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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. I sure wish they would put something else there..
  2. so far no problems on my end.
  3. congrats on your daughter.... dang you had her already half grown lol
  4. She is BEAUTIFUL so worth the wait and i could have told you those dang epeidurals did not work lol I am so happy for you....
  5. Happy Birthday Jordan.... wow 16 already....
  6. Thanks we are in new hope and we were wondering what was on fire... it is raining now so maybe it will clear the air some.
  7. CO that sounds good.... we are having BLT's...
  8. Great place.... glad you are having a good time... and I agree the food i wonderful
  9. congrats on expanding your business
  10. must be all that shoe shopping LPPT likes to do lol
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