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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. Most likely it's some kids thinking it's funny and harmless.
  2. Kell is under extra security after someone wrote a threatening note on a wall about danger being done to students today. They did not mention Hiram on the news at all. they are all open from what I understand though.
  3. The one thing my dad always hammered into my head, was to never let someone get me into a car or remove me from where I am. Fight like hell. Chances are he will run instead of shoot you in a public place, and your chances of coming out of it alive if he DID get you into that car are very slim. If by chance he was able to force me into that car, I would not sit idly by while he drove me off somewhere. I would do whatever it took to get out of the car, including grabbing the steering wheel and hit the first thing I could hit. If I was ever in a situation of someone trying to rape me, he
  4. I think sometimes people are just stunned and confused before they really realize what just happened. If he stayed around a little bit longer I bet a few of them would have taken a swing or two.
  5. I would not even know where to begin. But for today, my life is awesome and there is not one single thing I would change about it. I it just the way it is. There is a lot to be said for having my children in my life every day, getting up and going to a job that I absolutely love and I am respected and appreciated, and being in COMPLETE AND TOTAL CONTROL of MY life!! I am allowed to make EVERY decision about EVERYTHING! I plan to keep it that way for the rest of my life. Whatever outcome happens from those decisions will be on me and no one else, good or bad. I will never all
  6. Yes I have my friend. This was decided and reserved back in the Spring. I cannot believe it's finally here!! :yahoo: GGinGA THANK YOU!! It's just time for new and awesome memories instead of the grieving. That's what my kids deserve, and that is what my family members would want. That's all that matters. I wouldn't be surprised if a few them decided to join us, even if we can't see them. I think I will be feeling their presence.
  7. Our family has suffered some great losses, all around Thanksgiving. It started 14 yrs ago with my dad. He collapsed at work and died the day before Thanksgiving in 1996. For 7 straight years after that, we lost cousins, grandmothers, Aunts and Uncles, all the same week of Thanksgiving, and ALL of them that we always shared that Holiday with. It got to the point where I dreaded the month of November. I wanted to have Halloween and then just skip November all together. Then there were other reasons, I started having a hatred for Christmas. Finally last year, I was able to enjoy all of the
  8. We have one also. Originally got it for the youngest who is old enough to stay at home, but don't feel he is old enough to have a cell phone. I prefer talking on it when I am home instead of the cell phone.
  9. We always have a great time together. I had the most amazing Thanksgivings growing up as a kid, but a few years ago, our traditional Thanksgivings had to stop do to illnesses and deaths. It's just not been the same since. I know we won't be able to make this a new tradition, but it's going to be so much fun until we find our new perfect tradition. At least a lot of the same family will be a part of this one this year!! I will miss the ones who won't be there.
  10. Can you do some ground ham for me again this year? You did it for me last year for egg rolls. It's that time again.
  11. peanut butter on saltine crackers and milk 3 oreos and milk popcorn cereal
  12. See. Problem solved. Just get him a heated mattress cover to go on the guest bed. Then he is warm and snoring away, and you are cold and can't hear his snoring!
  13. You are so cruel. Maybe that is why he snores so much. Gets a little payback.
  14. YES, in the winter time at least! You should at least get one for poor Chad. You don't have to turn your side one, but he can turn his side on and all will be happy. You freeze the man to death! I think you should get him one for Christmas.
  15. Thank you. I anticipate LOTS of fun and laughter. It will be so nice that we will all be together for an entire week. The best part is, not having to spend half the day cooking, and then packing it up and taking it to another house, rushing to eat, cleaning it all up, packing back up and driving back home. Once we get there, we will stay there. We will be cooking all week, and relaxing in between, playing games, teens will be fishing, playing video games, shooting pool, hanging in the hot tub, swimming in the heated indoor pool..... I better not hear "I'm bored!" even once!
  16. I totally agree. I want something representing a "broken record" for AE. There have been others that I have wanted but can't think of right this minute.
  17. There will be about 20 of us staying in a cabin in Ellijay. We will be there the entire week. I have a lot of family coming in from Myrtle Beach, North Carolina and Indiana. I am so excited. Here is a link to the cabin we will be staying in!!! My link
  18. I like how you think!! I am ready to go home and climb back in my bed right now.
  19. That's what I was about to post to LisG's reply above (stupid flood control-lol). I don't open the window, but I have the ceiling fan on. I like it to be cool in the room, but warm under the blanket. I also have a huge heavy comforter on my bed.
  20. My son came in my room the other night and says "Mom, a wise man once said......(I don't remember what he told me he said)." Do you know who that wise man was. Me: "I have no idea Jimbo." He says "John Cena."
  21. We are obviously total opposites on that then. My heat has been on for a while, but really only at night. I have it on 69 though.
  22. My 11 you is starting to really like wrestling. It's making me nervous though, because then he wants to play wrestle with my 3 yo nephew. I have to remind him it doesn't work IRL like it does on TV.
  23. No, I don't get hot. It has settings from 1 to 10. My feet are always cold and I cannot sleep with cold feet. I even wear thick fuzzy socks to bed but that doesn't always work either. The heated pad provides enough heat to keep them warm and let me go to sleep, but doesn't make me hot. I have it set on a low setting. My DD gets in and turns the other side of high though. That is way too much for me, but she loves it. We are going to a cabin next week in Ellijay and she has already instructed me to bring it with me.
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