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Everything posted by ihaveadog

  1. I would have said "Yes, I'm heartless and hate helping someone who spread her legs and considers perfect strangers to be here second welfare. How much for a blow job though?".
  2. Technically, yes. The topic was posted for all to read, so yes she was.
  3. Kids used to be happy getting some candy, fruit, and other small things. Stores commercialized Xmas and made it about giving more and more gifts over time.
  4. I know a family without kids. The parents did not have any kids nor did they sign up to get any kids. I got them nothing to help them out to get kids. It doesn't sadden me that the parents did not have kids. Please send me any gifts that you don't want, I'm told I act like a kid a lot.
  5. Damn, you pretty much said the same I was going to. There's plenty of kids that don't get Xmas on purpose or because other expenses need to come first.
  6. I get people like that every one in a while. Depending on my mood, I'll either offer to pay for gas (which they never ever take me up on). Never had the hospital one though, if do get one like that I'll ask for the name and say I'm calling the hospital to see if they are there.
  7. Not really someone bad, just misguided. It's like going to restaurant and not being able to pay. So you wash dishes. Instead.
  8. http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/12/soldier-responds-letter-first-grader/ The rest at the link.
  9. They have a free membership. Look below their name, a paid one is denoted by Member Plus under their name. Epic fail on your part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  10. You can also go online to websites like this one and purchase the diamonds from there, then have them mounted locally. There's more websites than as well.
  11. You've been given a few answers already, I suggest you make the time to go there. If calling or going online don't work, you'll need to talk to someone in person.
  12. Hmmm... If I was them, I'd say we got just under $300 in tips.... it's not like the company would find out.
  13. Myself, I know I wouldn't think that the store should be liable or take any action (other than calling 911). A handheld fire extinguisher isn't going to put out a vehicle fire. I've near two vehicles that have been on fire. Both of them were extremely hot even at 20-30 feet away. I doubt any of the employees there are trained firefighters, so from a neutral standpoint none of the employees could have done anything, or should place themselves in danger over a vehicle. There is also the possibility that if injured workman's compensation may not cover any medical costs associated with any injurie
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vpin9VhNck
  15. Sexual harassment also falls under hostile work environments, and as such " Allowing frequent physical contact, even when not sexual" does fall under the confines of a hostile work environment. In the video the teacher pushed the idiot away from her, showing that she did not like the contact. He's stated he hugged her before, and that he wasn't warned. He may think a warning has to come from a school official or a documented warning. However if he was told by the teacher "Don't that again" or "Don't that" or anything similar then her did create a hostile work environment for the teacher and th
  16. Gas tanks on cars rarely explode in a fire. The fuel itself is flammable, but the danger of explosion comes from the fumes. In a tanks the fumes are concentrated and are too saturated to ignite. When the heat of the fire does cause the tank to leak or open, the fuel is still concentrated and will burn. The fuel tank (and more and more are plastic now) will fail before the fuel can build high enough pressure to cause the tank to fail and allow the fuel to escape in suddenly and under pressure.
  17. He liked to stick wool soaked in alcohol into his butt hole and light it on fire. Along with sticking pins and needles into his butt hole and berries. Aside from the actual killing, he was a rather comical fellow.
  18. Global warming refers to overall climate change, as the temperature of the atmosphere increases thus also displacement of air masses. One area may see a temperature increase in which the warmer air mass can displace a colder air mas and push it to an area that does not receive cold temperatures.
  19. It is in the same ballpark, a kid who will end up doing something like Ethan did could have very well started off like Jake. And Ethan could have very well had the same type of defenders as Jake. However not getting in trouble, not having to deal with negative consequences as the defense that was used (never taught/show right from wrong and the consequences) led Ethan to believe that he would never have consequences. Which was the same argument that Jake's parents and defenders took, that if Jake was punished, that his future would be affected. So "affluenza" or protecting Jake the consequence
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