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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. WOW amazing another person form paulding back in / moved to the uk. We should chat some time.
  2. Heya SouthernScarlett, KRM SportsSource Well, it is very different here, and it is so pretty in most all places you go at any time of the year. For me, there is so much classic english looking building, neighbors, shops, etc. I do like the way many things are here such as the shops. I love old things/old places and history, so I am in a good place for all of that. Good to chat with you all, and we miss you all so very very much.
  3. Heya Rio & CO Rio, your family history is similar to mine, as my family orginates from England as well. In fact, to tell how small the world really is.... my grandmother's immediate family came from Durham Cnty (England), which is where Steve's dad was raised and lived. weird eh LOL Anytime you come over, please let me know and I will gladly show you around. CO, Thanks and maybe you will venture over here someday. I am here to show ya around whenever. Good to chat with you both, been way to long.
  4. It is so hard to believe but it has been just over a year now since moving away from Paulding County. It was a big move, all the way to southwest England. While it is really nice to live in the very different and very historically rich country of England, of course all paulding friends are terribly missed. Thanks to Paulding.com, the homesickness is kept at normal status only b/c it is easy to keep up to date on activities and gossip (bad word I know on here) in paulding. Visits back to Paulding are not as often as wished, but last time it was great to see pcom pals. (got to surprise So
  5. I use my ipad all the time, and I also cannot reply/post on pcom when on it. How come you can? We need an app for IPAD users. (havent read all the post yet in case it has been mentioned there is one) Nemie
  6. Wow Oscar, What a great story. FB is good for many reasons, such as what you told. I have looked up long lost friends also and am so thrilled to be back in touch with them after many many years apart. I, like SportsSource/Karen said, I don't know most of the pcommers real names to look them up on FB. I wish I did, or rather wish I knew their full name, as many I knew only by first name, and the others by pcom screen name only. If anyone wants to look me up type in my name, Nemie (I am sure it will appear on the list). If you want my full name, PM me for it, or ask others here fo
  7. Hey RetiredTeacher Saw earlier on FB about your mom and posted there. While checking pcom tonight, saw your post here. Hope your mom is doing much better by now. So glad to know that the overall hospital experience has been a good one. I used Paulding Hospital several times, several different ER visits over several years, OP surgery, and another time I had an overnight stay. All of my experiences there were excellent, all with great staff. Hope your mom gets better quickly and is back at home.
  8. Wow, SouthernScarlett, that is a lot of fabric. Should keep you busy for a little while eh.
  9. I have been away from Paulding.com for months, basically b/c I have just been doing other things. I guess I have missed a lot of 'drama', which sometimes is rather funny to read, and other times I just don't bother reading the 'drama' at all, as I am not interested in what it is about. However, overall I like Pcom, I like Pubby and all the Mods, and as well like many pcommers who are real friends. Good place for me to keep up with what is going on in Paulding since I don't live there anymore, but do stay in contact with friends there. I was just sitting here waiting for dinner to g
  10. Hi ya Kel, Our weather has been really nice. Since 2nd week in Sept, it has not gotten above 68 and most days are between 60 and 65. Most days there is some sun shining through the clouds, but most are just cloudy LOL. All this week has been really nice mid 60's and sunshine most of the day. BUT I MISS YOU ALL BACK THERE! nemie
  11. Good Morning to all in Paulding.com land! It is just about noon time here at my place, but hope you all have a lovely morning and day.
  12. Hi ya, I live just a few hours outside of London, England! 1. Right now, Americans are advised to NOT travel into many of the certain countries in Europe and the Far East. However, the state dept warnings will vary all the time, so this is something to keep in mind, b/c you could very well be asked to leave or pulled out of an area at any given time. Because of this, your most safe locations would be England, Ireland, France 2. London: Awesome place, tons of artistic genius there, but also very very crowded and VERY VERY EXPENSIVE to live there. If you pick London, live outside th
  13. I would love to have a horse and learn to ride and take care of it properly. A friend is planning to build a horse stable and said I could house a horse there, but wow o wow the cost of having and maintaining a horse properly can run up there. I just think they are beautiful and very smart.
  14. Good Morning to everyone in Paulding land. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  15. I am awake, been awake for litle over an hour now, but it is 3:40am where I am instead of 10:40pm for you all. Couldn't sleep, but I did go to sleep early, which was bad mistake. Oh this means I am going to dread Tuesday all day long. For now, watching TV-Law & Order SVU (replays of course)
  16. Having had this done years ago, I can tell ya, you will feel so much better after all done and over. Wish you a speedy recover. Give yourself a week and you will feel so much better. PS.... great time to get everyone to wait on ya hand n foot, so take advantage of it. Anyone got a Bell she can borrow LOL
  17. Thanks LPPT, appreciate you eating all that good food for me and Steve. I hope you and Pubby will take a lot of video of the event in general, as I will be one who will be happy to watch it all. This is an event I will miss not being able to attend. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend at Paulding Meadows.
  18. This is always such a great event to go to. There are always many pcommers roaming the grounds. The first year we went, 3 or 4 years ago now, quite a few of pcommers got shirts made with our screen names on them, so that we could recognize each other while out and about at the event. A great way to meet other pcommers and great way to see many awesome arts & crafts. Always great snacks and food there. Someone please eat some fried dill pickles and boiled peanuts for me please. mmmmmm good.
  19. Heya LadyR..... we have been quiet for some time now, with getting all settled over here, but now I am back reading and posting more often. I visited with Pubby last week. Hope to Skype with Pubby one day soon.
  20. Good Morning Paulding.com . Hope everyone has a great day. It is already midday here for me, sun is out, but bit cool. High today here is 64F
  21. All posters have made good comments, which I agree with most all of them. I, however, having left the USA (my home country) and living abroad, can see many things a little different, and hope a little wiser overall. I only say this because I see closely how 2 governments run their countries, each having bad things and good things. Each country does things differently, attempting different goals. I wish each could take the good from the other and attempt to improve overall. What worries me more than anything is that the USA is constantly running up more and more debt and at what point d
  22. Tona is a very sweet lady. She is very very talented. There are those special people out there, and she is one of them for sure. We love her and miss her lots.
  23. Nemie


    Yep definitely add me Mark on Skype. We would LOVE to see Tara uhhh Wink. Nemie
  24. Nemie


    Skype is great. I use it all the time now to talk to/visit with friends back home. RetiredTeacher and I are great at doing skype. We love it. If anyone wants to skype with me, just let me know. I am on skype, just look me up by name and add me to your list and send me an invite/whatever it is called to add you to my contact list. Nemie
  25. Well, I am only couple of months late in replying/posting in this thread that LPPT did w/ a great slideshow of the party we had just before we left Paulding Cnty. It was a great time, great evening, one Steve and I will always remember, with all our special friends, whom we will always cherish and love. We, well me Nemie will still be viewing and posting on pcom. Steve rarely post, but does read it all. We haven't been on pcom in long time, as well, we have been bit busy, moving, getting settled in our new place, getting acquianted with new area, new people, and all that kinda stuff. S
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