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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. If anyone needs a POD to use to store your stuff in to get it out of your garage, send me a pm. Or go to PODS.com We have some great deals going on right now. I have been going to do the same thing the past few weeks and never have gotten around to it.
  2. How funny it is that you posted that. I feel that way a LOT. I am not going to elaborate too much, because once I get started, I will end up writing a book. All I will say, is a man who refuses to provide for his children is as sorry as they come. Especially when he will go to such great lengths and tell so many lies, to try to get out of HIS responsibilities. He always did put a lot more effort into doing the wrong things than he EVER did to do the right thing. Our children know who has always been there for them, and who will always be there for them. They know who is there
  3. Our company uses GoGo Glass. PM me if you would like their number. they have replaced several for us.
  4. I was just about to post the same thing. He was still in the park.
  5. You too, huh? I have a couple of those friends. They crack me up. I have to admit, they are pulling me that way a little bit. Not for a life partner or anything though. Just for a little fun.
  6. Oh I knew that, and didn't take it any other way. I was speaking more out of frustration with my own than anything else. I know how hard I am trying to raise independent, respectful children, and have just been floored at some of the things I hear of them doing. I don't behave that way, so I feel I am setting a good example for them. I get up EVERY day and go to work, pay my bills on time, don't talk trashy, keep a very clean house, cook dinner every night, spend one on one time with all of my kids, always been there for them, try to give them some room to spread their wings a little, but t
  7. So I just went to the QT in Powder Springs. 2 male clerks, both over weight.... I just refused to even look down. I just chuckled to myself, paid for my hot chocolate and left.
  8. You have read my mind twice this morning and posted what I was thinking but didn't want to go there. I started to reply to Drunken Monkey's post about the muffin and coffee and tell him the clerk probably thought he wanted creamer with that. I chose to be good instead.
  9. I never liked him until the past year or so. I am starting to really like him now. He's not the prettiest thing to look at, but he does have a great voice. Yes, Mark, I know you totally disagree with me, but I still anyway.
  10. I think I will just let the early bird have that worm. I just want my freakin hot chocolate and want to make sure it's safe. I'm thinking it was probably the one in Dallas, so maybe I should let the people at the Powder Springs QT know that they have a flasher over there, and they may want to call over there and tell him to put it away.
  11. I still need to know which QT this happened at this morning B.
  12. Doesn't sound much like a BFF to me. The only one that knows what is best for YOU, IS YOU!!! You need to do the things that bring positivity in your life, and get rid of the negativity.
  13. I think it might have been me. I gave someone on here my cream cheese chicken recipe a few weeks ago, but I made it with mashed potatoes instead of rice, so not sure. It was great though. I am thinking it's going to be breakfast for dinner at my house. I don't have any breakfast meats left, but there is leftover cubed steak. That will work, right?
  14. Making sure. I was afraid I came across in the wrong way.
  15. I like to wait until after Thanksgiving. Once I get that over with and the house cleaned and ready, then it's time to drag the tree out. But that's just me and my house. I am totally for "each their own."
  16. I didn't say anything was wrong with it. I was just stating facts. She does have a way of doing that, but I think that is why we her. She and I are friends. She can come in and do that to my threads any time she wants. Any one can! I don't care about my threads being hijacked. In fact, I kinda like seeing how they can be spun and where they end up. THANK YOU PUBBY FOR CLOSING THOSE POLLS!!! :clapping: Please feel free to continue going back and closing more of them.
  17. I am with you on the personal space thing. I CANNOT stand to be in the grocery store line and the person behind me thinks they need to be so close I can feel them breathing on my neck/ear. To prevent this, I actually try to stand in FRONT of my buggy so it is in between me and the person behind me. I also try to give others the same respect and not be in their personal space. I always feel when they are that close, they are about to try and pull some crap like grab my purse or see my PIN # on my card.
  18. Thanks, but I guess that should have really been tie dyed! Just caught it. I hate when I do that. Don't take it personally. I think NC has a way of doing that with pretty much ANY thread she enters.
  19. I say do both mentioned above, and add some blue raspberry and some grape to it and go for the tie died look.
  20. This is not always true. Being the mother of 2 teens in High School, I promise you that I try very hard to teach my children how to behave out in the real world and teach them right from wrong. BUT, that does not mean they are going to listen to me. They both seem to want to learn the hard way. I can punish them and take things away from them and do my best, but I cannot be there every single minute of every single day. They are always trying to push the limit to see how far they can get or what they can get away with. My daughter has been grounded for almost 3 months now, and still h
  21. My child goes to EPHS and I have not heard anything. I doubt they are on a true code red. Even the schools with the threats aren't on code red.
  22. Too bad it doesn't show the culprit that voted in it again to bring it back up!
  23. The way people forward porn pics and stupid crap to everyone in their phone, anyone can receive these things. Doesn't make him guilty of anything but being stupid for not erasing it as soon as he received it. Especially if you could tell it was of a child. And with these new touch screen cells, it's probably easy to hit something and send it by mistake. But it doesn't make sense that it went to an undercover cop. Were they investigating him already?
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