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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I always tip for takeout orders that involve time and preparation for the servers.
  2. The best part of the person who wrote that was scraped off the carpet.
  3. Every school has an attendance clerk. That would be the best person to give the note to and they should be located close to or in the main office.
  4. Did this lady beat her kids if they used wire hangers?
  5. I agree. At worst, give the kid a couple of days of OSS or ISS, and I'm a teacher.
  6. Many thought Spitzer had a bright future, it's a shame he had a thing for hookers, but so did David Vitter and he was able to stay in office. Go figure.
  7. Weiner's campaign turned out to be flaccid.
  8. Our involvement in a civil war will only increase the hatred many already have for us in that part of the world.
  9. I'm so excited they're coming out with a sequel for Dumb and Dumber. It's hard to believe that Jeff Daniels who is great in The Newsroom, is the same actor in Dumb and Dumber. I'm ashamed to admit I liked that movie.
  10. I wonder if we give the terrorists more power by constantly reliving this tragedy. Wouldn't the best f**k you be to move on with our lives, repeal the Patriot Act, and stop living scared by accepting all religions. By celebrating our diversity and the fact we don't live in a theocracy, would be the best message to send to the terrorists.
  11. Here is the 911 call from Zimmerman's estranged wife. If this is true, Zimmerman is far more of a thug than Martin was. My link
  12. How can I put this delicately? Zimmerman is a cowardly little b*tch with anger issues.
  13. Zimmerman's estranged wife won't press charges. This is bad all the way around. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20130909/us-neighborhood-watch/?utm_hp_ref=homepage&ir=homepage
  14. A quarter pounder with cheese is guaranteed to clean out even the most clogged intestines.
  15. We looked the other way because Hussein kept Iraq in check.
  16. We should have had the same outrage the last time this happened.
  17. How Intelligence Was Twisted to Support an Attack on Syria http://truth-out.org/news/item/18559-how-intelligence-was-twisted-to-support-an-attack-on-syria?fb_action_ids=648730258484899&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%257B%2522648730258484899%2522%253A303758936429446%257D&action_type_map=%257B%2522648730258484899%2522%253A%2522og.likes%2522%257D&action_ref_map=%255B%255D
  18. I'll try to re-post the link. I don't know what's going on. It's in the Washington Post if you want to check it out.
  19. Check this out. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/george-zimmermans-wife-shellie-seeks-divorce/2013/09/06/b731a65c-16fa-11e3-a2ec-b47e45e6f8ef_story.html
  20. I wonder if this guy still has a job. http://www.sportspickle.com/2013/09/video-local-sports-tv-guy-calls-deutsche-bank-championship-douche-bag-championship
  21. Damn. My hopes of him being sodomized on a daily basis have been dashed.
  22. Hasn't happened yet for me. I preferred the jolly little vegetables.
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