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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Have you checked places like the Comfort Inn Central Park? I haven't stayed there, but that should be closer. I am not sure exactly where in Chelsea you are looking or exactly where the place she is going is. Do they have any recommendations on accommodations?
  2. How old is your daughter? Do you want her to ride the subway back and forth to the hotel or something right around there? (She would be close to a station at Steps On Broadway..I was going to abbreviate that and then looked at it..LOL) Are you looking for just a room or something with a kitchenette? When you say cheap how cheap are you talking? How long and when? Ha ha ...just a few questions for you.
  3. I hope you were joking. (I was just a little surprised you would write something like that. I can't imagine her not wanting to eat something bad for her {no matter how good it is, or how much others love it} would mean she does not enjoy life.)
  4. LOL. That is how I think about it. The one time I ate there I got so sick. It then happened when I went to the Varsity. I realized it was not the restaurants, but me. I can not eat greasy/high fat foods. Hard living in the South. LOL
  5. WOW! I respect your opinion yet using the Bible...eh. Are we all not born naked? Were Adam and Eve clothed to begin with? Are there not hundreds of artists revered for there nudes? What about the Sistine Chapel? Lots of nudes there. The naked body is beautiful, not sinful. It is you (collective you, not you personally) that makes it anything but a beautiful piece of work. (lots of church's do have various nude paintings in them) There is a HUGE difference between nudes as an art, and porn. I wish you just would have said you do not like nudes as a form of art. Everyone can choose
  6. Each year we send out between 250 -300 Christmas cards. It is a way of letting all our family and friends know we are thinking of them and wish them all the best. I will e-mail/Facebook a "Merry Christmas" on Christmas day, but to do just that is just to impersonal IMO. The art of a letter/card is slowly disappearing in this high tech age.
  7. Are you still working on sugar free recipes? (I know you posted you have apple & berry pie, but I do not like cooked fruit, so I do not do them) Myself I just replace white sugar with splenda and brown with brown splenda. I just do not have time to bake and would really love to be able to stop and purchase sweets.
  8. I use Splenda and Splenda brown to replace all the sugar in any recipe. If you have one you already like you can just try replacing the "real stuff". I am diabetic so I have to do this with all my good stuff!
  9. Or have taught them. Lots of judgment in this thread, and a whole lot of not knowing the situation or students.
  10. I usually hit the mall. Last year I spent $50.00 at Bath & Body Works for 10 gift sets. Nice ones. I usually hit Old Navy after and get lots of fun socks, scarves, and misc. for extra "if someone drops in" gifts. Those can be as little as $2.00. I do not nor would ever hit Wally World. Nothing there is worth the frustration. I am doing it to have a good time and get a few good deals. I go with my friends, we have brunch, we shop, we laugh at people yelling at each other!
  11. LOL. Mmmm I love lemon too! These people are killing me with this thread, but you notice I keep opening it!!!
  12. I did go to the post that you had suggested. I was just hoping when I saw that Bizness put the had sugar free there were more that had not made the list yet. I would love some GOOD bakery items. I just do not like pies so I am waiting..... LOL
  13. Other then the apple and fruit pie???? (crossing fingers)
  14. That was what I was going to ask. I hate to hear that. Thanks for posting the info. Bumble Bee ~ Lots of diabetics here..can you help us out???
  15. Gotcha!! I didn't see the others. Why would the others go poof if it was a news story today? Odd.
  16. Thanks! I was surprised this morning. No way I could stay up until the end. LOL There were so many beautiful pictures I do not know how she could choose!
  17. WOO HOO!!!! That was really fun while I could hang. LOL
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