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Everything posted by TabbyCat

  1. Should employers require drug and background checks for certain jobs?
  2. I think everything is fine as long as nothing was "plagiarized"!
  3. I heard this as "breaking news" on the radio on my way home from work today. He's donating the clippings to be auctioned off for charity. Really?
  4. AND I absolutely HATE it when they make movies in English of events that happened in other languages and they give the non-English speakers seriously heavy accents. I mean, REALLY? This trial wasn't conducted in English. The fake accents are just irritating.
  5. YEs, but it seems to me that they HAD the guy who did it?
  6. So far...I don't think this movie makes her look guilty. Am I missing something?
  7. Hoping for a miracle for your little one. My grandson is 3. He had speech delay and other issues all related to hearing loss. About six months ago, he finally had ear tubes placed. He started talking THAT DAY and hasn't stopped since. Poor little fella had fluid build-up due to small Eustachian tubes combined with allergies/asthma, and he was hearing very little of what was going on around him. Today, he's an absolute chatterbox! He was here at my house over the weekend, and he heard everything, even talking on the phone with his "Papa" (my husband who was out of state). I hope for
  8. Oh LOOK!! We got "merged"! Gotta love some pcom mods!! Incoherence it is then!
  9. Bumping this up so that we can have a COHERENT thread to discuss it in. I don't know enough to form an opinion. I'm guessing this movie will have a guilty slant. That's unfortunate...what if she's not guilty?
  10. Keep in mind, TP, that sometimes you get it wrong. Sometimes, and yes I've seen it happen, you defend the bully, and on occasion, and yes I've seen it happen, you ARE the bully. It isn't "chicken" to walk away from a senseless squabble; it's MATURE. You know I have a soft spot for you. Just this last week you took out after me, thinking I was bullying, when in fact, the exact opposite was the case. And what did I do in response? I respectfully walked away. It was the right and MATURE thing to do. How hard is that?
  11. At least a dog listens, learns, and wants to get it right to please.
  12. I'm so sorry. I just hugged my little chi a bit tighter.
  13. I love this song. It's sad, but sadly true. It's helpful when you post about a song if you also post the song. Here, let me do that for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH46SmVv8SU It's hard sometimes to balance responsibility with sensitivity. This song is a good reminder about what matters most. Not that it makes it any easier. It most likely causes guilt. Which could lead to depression. But I digress.
  14. One of "my friends"? And who would that be? Have you erroneously lumped me with anyone who isn't as liberal as you? Tsk tsk. You have made a grave error, my "friend." Here's a question for you, oh Great Braniac--How is the Universal Service Fund funded? Does that money just fall out of the sky and into the laps of people who don't work but still want cell phones? While it is true that the initial program was initiated during the Reagan administration, the revamp of 1996 and additional legislation since then has expanded the program to include cell phones, which it was n
  15. The phones are provided through federally mandated fees tacked on to the bills of people who actually work to pay for their cell phone service. Is your Google broken, or did you not expect anyone to know anything about this? Bless your heart.
  16. Should employees be given time off to pump? No. Instead, we should have a national "formula tax" to subsidize the feeding of baby humans with an artificial approximation of the milk their mother's bodies produce naturally because it's offensive and inconvenient to feed baby humans naturally. Duh.
  17. Well OK then, it was without question one of these: The little known pandacoonbear. Riddle solved. You're welcome.
  18. Well... I don't know if it's fair to call it "abuse," you know? Advertising supports programming. The money we pay to have TV brought into our homes goes more to the people who deliver the service, and not so much to the people who buy advertising to pay for programming. I'm with you about 50% on this. I dislike the percentage of commercials to actual program time, especially on certain stations. But like I said, I just deal with it because I know that it sort-of goes along with the territory. People who get paid to perform are seriously overpaid, IMO. But, being that they comm
  19. Pandas are 99% herbivorous, and will only seek out insects are other small living things to eat if bamboo isn't available. BBB, maybe you should plant bamboo around your chicken coop?
  20. And also based on the above, the "problem" wasn't just depression, but a much more significant mental illness. Apples and oranges.
  21. It's advertising that makes the programs you enjoy possible, and you already know that, TP. Teatime's solution is one way to watch programs without commercial interruptions. But there are some commercials I like, especially if they make me laugh. LOVE commercials that make me laugh! This one? CRACKS ME UP!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjMUfIKktWU And this one? ROFL!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMVMzzWPDSk Some are just plain DUMB. But some are fun to watch. And I'll live with it. If I DVR a program, I can fast forward through the commercials and usually
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