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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. you are so kind hopefully someone will get the items.
  2. I have not heard anything about this is there an update on this?
  3. I think it depends on the hours you need a sitter.. day or night? how many hours? if the child has any medical needs that the sitter needs to be aware of? how far the sitter will have to drive/dropped off at your home? 10.00 an hour is about the going rate.
  4. I am not one to be approached in a parking lot, I am usually in a hurry but I am polite.
  5. Thanks for link... that looks fun
  6. They have always been very helpful to me.
  7. Surepip my aunt and I were talking the other day it was getting about time to make some homemade stew... I am glad you are trying to get back to your routines.
  8. Mrs. G I do not know of any of families right now... but I will try to get some donations up. and I will send you a message when and If I get a chance to do it. it has been pretty crazy here also the last few months. I hope you feel better soon.
  9. such a sad accident that could have been avoided
  10. I agree let him help you in the kitchen instead of buying the easy bake oven. he will get more experience and it will be time spent together for you and him.
  11. WOW..... and I am going to leave it at that. and just shake my head....
  12. I did not read all of the post, it seem to get off topic If my child had been disrupting class, and was ask to leave by the teacher and did not, and it got to the point to were a school resource officer had to be called in, and my child still would not do as the officer ask... then my child would not have to worry about what anyone else done. once I got there. This whole issue makes me wonder if the teenager tells the parents what to do at home. and she runs the house hold instead of the parents. working in the school system years ago, I seen kids who were so disrespectful, t
  13. I have worked as a private care taker with many hospice patients. I have not found one that I would not recommend. personally family experience we have used wellstar, Tanner, carrolton, kennesaw,cobb, if you ever have to use hospice you can ask for a specific hospice group that you prefer, Hospice use to be 6 months or less to live. now patients can go on hospice and stay for a year, or 2 years. The meds do not start until the patient is close to their time to leave. and some patients never have to take meds. each patient is different. But ALL Hospice care is to make sure your
  14. Howdy Pcom... just stopping in.. I have not been on in a while, we have had 2 deaths in the family, in 2 weeks,then I spent a week at the hospital with a family member, and I have been planning my son and fdil wedding which is in 10 days... so everyone have a good one. I am going to watch these crazy workers at my driveway and see what they can blow up today or tear up.
  15. That was more then just a gas leak. it was a dang freight train. it was the main trunk line that serves hiram,acworth,villarica, dallas it started at 4 and they could not get it shut off until 10:30 last night. some people had to leave their homes and stay in a hotel. it was a night mare. and now they are back at my driveway again this morning making a mess, I hope they do not blow anything up today.
  16. Happy Birthday my friend, I hope your day is filled with lots of love and a great time (hugs)
  17. was the house listed in the will or was it seperate?
  18. https://video-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtf1/v/t42.1790-2/1362103_10205008325112615_866808359_n.mp4?efg=eyJxZSI6InZpZGVvX3ByZWZlcnJlZF90YWdzXzIwMTUwMTIxLDIwMTUwMTAxIiwicmxyIjo1NDcsInJsYSI6Mjk5MH0%3D&rl=547&vabr=304&oh=d184141b81a49f5d78f23eac06a60893&oe=55D65677
  19. sporting goods store off of Florence Rd in Powder Springs, they have all of the high school clothes.
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