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Everything posted by icare

  1. icare


    It is odd. The former principal of PCHS (that everyone seemed to hate) would not allow older, former students to attend prom. It made total sense to me. Yes, he was a strict principal but he had the students best interest at heart.
  2. Hence the screen name....I do care and I have been involved in the education system for a long time. I have called out many politicians and tried to make a difference instead of being an armchair politician and critcizing. Why not get up and do something about it! I don't put any stock in the map or data that you or anyone else posts. Just like our SAT scores are in the tank but does anyone ever bother to look into the way these scores are weighed? Each state calculates and weighs these scores differently. People may berate a school based on AYP but do they bother to look into why the school
  3. icare

    So sad

    Aimee went to the hospital and got staples but now it has come out that she went kayaking after the accident. She could have picked up the bacteria from the water or just about anywhere. Her Dad has also posted that she will likely lose her remaining foot and hands. She also need to recover her lung function. She is breathing on her own at 40% and of course she needs to be at 100%. She needs our prayers.
  4. icare

    So sad

    My daughter is working on Masters in Psych at UWG as well. We have been keeping up with her condition on the Psych webpage. This was posted about three hours ago. Keep praying for this young lady and her family. She was diagnosed with some type of lupus recently and they think it may be a factor. You can view updates on the UWG Psychology Students page on Facebook. "Aimee's health is drastically improving. She has regained 40% of her respiration, moved her arms last night, opened her eyes upon command, and got a little frustrated (in a good way) that she is being restrained. (From a phone
  5. I got hit for $1300 from Turkey about two months ago and thank God my bank caught it and shut down my card immediately. Now, daughter has six $1 charges in Maryland. She banks with United Community Bank. The bank called her and she hopes to resolve things tomorrow. These folks were setting her up big time! Glad some banks are catching these charges but this kind of thing it rampant right now!! So sad!!!
  6. Maybe it's not doom and gloom for you but I lost a hell of a lot in the past few years and so have those close to me. Sell your rose colored glasses to my son and BIL that are out of work. My husband lost two jobs and we lost our home and are trying to rebuild. Don't tell me things are so much better....I really don't like any politicians but pray God will help us out of this mess!
  7. I will agree to disagree....have a great evening.
  8. Because I get the impression that some folks on P.com believe that their spin will convince me to vote for their candidate and no amount of spin will convince me to do that. Believe me, I have persevered and survived my own gloom and doom over the past several years and watched people close to me suffer as well. The gloom and doom is very real, however, I will not depend on the government to bail me out. I love my country more than you will ever know and will not stand idly by and watch it deteriorate any further.
  9. I don't give a rip how many ways you spin unemployment, national debt, heathcare, housing, fuel, etc., etc. I WILL NOT vote for Obama! Okay, I feel better now.......
  10. I don't care for Bill Heath either but let us not forget Bill Carruth as our Paulding County commissioner. He is a crooked, arrogant, pompous, #$%! He is the ringleader of the "Paulding County good ole boys" network. I'm not sure who was worse....Bill Carruth or Jerry Shearin. I will have to think long and hard on this one. I just don't see myself voting for Bill Carruth after some of the conversations I had with him. JMHO
  11. This is where the problem lies in much of the criticism received by the school board. These board members get ALL of the information and evidence much the same as a criminal case. These facts and evidence are viewed and discussed behind closed doors and there is no way for the general public to know all of the facts. The same applies in many situations....i.e. discipline handed down by principals, political decisions, the case of Traeyvon Martin and George Zimmerman. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback but so much goes on behind the scenes that we do not know. Oh, and by the way you c
  12. I totally agree with the right vs. wrong thing. I cannot make a judgement in this case because I don't have all the facts and neither do any of us. My problem is why do people pick and choose the way they react to certain cases? People die every day under unfortunate, unjustified circumstances and there is not an outcry. Why is there in this case? I will never forget how heartbroken I was the morning I heard of the young man's death in Douglas County. HIs own "friends" kicked and beat him so bad that his rib punctured his heart. Where was the outrage then? It just make me sick!
  13. ALL news is a prime example! They sensationalize everything and yes, the gullible fall for it. The other day there was a school bus accident. They blow up the story and then in the end tell us there were no children on board. While any human life is valuable the media thrives on death and controversy. It is truly sickening. I rate the media reporters at the bottom along with lawyers that defend child abusers/murders. In addition, there is NO WAY for ANYONE to make a judgement call in this case without ALL of the facts. Do any of us have those? NO! Therefore, we don't have a clue what happe
  14. Answering a question with a question is not an answer at all....
  15. Are you there for the day to day operations of the school? Assistant principals are qualified to handle their job. Why should the be micro managed. Supposedly that's what Segars did and people didn't like his leadership style either. Darned if you do, darned if you don't.
  16. I don't have a credit card but used the debit card as a credit card.
  17. It is simply more convenient for me to use the debit card, however, I have learned my lesson. My purchase was made on Amazon for a unique item that could not be found locally. How do you suggest I pay for that?
  18. I had just made a purchase from Amazon as well. It was a toy for my Grandson but it came from a separate company. The reason I believe mine was hacked online is because it was used in Turkey. I just don't know but they are investigating. Very strange.
  19. Someone used my debit card to TRY to make a $1300 purchase in Turkey. My bank caught it and fixed it rather quickly, however, it has been a hassle. Since my charge was international I believe they hacked my number from an online purchase. Sorry this happened to you this is becoming more and more commonplace. A definite drawback to our advanced world and technology.
  20. "Like sands through the hourglass.....so are the days of our lives."
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