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Everything posted by TJB

  1. The fact that Mueller has been able to secure as many indictments as he has in such a short time, gives credence that there is something worth investigating.
  2. Had McDonald's paid the medical costs, as she asked for, this wouldn't have happened. They made a calculated decision to be scumbags and it backfired.
  3. Crossroads Barber Shop in Acworth
  4. I thought they dated? It was an awfully long time ago.
  5. I've recently quit sniffing glue, but I think it's the wrong week to stop.
  6. If Farenthold insulted my wife and disrespected me like that, it would be worth losing my job to beat the sh*t out of that fat f**k. Speaking of f**king, would any woman voluntarily screw that miserable troll? Just wondering?
  7. If Moore had won, would Alabama have to change their state song to Thank Heaven for Little Girls?
  8. I live off of Ivey Gulledge, and our power finally came on at 3 this morning.
  9. I livemailed in New Hope, off I've Gulledge,still no power
  10. New Hope, about 2 miles from crossroads. Our electricity is back on for now.
  11. I appreciate that. Heat isn't the issue, the hospital bed is. I just lit a fire in the fireplace. That will help for a while. I have plenty of wood.
  12. It's a non emergency, but her medical issues are many. I would love to get a generator, but money is really tight, insurance doesn't cover home health care and we pay out of pocket. Thanks for your help. I know there's not much to do but wait.
  13. My wife is in a hospital bed and can't walk. We have no power and if this becomes an extended outage, it will become a problem. Any suggestions? I live in the New Hope area.
  14. I knew we were in trouble when my rose bushes collapsed under the weight of the snow. I've lost power and my wife is in a hospital bed. She cannot walk. I'm worried about her safety? Any suggestions?
  15. TJB

    RIP Gomer

    87,and a transplanted liver, that's a good run.
  16. NBC could hire Willard Scott, but I heard he tried to feel up one of the Smuckers ladies.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
  18. These are some great cartoons that comment on Manson's passing. http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/11/21/cartoons-charles-manson/
  19. I just read this interview and it was during a happier time in his life. https://www.yahoo.com/music/lost-david-cassidy-interview-call-bad-call-lousy-dont-call-former-teen-idol-031625197.html
  20. He had dementia, so maybe he's fortunate. He had a troubled life and he's not suffering anymore.
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