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Everything posted by michelay1000

  1. Jake @ West Metro Meats does it. I'm not sure if he would have the time with the deer cooler open. I believe Academy does it too.
  2. Yes they do. Ben Kiker Studios has a FB page and the two below. There are a lot more. http://www.battleofatlantakarate.com/ http://www.tonyyoungkarate.com/
  3. I do. I earn gift cards for Best Buy, Target etc...shopkick
  4. At least she wasn't wearing the blonde June Cleaver wig she has been wearing on air lately
  5. Ironically my 8 & 10 year old boys call that area their tenders
  6. When I went to the website, they are only showing a Marietta & Rome location now. Maybe The Bookworm in Powder Springs has what you are looking for?
  7. Lemstone Parable Christian Stores www.hiram.parable.com 5220 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway Hiram (678) 567-2306 Creation Ministries International creation.com 3150-B Florence Road #2 Powder Springs (770) 439-9130
  8. They were open when we drove by tonight.
  9. My BIL was born 5/20/1970, my MIL was 18. She got married 10/24/1971
  10. Am I the only one completely annoyed with this Zaxby's commercial??? I love their chicken and most of their commercials, but this one... nope. Are there any commercials that work your nerves? Any that you love? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5egT0zIfvX4 The one's I love? Any of the Mayhem commercials. Dean Winters
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