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LauraLeigh Farms

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Everything posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. "Rebecca" is one of my all time favorites!
  2. I just received an email from my SIL and everyone is fine. Thank you for the prayers.
  3. My hometown, Pleasant Grove, was hit hard yesterday. I haven't been able to reach my brother who lives between Tuscaloosa and Bessemer. Prayers for everyone in the affected areas.
  4. Steve does an awesome job for us! Welcome to P.com, Steve!
  5. I loved her voice. I purchased her first album in 75 and have been a fan since. Prayers for her family. We've lost a truly unique artist.
  6. I found the metal sign that we had attached to our mailbox post on the ground with dents from either a BB or pellet gun in it. Since our driveway is over 500 feet long, it's hard to catch the kids that did it. I hope you catch your vandal. I just took my sign down. My husband says I should be thankful that they're not shooting my horses.
  7. Prayers for your friend's daughter. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
  8. It's McKenna Farms that does hippo therapy. I am an equestrian coach for Georgia's Special Olympics. McKenna Farms' web address is www.mckennafarmstherapy.org.
  9. The dates for this year's camps are: June 13 - 17 (only 2 openings remaining) and July 11 - 15 (6 openings remaining). Our new trail obstacle course will be complete and we have loads of new games to play. Camp is open to children between the ages of 6 and 16. Camp hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with early drop off and late pick-up available for working parents. Games on horseback, kick ball, whiffle ball, nature hikes, arts and crafts are just some of the activities. We also have a clubroom filled with videos, books, board games, puzzles, etc... in the event of one of those afternoon,
  10. Yes, they can! My granddaughter was struck by a 22 bullet while standing in my front yard a few years ago. My neighbor's son was shooting at squirrels from their front porch.
  11. Randall did a beautiful job on my logo and business cards. I also get business cards from the UPS Store in New Hope.
  12. I can't believe that this guy isn't under the jail.
  13. I know that PCAC has always done a thorough job when performing my annual stable inspection.
  14. First of all, I do understand the laws. I had to investigate them in Cobb, Cherokee and Paulding along with state laws before building my farm. Before concerning ourselves with laws on how much land a person has before they can have livestock perhaps we should worry about the laws that protect the animals first. I disagree with you so you hurl insults... sad.
  15. There has to be a reason that PCAC hasn't acted in this case.
  16. Just so the folks on Pcom will know, the owner of the rescue that we are referring to did apply for and receive a 501C3 number. The process took months to complete. Some corrections needed to be made on the application but by that time the owner was in the middle of a divorce and decided to close the rescue for financial reasons.
  17. It's a shame that the only equine rescue in Paulding had to close due to a lack of funding.
  18. I know people in Paulding County keeping horses on 2 to 3 acres that do a wonderful job keeping their horses healthy and happy. I also know people who keep horses on acres of pasture that barely provide the basics for life. The restrictions on keeping livestock are determined by the county.
  19. Sorry, I disagree. The amount of land you own has nothing to do with proper care of the animals.
  20. The Georgia Equine Rescue League does not investigate abuse or neglect. It is an animal shelter.
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