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Everything posted by icare

  1. I don't care how bad the movie is......if Matthew McConaughey is in it, I will watch it!
  2. My husband was furloughed two weeks ago until further notice. They went back this week and are still standing around for the most part. Don't tell me things are better!
  3. I can't stand the thought of it either that's why I'm trying to help her find a loving home for this pet! Dad DID NOT know he was allergic and how do you test that without going to an allergist. I don't know many people that would go to that extreme. If anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks!
  4. A friend of mine recently got a kitten and now must find it a new home. She has never had a cat before and has discovered that her father is allergic to the kitten. She wants to find he a good, loving home. Her name is Lola and she is approx. ten weeks old. Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks! My link
  5. Much of our problem with Direct TV is probably going to be the same with any company. I made the mistake of doing the Direct TV bundle with ATT and got into a two year contract. That was my first mistake. We were locked in to what we though was a great price but not so much now. Also, not much selection in the way of programming. We truly don't watch alot of TV but when we do we would like to watch something that's not 20 years old. And last but not least their customer service stinks! But I think this is the case with most businesses today. Thanks everyone! I'm definitely doing my homewor
  6. Thanks! I can't believe no one else has input on this topic.........
  7. My contract is up with Direct TV/ATT satellite tv and internet service....Praise God! I am doing my homework on the best deal, best customer service, and best product. I don't think these things exist anywhere, but can you share your experiences? TIA P.S. I HATE DirectTV!!!
  8. Regardless of what any news program says, my husband went job searching yesterday and found many businesses had signs on their doors saying that they were not accepting applications, some said simply.....Don't Ask! He said many industrial parks were desolate. He came home very discouraged. I don't need the news of anyone else to tell me about the state of the economy. We have lost jobs and a home.......
  9. WOW! I don't agree with former member very often but here is my post from another thread.... "This all has to do with raising standards academically. If you don’t require these students to pass these tests, where do we draw the line? Also, if the superintendent stands before the graduating class and their families and certifies the diplomas by saying that the graduates have met all requirements for graduation wouldn’t that be lying? Just a few things to ponder…… " There has to be a line drawn somewhere.
  10. No, those numbers (not the 109) were the percentages of students returning to take the GHSGT they failed and get their diploma. And, Bored......there is a fall graduation ceremony for the students that return and get their diploma. I have attended this very special ceremony and commend those students for perserverance and not giving up.
  11. This all has to do with raising standards academically. If you don’t require these students to pass these tests, where do we draw the line? Also, if the superintendent stands before the graduating class and their families and certifies the diplomas by saying that the graduates have met all requirements for graduation wouldn’t that be lying? Just a few things to ponder……
  12. Thanks for the advice....I am trying several options and praying that I recover this very important information. I am checking on that. Thanks!
  13. I will read the article, however, I am bitter and angry. I will not share all that has happened in our family as a result of this economy, but it is not pretty. It hurts to lose everything you have worked so hard for all of your life. I am blessed with a wonderful family and our health but we are middle aged and will likely have to work until we're in our seventies. My husband is physically weary and never complains but it's hard to see him in the shape he is in, breaks my heart. I pray there is an end in sight. I'm not looking for wealth just a comfortable living for us and our children.
  14. I had my previous thumb drive for four+ years and it started acting up so I bought a new one and transferred everything to it. I have had it five months and recently lost everything. My computers at home and work will not recognize it. I have lost three years of hard work. I admit I should have backed it up but did not. Can anyone give advice? Best Buy want $250-$500 to send it off and retrieve the info. I simply don't have that kind of money laying around right now. Any advice is appreciated.
  15. Growing economy????!!!!!!!!! Tell that to my son that had to move to south Georgia for a teaching job, my daughter that just graduated college and is job seeking, my husband that was laid off and makes far less than before and drives 85 miles round trip to work, my brother-in-law that has been out of work for one year, my brothers that once were very successful business men and now can barely make ends meet.......shall I go on? Take your propaganda elsewhere.....
  16. I heard the opposite on GMA this morning. That said supplies are up and prices will begin dropping by approx. 2 cents a gallon of the next month or two and won't go as low as they were but will indeed drop...... We shall see......
  17. Okay, you have all the answers, however, just because Surepip types it on P.com doesn't mean it's fact. Good day....
  18. Do you KNOW that it has been "stalled" for five years????
  19. Again, these is another side to this story.
  20. Someone very close to me has had a case in court twice in the past year. We were told we would have a decision within weeks and it was months. It isn't just Surepip's case that is drug out, many cases happen this way. I also agree with BB in that there are two sides to every story...
  21. Prayers for JJ... This is a reminder that all medicines, including OTC headache and pain relief, can take a toll on the body. I have another friend that ended up in ICU for taking too much ibuprofen. These meds can effect the stomach, esophagus, kidneys, liver, etc.
  22. Ashley was on yesterday....
  23. God Bless you and your family. Nicholas is a great guy!
  24. Dr. Osmon is and incredible, compassionate doctor. My Mom passed away many years ago. I can run into Dr. Osmon at the hospital and he still remembers me and asks about our family. He is an amazing individual and doctor! Prayers for you!
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