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Everything posted by icare

  1. Yeah, the last time I remember this kind of rain was Hurrican Opal, but we had the wind with it too.
  2. I agree, one of my children is away at college and the other has his own place, but I still called them to make sure they were staying in today. Please God, watch over these kids and their rescuers.
  3. I wish we knew if these kids were okay or not....
  4. I feel sure the school officials will be assessing the situation through the night. They will not put students or anyone else in harms way.
  5. Prayers for these young people and the rescuers.
  6. Where at? I live on the Williams Lake end of Laird and keep hearing sirens on Ridge. This is just an awful night. Prayers for everyone.
  7. I heard earlier that 92 and Hiram Sudie was flooded, could it be that station?
  8. Here it comes again, this is scary.....
  9. Off of Bill Carruth between HIram Sudie and Nebo.
  10. I stated in another thread that our water has been gurgling and our toilets won't go down. They haven't overflowed, but we are having trouble getting them to flush. This is not fun....
  11. Not sure either, our water is gurgling and out toilets won't go down. Not overflowing yet, but it doesn't sound good.
  12. Turnberry off of Bethel Church Rd.
  13. I know the VA doctors and nurses are amazing, but it's the government red tape that slows down everything. I know a gentleman that had a pacemaker along with many other health problems (he was a Vietnam Vet) and he would have to wait months for appts. and spend hours waiting to see someone. The care is excellent when you can get in to see them.
  14. I don't know, but there had been a run on bread when I went to Kroger earlier......
  15. I went to Kroger on Bakers Bridge a little while ago and people were driving like idiots. This is the type of rain where you better respect the road and SLOW DOWN!! There is standing water everywhere!!! I will not go out again and I would recommend people staying home!!!
  16. You guys are keeping me entertained this morning!
  17. My son took Topamax for epilepsy and did well on it. However, he developed twelve kidney stones in one summer and the Dr. said Topamax increases the risk of kidney stones. They switched him to another seizure med that costs about twice as much!! Good luck.
  18. Love Danny's Song!! Annie's Song-John Denver Could I have this dance-Anne Murray (first song my husband and I danced to) Remember When-Alan Jackson Open Arms-Journey The Dance-Garth Brooks Just to name a few.
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