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Everything posted by icare

  1. Why am I not suprised at your response...... It is not the end of the world, but unfortunately many young people look up to this jerk. I don't care for his music or MTV, but MANY young people watch and listen to this stuff. We would hope parents would intervene and talk with their children about this kind of behavior, but not all children have parents that will do this. I hope his sales (concerts and otherwise) plummet, but they won't. Many young people (especially males) will think this was cool and follow him even more. Another pathetic "role model." Kudos to Beyonce!
  2. Speaking of news overkill, I am friends with the folks whose house was hit by the drunk driver Sat. night. Another friend and I went to see the house and try to locate some of the family the morning after the accident and the media was swarming. Talking to neighbors and asked me for an interview, I refused. This family was destroyed the night before and I just couldn't bring myself to appear on camera to talk about them, even if it was in a positive manner. The news lady asked for my phone number to keep up with the family's condition and she has called me several times trying to get an in
  3. This man died and pushed his granddaughter out of the way. All of the family members will be okay physically, just very banged up, broken bones and such, but emotinally it will take them a very long time to heal. He was also a Vietnam Vet. He loved his family and his country. RIP Mike
  4. I got up this morning and read this aritcle and realized I know this family. I am in shock. I am going to see about the family now. Please pray for the Bryant family.
  5. Is Tokyo the one behind Chick-fil-a on Hwy. 5? Is this the newer one across from The Ark? Married 28 years to the same man, I think we are entitled to splurge tonight. I want some good food!
  6. Okay so what is your favorite in or around Paulding? Are there any good ones in D'ville?
  7. Best and most reasonable Japanese Steak House in Hiram. I only know of two, which one is the best?
  8. I agree and I've seen it snow covered as well, even more beautiful....
  9. Anyone know anything about the people involved in this wreck? I pray that everyone is going to be okay.
  10. SPHS 9-0 over Stone Mountain. The game was called during halftime because of the weather. Oh, and the lights went out during halftime, very creepy in the stadium with the lights out and lightning all around.
  11. My daughter just called and said there was a very bad wreck at Hwy. 92 and Ridge Rd. Life flight has just taken off. She said the car was in very bad shape, but did not give a description. Prayers for those involved.
  12. These two have a rough life.....adorable!
  13. Thanks for the info. I have been battling fleas this year too, well my dogs have. Frontline and advantage usually work, but not this year. I will try the comfortis. Thanks!
  14. This has been by far the worst summer for fleas at our house. I have tried numerous products, but to no avail. My dogs are miserable. I have always used the same product from the vet, but nothing is working. Any suggestions of something that has worked for you and your pets would be appreciated.
  15. You're just jealous.... Congrats IH2D!!
  16. Heritage Subdivision is having their annual neighborhood yard sale today and tomorrow, 7/24 and 7/25. This subdivision is located right off of Austin Bridge Road on the end closest to Sweetwater Church Road. There is also an individual yard/moving sale in Sweetwater Downs Subdiv. right off of Sweetwater Church Rd, Come on out and see all the great stuff!!!!
  17. I am looking for a house to rent in the Hiram High School District. I would like to have 2 or 3 bedrooms and a fenced in back yard and would like to stay under $900. Let me know if there is anything out there.
  18. When we went to NYC three or four years ago we saw Tom Cruise on the red carpet for the Wars of the Worlds premiere. Some of the people in our group saw Steven Spielberg. We also got to see the Gay Pride parade, what a sight that was!! We went two years ago and my husband and son went to the Letterman show. My daughter was not old enough. We also saw Oprah and Gayle at the end of their road trip. Loved NYC but not real impressed with the stars we saw. Glad you had fun.
  19. Hey, I just got this one.......... I am Bar.Robert K. Hesse , Esq OF RK. HESSE LAW FIRM & ASSOCIATES,My late clent Mr. Adolf Merckle left a business empire worth over 9 million and since he does not have any relative to inherit his properties i will request for your assitance in helping recover some documents in your Name as the next of kin after which 4 million will be given to you as payoff and service rendered while i shall receive the rest of the money. Where do these idiots come from?
  20. I love the ones that say, DO NOT DELETE THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!! Ugh!!!!
  21. I get so sick of these @#$% emails!! I can't imagine anyone falling for any of these scams, but you never know. I have searched for a way to stop these emails and have not found it yet. If anyone knows of a way, please share!!!
  22. Where exactly is this house? I drove down Pine Valley yesterday and did not see one. Thanks to everyone for their input!
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