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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. I had used them for about 5 years up to about a year and half ago. I always loved their meats, especially their steaks, steak burgers, roast, and ham. I usually got only their meats, breads (always good), and ice cream or frozen yogurts (always awesome). They prices are bit higher than the grocery store in most all situations, but the food was really good (at least those I tried). I would tend to guess the food is still good since we stopped about year and half ago, but bet the prices have gone up also.
  2. No one told us about getting them back when we cancelled our service 4 years ago. The satellite is still on the roof also.
  3. About 4 years ago, we changed from DirecTV satellite to Comcast Cable, and while cleaning out, I came across a box of the receivers. Are these of any use now to anyone? Should I put them in my yard sale? Or should I send them to the dump (how does one dispose of these?). Thanks
  4. Oh my, so sorry to read this. Steve & I send our prayers to TBAR and his entire family.
  5. Since we are located next door, I have been telling everyone that comes into the Boutique. We will help you promote it since your next door and we hope that folks notice us as they go by. If you have flyers, please drop me some at the Boutique.
  6. Dang, I didn't even think to open the windows.
  7. Good Morning to everyone. Hope you all have a lovely day.
  8. I just had to take another look at that 'way to precious baby' in her new pink bed. So happy she has settled in to it well. I will be putting the pic on our website tomorrow. Just love love love the pic, so is just so adorable. Nemie
  9. Steve said 2 ambulances were there, but didn't know anything else.
  10. Lots of New Vendors will be at the OUTDOOR MARKET Saturday, Aug 22 (tomorrow). Come on out and visit with the vendors, do a little shopping, even if window shopping, and enjoy a Hot Dog from the Hot Dog Vendor. We have a lot of new vendors, so come out and support the LOCAL vendors. I know there will be various crafters, couple diferent types jewelry vendors, yard sale vendors, Tupperware vendor, and gosh quite a few more. Should be a lot of good things to see and eat. If anyone is interested in being a vendor, it is free - always. Contact me if your interested. HOPE YOU ALL
  11. It was great fun yesterday at the Market. A few of the folks got together and said it needs a new name, and they came up with Hwy 92 Outdoor Market. Sounds pretty good to me. I am sure the Storage Xxtra folks will approve. It was great to see everyone yesterday. I believe everyone had a wonderfully fun day and everyone sold items, so that made it even better. Thanks to everyone who came out and visited. If anyone is interested in coming out and setting up, please let me know. It is open to everyone and it is FREE. Hey It is a great way and place to promote your business,
  12. If anyone is ever interested in setting up, please let me know. It can be crafters, re-sellers, yard sale booths, farmers market type booth, food booth, just about anything you can think of is welcome. Same for promoting a business or services. All are welcome. It is FREE to all, all the time;. The Market is always looking for new vendors. The more vendors the better.
  13. Here are a few pics. Come on out to the Outdoor Market at Storage Xxtra Complex on Hwy 92 at Ridge Rd. Same location as BAGS & BARKS BOUTIQUE. Come see what everyone has to sell and promote. Lots of great things at great prices. And, Yes, Mrs. Jack Russell is here with you Pepper Jelly, Jams, and lots of other goodies. HOPE TO SEE LOTS OF YOU TODAY.
  14. Nemie


    WOW, lots of talented people on here. Again, let me say, COME ON OUT and set up a booth on the weekends with others and promote and/or sell your items. It is free, totally free all the time. Just send me a pm or your welcome to just show up and set up any weekend you want. Hope to hear from many of you.
  15. Nemie


    Saturday and Sunday
  16. Nemie


    We make different things, all pet oriented. Our main item is Raised pet feeders (wood). We can make them in any shape/design, color, etc. We love making these. We also make decorated animal shaped chalkboards with and without hooks to hang leashes or keys or whatever from. Other things are things like bandannas and toys. Oh, we also build cat trees and pet houses. If anyone is interested in bringing their crafts out and setting up a booth, please let me know. It is always free to everyone and people set up on the weekends at Storage Xxtra Complex on Hwy 92 at Ridge Rd. It would be
  17. Thank you so much for everything. (((((((((((((tona)))))))) We are working hard at the Boutique, and we have had s0me financial help with regards to the Boutique from close personal friends we have known for many many years, so that helped us a lot as far as the Boutique goes, and then all this wonderful help and assistance from pcommers and some non pcommers for us and our furbabies. Now we are stocked up at the boutique with many new items and ready to move forward. Thanks so much for your boost of confidence, it helps keep us strong and moving forward. ((((((((((Lad
  18. We wanted to send our sincere appreciation, thanks, and hugs to those who have helped and assisted us during our survival through the hardest of hard times. These wonderful caring people have helped us much more than they will ever realize. They have helped us get back on track so and until we could again live a semi normal life again and with continued prayers survive on our own again. These people made all sorts of donations to us. The donations were just overwhelming, amazing, and so touched our hearts in so many ways. We have always believed in helping our community, be it people, o
  19. WELCOME TO PCOM, an awesome place with awesome people. Congrats on your new business.
  20. So sorry to hear about your friends loss. We send our prayers to the entire family and friends. The family is blessed to have you as a friend. We kno how you care about people.
  21. NOTE FROM STEVE: It was nice to see pcommers coming in to visit yesterday and today. I wanted to thank everyone for all the well wishes and support given to me over the past week. It means a lot to me. Nemie posted a big long thank you for us both in the Good Vibes thread that I hope you all had a chance to read, but I did want to personally say thank you to everyone. steve
  22. Hi Lowrider, LPPT, Momnteacher....thanks to you all. lowrider, thanks so much. LPPT, do bring them on out. Momnteacher, please do come on by anytime, love to see you. Thanks to everyone for all the kindness and warmth shown to us.
  23. Thanks so much for all your prayers and good thoughts and you have done for us. Keep the prayers coming our way. Hope you can come out and visit with us very very soon. We have big hugs for you and many others to give. I will try to give you a call very soon.
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