH!!!! I am going to call NW Oral Surgery in the AM and :::fingerscrossed::: I can get in to see Dr. Chris Vandewater or Dr.Davila will be able to see me SOON!!! I really appreciate all the recommendations - makes me feel a lot better about it.
  17. OMGosh - these are SO CUTE!!!! DH just got home from work and got in all the boxes. How exciting - just like Christmas morning with all the new merchandise.
  18. As far as I know I should be here and that will be fine. Just let me know what time when it gets closer. THANKS!!
  19. Awwwww......HOW EXCITING!!! When is her due date??
  20. For those of you who pre-ordered the Collegiate Throws / Blankets they were just delivered by UPS!!! I am so excited - I only opened one box to see what they looked like and the colors are rich and vibrant. I am really pleased! DH and I will pull everything out tonight and check the invoice to make sure everything came in. But, I wanted to let ya know they are here and can be picked up beginning tomorrow. I REALLY appreciate everyone's orders! THANK YOU
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