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Everything posted by TJB

  1. This is about insurance companies squeezing every last bit of profit they can by providing the lousiest coverage they can. They don't give a rat's ass about god or religion, this is about keeping women barefoot and pregnant. I bet they cover boner pills, but that's o.k.; I'm pretty sure The last thing the American Taliban (the religious right) want is for people to enjoy sex and make family planning decisions, because they can keep women knocked up and work at their lousy minimum wage jobs.
  2. Screw your religious freedom. If you don't want an ab***ion, don't get one, if you don't believe in contraception, don't use it. If all insurers are required to cover birth control, it does not interfere with religious freedom one bit. If religions want to play politics, take away their tax exempt status. When your religious freedom imposes on others and their medical decisions, it's gone too far. If you want a theocracy, move to Iraq or Afghanistan. At some point we all pay for some medical procedures or medications we do not use; it's the price we pay for living in a civilized society. I'd r
  3. This thread could go wrong fast.
  4. Perhaps the woman likes spicy sausage with her pasta?
  5. The fascist country you promote is so much better? There many countries who have socialized medicine and have democratic or republican style governments and their healthcare is cheaper and has better outcomes than ours. Capitalism left to its own devices without any government control is a threat to democracy. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican realized this, and saw the need to put limits on what corporations could and couldn't do and signed legislation to protect consumers. Business has the right to exist and make a profit, but their rights are not absolute, no rights in a civilized society are.
  6. Perhaps we can tell people who need heart medications, to go screw themselves along diabetics who need insulin or let women who suffer from endometriosis bleed to death. Why don't we become a nation of disconnected scumbags; only looking out for ourselves? While we're at it, let's have a for-profit police force and military. If the insurance companies want to do business in the U.S., they need to cover healthcare and medications. If they don't want to do that, then they can get out of the business. Insurance companies have a primary obligation to shareholders and not to provide medical covera
  7. They should get a high draft pick next year.
  8. When you forgive or pretend to forgive, you're doing it for yourself and letting go of painful baggage. Good luck.
  9. John Lennon, hands down; Reagan seemed old, especially when I was 14 and I'm also a huge Beatles fan. It was especially sad because he seemed to be at a happy place in his life and was cut down at a young age. However, I remember watching Reagan''s funeral and watching Nancy draped over the casket and being moved by her grief and losing the love of her life. As I get older, death becomes much more emotional and real.
  10. TJB

    A Living Wage

    In many ways, Obama is republican lite and hs treated the poor and middle class the same as other administrations.
  11. So killing an unarmed teen is o.k. because you don't like the President?
  12. Once again, Zimmerman is showing himself for the coward he is.
  13. If that's what you need to tell yourself. Until there is public financing of campaigns, politicians will bend to the wishes of the people giving them the most money; this holds true, regardless of party. Look at how much time the President and V.P. will spend on the fundraising trail as the 2016 elections get closer. I'm not a huge supporter of Obamacare; I prefer single payer instead. Not being a native Georgian, I only know Michelle Nunn is the daughter of Sam Nunn, a centrist Democrat. I stand by the assertion that the insurance companies don't want the ACA because it cuts into their profit
  14. Can you honestly say he isn't influenced by the people who are giving him boatloads of money? I think he looks dirty on his own.
  15. I'm implying he's bought and paid for by the medical and insurance lobby. Look at his career donations as well. I'm surprised Just For Men hair color hasn't donated..
  16. Look at where Phil gets his money from. http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?type=C&cid=N00024760&newMem=N&cycle=2014
  17. He was f***ed in more ways than one. It's inexcusable for the police to act worse than the criminals.
  18. I'm assuming they didn't give him dinner and a movie either.
  19. These kids are the best humanity has to offer. http://http://elitedaily.com/news/world/we-can-all-learn-a-lot-from-this-elementary-school-football-team-video/
  20. This story is heartbreaking. I'm at a complete loss of words.
  21. I remember reading about Sheryl Crow having one. Check this out. My link
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