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Everything posted by TJB

  1. Your constitutional rights, do not entitle you to take rights away from others; especially if denying service places an undue burden on the customer. Just like it was wrong to deny service to the police, this is equally as wrong.
  2. I assume that "private business" uses public roads and utilities, partially paid for by local residents as well as fire and police departments, also supported by local tax dollars; some which are paid by gay people. Therfore, that private business isn't quite as private as it seems and needs to serve all people. What's next, a hospital refusing to take care of gays and minorities?
  3. It was sexist, but not malicious. People are conditioned to think a certain way and it's hard to undo. I don't think he should be crucified for it.
  4. I always liked this songhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdRViFCvvUo
  5. RIP Tom Petty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwqhdRs4jyA
  6. I thought kneelers referred to Trump's Russian hookers.
  7. It's sad when people who bring us joy pass, but it was natural causes; not at the hands of an evil monster. Petty has joined Nelson and Lefty Wilbury in the great wide open.
  8. You might like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvT_gqs5ETk
  9. Dale Hansen is spot on. http://www.wfaa.com/sports/nfl/dale-hansen-unplugged-national-anthem-protests-flag-nfl/478596561
  10. TJB

    Fake news

    Didn't Brietbart alter Shirley Sherrod's appearance to make her appear to say something racist, when she did not? That's not news, it's propoganda.
  11. If they're white and rich it's patriotism.
  12. I'm sorry to hear this. It sounds like a lot of expensive tree removal. I hope you get your power back on soon.
  13. I don't think Paulding would take a chance after the snowstorm fiasco a few years ago...
  14. I heard of him, but never listened to his music. I looked up a few things on Youtube and you're right. it was a smooth voice, almost effortless.
  15. TJB


    My father lives near Tampa. I hope he listens to the warnings, but he probably won't.
  16. What were these peaceful protestors protesting about. Are they confederate statue supporters or white supremacists? If so, they are scumbags as well.
  17. You mean like thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UQsdWm75UA
  18. Zorro, are you trying to establish a moral equivelancy between white supremacists and Antifa? One group has the goal of eliminating blacks, jews, and other groups based on their skin color or religion and have used violence to meet those goals. The other will use violence against a group that has a history of using violence. They are not the same thing and for you to suggest so is not only dishonest, but suggests you're trying to justify your bigotry. The likes of you are far more dangerous than ANTIFA.
  19. My wife is bedridden and wants to cash in stock or transfer it to a bank and is physically unable to make it to an actual bank. My wife was told we would need a medallion notary and one who would come to our home. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  20. After all they've been through, the dogs are still have sweet, loving dispositions. This is beyond cruel.
  21. When my dogs were alive, I enjoyed taking them there..
  22. It's not and I used to really like the reataurant as well.
  23. The comments in the AJC made about this man are absolutely horrible.
  24. My thoughts are with RM and her family and hopes she makes a speedy recovery.
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