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Everything posted by Nitro

  1. Did you try calling it? Since you reposted that though, I did notice a typo on what I said... that should be 800-1200GPM and not GPH.
  2. Let's also thank the county GIS department, who did locates on the hydrants (many of which were previously undocumented), gathered GPS information on them, and mapped them for the fire department. It is a great effort on all parties involved.
  3. Engines are pumpers, at least modern ones are... I doubt there is a modern fire engine being made today or in the last 20 years that isn't a pumper. Most of them carry a minimum of 500 gallons and have 800-1200 GPH pumps in them.
  4. Exactly right. Those pumps in the trucks are capable of pumping out 1250 gallons per minute. On a big fire, running multiple hoses, that 750 gallons of water won't last but a minute or so.
  5. Well, let's address both issues. Tax payer money wasted. Wonder how "those" people would feel if their house caught fire and the fire truck broke down on the way to fight the fire? Wonder how "wasted" the new engines would be to them then? Why them and not us? Well, that's easy to address. "Us" is getting serviced, whether it's realized or not. When the new engines were delivered to Station 2 in Hiram and Station 5 on Ridge Rd, their good used fire trucks, that still are in the 'service life' that the county uses, will be moved to another station that has yet older equip
  6. First thing, let's teach the PARENTS how to drive and let's get law enforcement more proactive stopping the aggressiveness on the road AND get our courts to stop slapping the hands of habitual violators. Driving tests in Georgia are a joke. They do not make you demonstrate any notable skill in handling an automobile. No offense to you as an examiner, I know you have to follow the laws. But the test is simply silly. I also think we need to have driving tests more than once a lifetime. They should be every 5-10 years. I have to have my gun permit and my drivers license renewed o
  7. Maybe you should figure out what you're talking about before trying to debate someone. There are no civil rights violations and civil rights and Constitutional rights are not the same. Civil rights violations are when one person does wrong to another and it's based on gender, religion, race, national origin, age, or sexual orientation. With that said, the First Amendment has been so slaughtered by the courts, ESPECIALLY the Supreme Court, it's pathetic. It doesn't hold the true meaning of what our founding fathers meant it to mean. Asking a person to leave a court room or a squ
  8. Yeah... and "Lucy" and... and... and... They find a new "missing link" about every 15 years and it's always, "we found what we believe COULD be the missing link!" I'd be interested to see what the time line for their grants that they work from compare to the time that they "find" something that could be the missing link. "Oh our grant money is about to run out... we need to find *something* so we can get it renewed!"
  9. Mineral spirits are not VERY flammable... but they are flammable. In the drum, closed, they pose no threat. Mineral spirits, in liquid form, do not burn. The fumes it releases are what burns. There is nothing illegal about him having them and no he doesn't need a license to do it. I have that much sitting in my shop at home. If properly contained and used, there is no danger. There are plenty of parts tanks that use 55 gallon drums as their storage. Unlike the ones shown above, which are parts soaker tanks, parts "washing" tanks have drain systems where the cleaning agent (in
  10. So, she was arrested. Has she been convicted yet? Last time I checked, this country was about "innocent until PROVEN guilty." Not the other way around. Fact is both republicans and democrats suck. There are some good and bad on each side, but most of them are in it for nothing but personal gain. When are people going to wake up and start looking at the libertarian party, who's goal is LESS government in our lives. Only the basic essentials that our founding fathers wanted government to have. As long as Republicans and Democrats keep getting elected nothing is going to c
  11. I'm not big in to my drug terminology... But I have heard some of the deputies talking about "cookies." What you are talking about where it hardens in to a sheet the size of the pot, before they break it up... is that what is being referred to as a "cookie?" I saw one of the deputies get in a chase with a guy and he bailed during the chase. As he bailed, he throw out what they referred to as a "cookie," but I never really understood what that meant.
  12. Go to Google and type in "crack" then click on "images" at the top. Do the same for "crystal meth" and you'll get plenty of pictures of what they look like. Please, DO NOT flush it as the previous poster stated. That crap goes in to the sewer system and even though processed and returned to drinking water, can still contaminate the water. Tests have shown that all kinds of drugs and such are particulate in our drinking water... we don't need more. As far as what to do with it. Simple. Call the Sheriff's Office and ask to meet with investigator. Tell them how you came
  13. I'm pretty sure that is not what he meant. I think he meant if they are dumb enough to bring it back, the "castle doctrine" will be in effect and that calling the coroner would be more appropriate.
