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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. I believe they said it was BLD, but I have BLD and have never had an issue. I here them come up my street and to my house at 5:45 every Monday morning, and I don't think they are flying. Could just be the driver assigned to that persons neighborhood though. I think that would be the case with any service you get.
  2. I mine too. I have slept so great this entire weekend!!
  3. I went to Kohl's Saturday and bought a heated mattress cover for my bed. They had them marked WAY down (60% I think), and I had my $10 Kohl's cash, so I had to do it! BUT, I am afraid I will never have my bed to myself again. Yesterday, my 14yo DD and her best friend spent about 3 hrs in it, watching TV and playing on the laptop, and my chi doesn't want to get out of it either. The plan was to get it and then I could save on heating costs this winter, but if it never gets a chance to rest, my electric bill is going to stay high. I guess it's a good thing that it will only be in con
  4. I want to know what kind of weather we are expecting for next week. We will be in Ellijay for the week for Thanksgiving.
  5. Enjoy it while you can! And I am totally jealous BTW!
  6. Glad to have you back and that your little nephew waited until you got back.
  7. GEEZE!! Just what kinda game night did you throw last night? ETA: From your FB pictures, I would say it's all Mark's fault. He's the one holding the gun.
  8. Going to El Nopal in Cartersville to help KRM and Gina celebrate their birthdays. Ricardo is going to be doing a little lap dancing for dessert.
  9. Tell me about it. But it's not impossible. It all just boils down to me being the better person. I did right by them, and they did wrong by me. Now they have to answer / pay for their sins. My conscious is clean!!
  10. Eh.... not me, because now they are ALL hers!!! I kept all the good ones in the family and she can have the rest, including the PIA that I always hated!! It's called sweet justice!
  11. I live by the "forgiven but not forgotten" rule myself. I have forgiven myself for allowing them to do what they did to me, but will never forget it.
  12. You can try, but I don't think there is anything like doing it for real. Oh, and they could've "gotten a lot more out of him if it weren't for me being in the way." Wonder how much they are getting out of him with the DIL they have now?
  13. Wanna bet? He's gotten worse instead of better. Even his friends tell him he looks stupid. He's the only one that does it any more.
  14. Next time you see my oldest, please tell him this! I have been telling him that for at least 5 yrs.
  15. TOPIC CLOSER - It was not a play in words, I promise. And great song by the way. Sellersgirl1012 - I have a few of those too. Got rid of most of them with the divorce, but have a few that just refuse to fall of the face of the earth. *sigh*
  16. Yep. I love KARMA and have full faith that she will take care of the ones who need to be taken care of. I don't want any part of that. I do enjoy sitting back and watching her work too.
  17. I wish him all the luck in the world. Us mom's will never stop worrying. My son is retaking the lit part of his graduation test AS WE SPEAK. It is the only part he did not pass. He has taken it twice. He failed by 2 questions once, and 3 questions another time. PLEASE let him pass this time.
  18. I am having one of THOSE days, when little stuff is crawling all over my nerves. I don't have these days often, but today I definitely AM!! So, here are a few PSA's to help me get through my day. 1. When you are stopped at a red light, you MUST PULL UP TO LINE FOR THE SENSOR TO DETECT YOU!!! Quit stopping 3 car lengths AWAY from said line and make the rest of us sit through 3 cycles of the light. The light is not flawed. Your driving is!! 2. When you have a business, and want to advertise said business by lettering your truck/trailer, please use correct spelling. For today
  19. I always wake up at a very strange time over and over and over again. Have been for years. I wake up at 4:44am. Can't explain why, but I do.
  20. I am a total morning person. Don't care much for nights. Never did. I hate having to make myself stay up until 11pm. I have done better this past year though. I have actually had some 2-3am nights out, and survived just fine. But I would not want to make a habit of it.
  21. 9:00!!! Half the morning is gone when you sleep in that late. I don't want to miss my mornings!! You can make it a law not to be UP past 9pm if you would like though.
  22. I hate the time change. I have struggled to stay up until 11 every night. I can't go to sleep any earlier than that. If I do, I am awake by 3-4. My body will NOT sleep more than 6 hrs.
  23. And this is the reason for my first post in this thread!!!
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