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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. That is exactly what I was going to suggest and what I would do in that situation. Obviously Saturday is convenient for the person making the sign, but if they did not speak to everyone (which from the looks of all responding they did not) and come to that agreement...well my sign would be out that Sunday I will be passing out candy, you know..HALLOWEEN!
  2. I know I personally have stated I do not like the frozen food from there and that was just this month. :pardon:I have no clue how to search and post, but if you do I am sure you can find many that are as unhappy as happy with it. I can't even eat their salads because of the dressing. I am not sure if that comes in prepackaged too, but I know the rest does that is why the sodium content on all of it is so high. I agree with the fact that many will run over there and hopefully my wait in line somewhere else will be better.
  3. Ha ha...no. Actually I would if I could, but I can't do phone calls. Exactly. My FB is the same. When people ask I just ask what day is Halloween? There's your answer. I would have no problem if the State, City, County comes out and says we have to on a certain day between a certain time, but unless I hear that announcement it is Sunday.
  4. Call them and report back to us.
  5. Ah, that could be it. I pay bills on the first and don't balance again until the first of the next month. Both of us get paid monthly so I only endure my blood pressure rising on the 1st. (and I assure you it rises! ugh)
  6. I did not realize Wachovia did not take the money out until cashed. I just knew if I sent the payment (either by check in the mail or by clicking pay) it came out of my account. I would always "act" as if the money was gone. None of my automatic electronic payments are showing 5 days. Just the ones with the little sign next to them that show it has to be paper. All the electronic ones say either 2 days or eligible for same day payment. I do agree the set up sucks compared to Wachovia. It is so big and I have to scroll and scroll to see it all. I might actually go back to paying on ea
  7. I didn't even notice that! Thanks. I was busy checking 3 accounts to make sure they were all right. They were and the login worked fine. Seems like a smooth transition. Thank goodness!
  8. Mine are all correct. If it is due Nov. 1st they would have to adjust the take out date if it is not one of "their" payees. (It would take a couple days to get to the payee...5 for a paper check..they do tell you if it has to be paper and if it does I can understand them taking the money out 5 days ahead. Same as I would do on my register if I was mailing it.) Is this what you are saying?
  9. Thanks for that info. I wonder if it is still the same. While the prices are good, it would not help for a "relaxing" treatment if I am in the middle of a group. I would be way to uncomfortable with that. (besides the distraction)
  10. They do. They are older now..a Senior HS and Freshman College, but when they first received laptops in middle school they used it to contact family that lives far away. Over the years as it gained popularity they do use it to contact friends. I have never had a problem with either of them doing anything bad, that I know of! Most of the time they would sit in the room with me on theirs and talk. I had fun with it many times. They get so involved in their conversation they have no idea what is happening behind them! (until their friends burst out laughing)
  11. I am...by default. All the laptops came with webcams. LOL
  12. Prices look great! Is there individual rooms for each customer? I went to the website and saw an open area room, but not individual. It is a fantastic price, but for someone who is easily distracted I would want to be by myself. Otherwise I will not relax. Looking forward to your answer. (with my fingers crossed it is individual rooms )
  13. I don't get a letter, mine do not go there, but I spoke with a few friends of mine that teach there and they had high praises. Glad you agree as a parent!
  14. This was not a drill, but was handled great.
  15. I do not truly trust any politician with my money. I have no clue to what she would or would not have got, nor her finances. I was really just addressing the fact that some have stated if you are innocent you go to trial. Unfortunately it doesn't always work how it should and many feel that it is just best to plead.
  16. Maybe for you personally. I do know of instances where pleas were taken in the best interest of the family and for the sake of not bankrupting themselves. It is not a conviction. Just saying that your blanket statement is not always true and unless she told you that specifically can not be taken as fact.
  17. I have front loader with steam. Never once had an issue. No smells, no problems. (and I never have bought bleach in my life lol)
  18. The one labeled System Idle Process is using the most out of them. The CPU usage goes from 14 - 40% (in the few minutes I watched it)
  19. C is not full. I have a large amount of memory and I checked that when I first noticed a slow down. I do not use a screen saver, but I do have anti virus and anti malware programs. Those are the only things showing on the task bar with the clock. (well that and the little wireless icon, but I would go offline without that! the horror!!) I only have one browser open, but with 4 tabs. No other programs are open (that I have opened) I have scanned the computer a couple of times now for something, but have not found anything. (virus/malware) I don't know if something is hiding out or wha
  20. I will do that tomorrow. If I find ones that should not be there how do I get rid of them? I know that there are ones that did not show up in the msconfig area, so if they are not needed, but not in that location what do I do? Thanks to all for the advice and help! I appreciate it.
  21. This did not work. I still have 51 processes running and most of then are not even showing up in the MSCONFIG area. Good grief. I hate computer issues.
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