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Everything posted by MamaJess

  1. I'm not sure, it's all work related stuff. Right now we have BCBS, $1,000 deduct. with $25 copay for dr visits...but I guess according to the boss it went up 30% and now we have to pay about $240/month more....I'm confused.
  2. According to the husbands boss medical insurance has gone up 30%....looks like we'll have to pay another $240/month which we can't afford. What options are available? How do you "shop around" for medical insurance?
  3. Great post! I have some food to donate as well....will get with Mrs G
  4. I noticed that too!!! I was thinking....who the heck would come to Hiram for some sort of tour? haha I thought it was one of those tour buses that do those day trip things.
  5. Our driver didn't even get a chance to get his plate #...the dude sped around the bus all quick like and was off....I'm looking for him though
  6. yeah you....I got your picture and am hunting for you to get your plate #. Better not come home tonight. Not smart to pass a bus let alone pass a bus in the neighborhood that you live in. What if those were YOUR kids?! Hmpf..... For future ref guys....if you ever see someone do anything like that you need a plate #, descrip of the vehicle and the driver to pass along to the bus driver so he/she can file a report.
  7. the word reformat scares me haha All of that is way out of my know how
  8. Thanks for the input again! I've been using FF since the whole virus thing. I'm afraid to use IE now
  9. Thanks for the info & input!! I ran the Spybot thing as admin (which is what it suggested to remove the virus I guess) and it ran for hours. Must have been a full computer scan versus running it the regular way which only takes a little bit. Anywho, it turned up 31 things.....31!!!! OMG. Let it fix all those things. Running another scan again to see. I've been told using IE is bad and that Firefox & Google Chrome are more secure than IE as far as virus stuff goes. Is there any truth to that?
  10. Thought I got rid of it....trying again. I thought I was protected...have the whole firewall, anti-virus, anti-malware going on etc so I don't know where I went wrong but I'd love to find out! If I cant get it fixed I'll call the guy above...or burn my dang computer and buy another grrrrr
  11. Spybot kept telling me I had to switch to admin so I did that and am running it again. Stupid computer just had to go get something after all these years of staying clean. I'll try that other one next if SpyBoy don't step up and get rid of it. Where the heck did it come from? So odd!
  12. Yes, my computer got something. Darn thing. I'm disappointed in it. Anywho I thought I removed it when McAfee caught it and did it's thing. Ran a scan with SpyBot and it flagged it. Can't seem to get rid of the darn thing. Says its win32.fraudpack seems its some sort of Trojan. Yay, I'm lucky. My computer isn't running weird or anything (knock on wood) Spybot shows some sorta folder....I'm not computer smart so I think it might be where the itd (internet transmitted disease....I'm making up my own terms here, makes it easier to accept.) is living....then again maybe not. It shows
  13. Yup today my McAfee (whatever its called) caught some virus. I thought it said it was a trojan. It quarantined it and I did the remove etc thing...so far so good I hope. I know of 3 other people who got a virus in the last few weeks too. Grrr.
  14. This just gave me chills.... http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-az1smQMWHYk/drive_safely/
  15. Stevie B's has BBQ...saw it a few weeks ago And buffalo wing pizza mmmm
  16. Thats pretty cool! I love finding stuff....when we lived on the beach I'd go outside after a big storm and find tons of washed up treasure....treasure to me anyways haha I think I'm going to chalk up my odd feelings of being watched by something in the woods to watching too many scary movies at a young age....like Cujo. Frrrreakkkky! haha
  17. This stuff is freaky. I've loved reading the stories. I don't think I have anything to add. I wasn't born with any membrane on my head...no fancy birthmarks or nothin' but I did die twice (or so I've been told) or something to that effect. Once when I was a baby and again in my teens. I can't say I've seen ghosts or have heard odd things. If I ever have, I certainly don't remember but what I can say is all my life at various times I get a feeling that I'm being watched. Sounds crazy I know, like I'm all paranoid or something. I absolutely HATE going in my laundry room. I feel like someone is i
  18. My Alex went to PKU and LOVED it. It was wonderful. I've been all around that school and let me tell you, I have never seen a school with so many little kids kept so clean. They do it all by the book. Its a nice safe environment staffed with some wonderful people If I had another little one I'd send them there
  19. I know!!! If I hadn't already voted, I would make notes to not vote for these people. I can say the only call I didn't get annoyed over was the one guy...Avanarite or whatever....because he called personally instead of the robo call thing. I figured that counted for something. If you are going to call me and disturb me, I'd rather have a person than a pre recorded message on the other end. Good idea! When voting you are pretty much just trying to pick the liar you agree with the most.
  20. haha all the neighborhood prostitutes and drug dealers up there would have my back oh wait thats like 70% of the town. I was probably one of the only white people living there at the time. We lived off E Atherton down Chambers St not far from those really awesome semi condemned projects. Flint....ahh the memories...so let me tell you. We were renting this shack err house and there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood 3 people. They said the landlord sent em to check something in the basement so naturally I let em in. The walked around the house and then said everything was fine
  21. Thanks for killing my hope. I've been stressed lately and thought this might be a good way to take my anger out haha Guess I'll just shop it off
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