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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. That is great to know. I stuck it all in a corner and decided to wait until after Thanksgiving until I read this. I am now going to put it in my car and take it up there right this minute. Thank you.
  2. It always confuses me too. And I had always heard they needed newspapers to line the crates with and have taken them there a few times in the past. Just never on a Sunday and with all of the changes I wasn't sure when I could take them.
  3. Thank you CreativeOne. That is wonderful news. See NC! Why couldn't you just answer like CreativeOne did?
  4. Huh? Then how are they having a grand re-opening this weekend? Or am I supposed to say PCAC? I knew that West Metro wasn't usually open on those days, but thought maybe since it's the week of Thanksgiving they would have some special Holiday hours. NC - you are supposed to be my friend and always give me happy news.
  5. I know the Humane Society was having a Grand Re-opening yesterday, but are they open today? I have a BUNCH of newspapers I need to take to them and was hoping to do it this afternoon. Also, what about Metro Meat? I need to go get some ham from them and have them grind it for me for eggrolls that we will be making this week. I am trying to get as much done today as possible because I am working the next 2 days, and leaving straight from work Tuesday for the cabin.
  6. We are leaving Tuesday afternoon. Check in is at 4pm. I was worried yesterday. Didn't think my sister and BIL from Indiana were going to be able to make it. They were able to work it out late last night though. Now it should be perfect!!
  7. I don't mind you rubbing off on me. And no big deal about this morning. I got a kick out of both actually. Just laughed it off. I hope you have a good weekend too.
  8. It was giving me a hard time for about 15-20 minutes but it's working again finally.
  9. LPPT, send me a PM with the theme. I may have some things that can be used. And when and where will you be decorating it? Instead of doing it out in the cold this year, I was thinking you may want to bring inside our warehouse to decorate it.
  10. Ummm..... honey, Dec. 11th is on a Saturday!
  11. Hey, I cook everything else, but gladly let her have the turkey cooking.
  12. Uh oh! And now FB is down! Now what do I do? :lol: Now I can't get on!
  13. I am at work this morning, and our drivers are off making their deliveries /pick ups. Our first driver arrives at a house at 8:45am. We get a complaint call from a 3rd party, saying we are breaking the noise ordinance because we aren't allowed to be in their neighborhood before 10am. Seriously? Our trash man comes at 5:45am every single Monday morning. Dude (yep, been hanging with KRM for too long. She is rubbing off on me), just get your butt up and be productive like the rest of us are doing. Then I had a customer come in that I have spoken to on the phone several times. A
  14. And at that age, parents are NOT responsible for the idiocy of their children.
  15. What is up with those crazy neon colored trees that are pink or purple or blue or whatever? I will never understand those. And I cannot stand BLUE Christmas lights. Blue is NOT a Christmas color.
  16. I bought a beautiful pre-lit 9 ft tree last Christmas. I am white lights all the way. I don't care for colored lights at all.
  17. I've been meaning to tell ya... I think you need to change your pcom name to KRN! Kaylee's Rockin Nana!! Just sayin
  18. It's bad enough that they can post political stuff in the county wide news forum that we all have to see and can't turn off. I don't care about all the political opinions of others and won't discuss that or religion on here. The political stuff should be in the political forum ONLY. JMHO!! WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE SHUT OFF THE RELIGION FORUM!!!
  19. How can I get the Religion Discussion Forum turned off? I don't go there and there are too many of those topics on my front page. I have no clue why it ever got turned on in the first place. I signed out and signed back on, but they are still there.
  20. FYI to those who take the Benadryl. I do the same thing but I have figured something out. The name brand Benadryl allows me to sleep 6 hrs straight and wake up refreshed. However, the generic brands do the opposite. I am awake ALL.NIGHT.LONG... I have very few bad days now. I think the only thing that keeps me awake at night is financial worries. It doesn't do any good to lay there and worry, but I do any way. When I know I am stressed over something like that, and expect a sleepless night, I try to do things that will help me relax. A hot shower, turn on my mattress heater, c
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