  14. How does the reader know the difference? Really? Do you have to ask? If you can't read the written word of someone and distinguish an honest mistake from complete illiteracy, then you must not be that literate. It's quite easy to read through a sentence and/or paragraph and be able to tell if there is simply a typing error here and there vs. blatant errors and constant misspellings. Proof reading can only do so much. You can proof read your own material time and time again and not catch your own mistakes. When you read something you wrote, you naturally read what you inten
  15. Try calling the Sheriff's office and talk to someone in school resource department. They would probably know of one, if there is one locally.
  16. Yeah, good humor and light-hearted poking, cool... It's the asinine attitude that the previous poster took that set me off. I wasn't ragging on minor mishaps. It was the idea that so many people can't do the basics. Yeah, I type incorrectly some of the time. We all do. However, some of us can at least get the point across and get it right most of the time. When you type "becuase," it's not because you don't know how to spell or don't understand proper structure. You type that way because your fingers are typing your thought and your eyes aren't keeping up. I think we all
  17. Read my post to bmoregrl. I know why it's called a practice. I didn't say doctors were perfect, nor did I state they should be... However, I believe MOST doctors have the ability to write a sentence that is half way accurate. Again, I wasn't talking about honest mistakes. If you can't read a post and recognize an honest mistake from flat out improper grammar and punctuation, them I really feel sorry for you.
  18. Yep, I must have been in a coma when I was typing about comma's. Sometimes my fingers fly faster than my eyeballs.
  19. #1. I wasn't calling anyone out. #2. I believe that I said that I'm not a grammar Nazi. I DON'T call people out (maybe you should comprehend English). I don't call people out, but that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy me. Can you comprehend that concept? #3. I NEVER said that I am perfect in my sentences with either grammar or punctuation, but I do take care and TRY to post something half way readable and something that relatively resembles English. #4. And before YOU start belittling my post about the sentence structure, maybe you should analyze your own,
  20. I don't consider myself a spelling or grammar Nazi, but it absolutely amazes me how many people can't use basic punctuation and can't spell basic words. I can't count how many times I've tried to read something on here, where there's not even a double space between thoughts, much less a period. People just write and start a new thought in the same sentence. Then you have people who wonder what the "whether" is like and "weather" or not they should do something. You have "there" word against yours, but "they're" house is on fire. Oh, and "their" is a store across the street. Ar
  21. Yeah, that is the main difference. But level 1's are also required to maintain a minimum volume of patient flow and they are also required to have a training facility, as well.
  22. I guess there would be some interesting bouncing and finger pointing if that were to happen. I would think that would not be a "legal command" that a deputy could give. Not like telling you to "stop" or "sit down and don't move" while conducting an investigation. However, I don't know what Georgia's laws are about "on scene" deputizing someone. I would think if CC had refused to make any confrontation based on the deputy's command and the deputy forced him, in so many words, to comply and stand guard, there would definitely be some legal issues. However, if the deputy said, "can
  23. Legal liability? I wouldn't think so. He has every right to defend his property, and with Georgia's current law, has the right to do so with lethal force. HOPEFULLY, the investigating deputy would have radioed to let the backup deputy know that the home owner was standing outside armed. If not, you're right there... it could have been ugly. I think the situation on the "what if the person came running out" has to be analyzed on a per person basis. The person (home owner) has to KNOW, not guess and not think they could handle the situation. This is where proper firearms instruct
  24. Nitro


    Don't worry about it... if a .380 is what you are comfortable with, then that's what you should carry. It's absolutely silly to say say "don't shoot them with that, it will just piss them off." While I do carry a .45 myself, it doesn't matter what caliber you are using... it matters where you put the bullet. A well placed .22 will kill someone just as fast and just as dead as a .44 mag. I've been an NRA instructor for 16 years and have yet to see ANYONE or hear of anyone who just got pissed off because they were shot with X caliber. Getting shot is painful and it's very rare that
  25. You also need to check your garage door settings. They have up force adjustments on them just like they have down force adjustments. If it damages the door with the lock set, the up force setting is too high and needs adjusting. Just like going down, if the door meets excess resistance it should stop and return to it's resting position before it moved. With that said, most garage door locks are the T-handle types and on the inside there is just a little spring loaded tab/pin that pops up when an indent in the inside part of the handle turns around. That locks the doors. When y
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