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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. I bet that would be one loooooong list!!
  2. Mark, catch up. He said in another thread that he has dated 2 from here and won't be doing that again.
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Why do people do that?
  4. So, you put that SH*T on everything?
  5. Sorry. I was in another thread. I confess. The secret weapon is a Giant Pixie Stix. I have one at my house at all times pretty much. As soon as they start, one swig of the sugar stops them immediately. Regular sugar does not work, but this does. When my kids were little, EVERY time they got to laughing hard, they got the hiccups. After laughing at them for a few minutes, I gave them a swig and put them out of their misery. It works for any age!
  6. My name is fitfabandfree for a very good reason, and my confession has nothing to do with food. I confess that I will live the rest of my life free, single and as a sinner!! :yahoo: That's right! I will live in sin forever and ever, cause it's SO much more fun that way. Just sayin....
  7. So how does everyone get rid of the hiccups? I have the perfect solution. It has never failed us, and we have been doing it for 15 yrs.
  8. Laughs and entertainment when it is quiet and boring at work. Makes the time go by faster. I stay on here and FB pretty much all day every day, until I go home. Then it's a here and there thing.
  9. I always look at a bright light and let it rip. I hate when I need to sneeze and can't, and the bright light works every time.
  10. Can you send me some info on this? I have never heard of it, and he LOVES to be challenged. He is a sponge. He soaks up information and facts like crazy. He has difficulty socializing with other kids his age. In fact, I had a conference with his teachers yesterday about this very thing. This is his first year of middle school and it is definitely an adjustment. There is also some history there with him, and after sharing that with them, I think they have a better understanding. It also gave them some ideas on helping him in other areas. One of his teachers has also recommended that
  11. CRAP!! Everybody hurry up and do like Mark is doing. Let's all plant cocoa trees. Paulding can become the cocoa capital of the world. We will be RICH!!!
  12. Well I do know her, and she is NOT kidding about being short.
  13. And what kind of store this will be. Do you have a website?
  14. I read tatas, not tats! My bad! BUT, even if it were tats, depending on WHERE those tats are, still not a good idea.
  15. So he felt obligated to show them to him? Seriously? I mean, if a 14 yo asked to see your wife's tatas, are you going to send him some pictures of them? Mark.... as always!!
  16. Most people on here know what my past names were on here, and know why I no longer post under them. I think I will just leave like that. And no, I didn't piss off a bunch of people or get run off of here.
  17. I never felt like it really went down for the summer like it did the summer before. All I can say is, these prices SUCK!
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