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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I have a friend who used to work with him and said he was a terrific teacher. Douglas County can be a challenging place to teach and in some schools. quite horrible. I hope the poor guy can survive this.
  2. http://www.politicususa.com/2017/08/12/trump-walks-reporters-asked-denounce-white-supremacists.html
  3. Those people were protesting the death of someone at the hands of the police under questionable circumstances. While property was damaged, nobody lost their lives as a result of the protests.
  4. These scumbags are domestic terrorists and should be dealt with as such.
  5. Where are all the people who say, it's their business and have the right to refuse service to anyone they want now? Seems to be a different story now...
  6. Robin Williams had Lewy Body Dementia. My heart goes out to you.
  7. He was one of the first country stars to cross over to pop, but was a gifted studio musician as well. Watch some of his stuff on YouTube, it's fantastic and I don't really like country music.
  8. He and his family are no longer suffering. What a horrible disease.
  9. Here's Glen with another studio legend who has passed on as wellhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GF6fuPT4eY
  10. Was animal control available to assist the officer in safely capturing the dogs? It seems he had some options, other than deadly force.
  11. Absolutely fu**ing horrible. The poor dogs were standing over their dead friend.
  12. When capitalism trumps civil liberties and threatens basic freedoms, it needs to be reined in. What's next, a for profit police force, fire department or military?
  13. No, but there needs to be limits put on capitalism, or it becomes fascism. Unchecked capitalism takes away choice and big business becomes the government and I think that it poses a great risk to our republic.
  14. In our republic, there are limits placed on all things when a free market goes unchecked, those with the most money make all the rules; often at the expense of the freedom of those with less money. Anti-trust laws were written to limit monopolies, because they took away competition; a basic tenet of a free-market. Adam Smith called competition the invisible hand of capitalism and if capitalism is left unchecked, it devolves into fascism. Free-markets left unchecked take away our freedom, not enhance them....
  15. Hell no! There is much we disagree on, but this is insane.
  16. The lack of transparency looks bad and every death that happens under dubious circumstances erodes public trust of the police, especially for people of color. I also believe the police are being put into untenable positions when they become revenue collectors for local municipalities. A 50 dollar traffic ticket for someone poor means a utility bill that is unpaid or less food for their family. Sorry for veering off-topic, but this is a complex issue.
  17. It makes me wonder if the woman caught the police doing something illegal. She makes a call, reports a crime, and winds up dead. Interesting.
  18. I wonder if the police union will support this officer?
  19. It will be sad if something is done about police brutality, now that a white woman has been killed under mysterious circumstances; while repeated killings of unarmed black people at the hands of the police have gone unpunished.
  20. I'll be married 19 years in January.
  21. I thought that stealing went against one of the 10 Commandments? I guess they didn't read that one.
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