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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. Lady Raider..... here is pic of the necklace sets.... the bracelets are similar, they are wood animal print in beaded or bangle shape.
  2. Hey Nickolas, Wow, I know you have talked of moving your studio home to Marietta for some time, but didn't realize you had actually made the decision to do it, sorry it will be leaving Dallas, but I am sure you will enjoy having it at home. PS We never got the 8/10 of that winning photo, could we still get that? I also would like a another of me and holly, the one that I use as the avator on here? Could those 2 be done up for us? If you can still do the 8x10's just pm me with a day to pick them up and Steve will come by and get them. Thanks Nemie
  3. So sorry for the loss of your Grandmother. It sounds like she was an incredible woman and lived a wonderful long life. While we say sorry for your loos, we also say congrats on your new grandchild. The cycle of life is amazing, sad and wonderful.
  4. Oh, so very sorry to read about your precious family member. We know only to well how you feel about the loss of your furbaby. We have been through losses of several over just the past few years, and it is very heartbreaking because your furbaby is a true family member. Remember all the wonderful times and memories you have, keep them in your heart and head over these days. As we shed tears for your beloved furbaby, we say RIP Lucy, and send special prayers to you for your loss.
  5. Merry Christmas to you Tona, and to all the rest of pcom. Steve & Nemie
  6. Hi, Sorry to read about all of your medical issues. I had no idea of any of this. You know you can give me a call anytime to chat, as I have been through so much medical wise over my entire life and would be happy to give you someone to talk to. As for help on certain things.... Steve of course would be happy to help with anything he could, but we won't be around to do it, since we are moving back to England. Something you might want to do is contact Vocational Rehab in Dallas. Contact then for whatever assistance they can give to you. I don't know what they can do exactly fo
  7. Happy Christmas to all! Hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas Day. Steve & Nemie
  8. Yea, the traffic was very very back up. We saw the cop cars & an ambulance, so hope everything was all right, and everyone is all right.
  9. We have discovered and are hooked on the tv series PAWN STARS, and oh my gosh, the guy who owns it, the dad (not the granddad or grandson) reminds me of Pubby so much, amazing. It is a Grandfather, Father, & Son who own & run the Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, and it is incredibly some of the historical items that come into that pawn shop, really really amazing & interesting items. I have actually learned a lot from watching the show. We just watched 3 shows back to back and enjoyed all of em, that is really a good show, and OH SO FUNNY! They go at each other on air really w
  10. Steve and I were there, we sat at SouthernScarletts & Oscar's table with others we knew. I wish we had had the chance and time to go around and meet everyone b/c there were a lot of pcommers we didn't now. It was also a bit crowded actually to make our way around to all the tables as well. It was great to see those we knew, always is great to see them and to meet a few new pcommers. Next time we will make an extra effort to make the rounds of all the tables.
  11. There were LOTS of pcommers there tonight. Many we didn't know, and quite a few we did know well. Was great to see LPPT again, SouthernScarlett again, KRM again, Oscar again, Kelwel again, Caped Crusader again, November Rain again, JohnnyJ again, and to all the others it was great to see so many folks having a great time. Believe everyone enjoyed themselves (and many still are there enjoying theirselves).
  12. For those of us who have December birthdays (such as LPPT and myself), do we get free drinks? Steve & I plan on being there.
  13. Thanks Everyone! I have had a very relaxing day at home. I have done absolutely nothing but relax, watch tv, play with the 2 little doggies, and sleep. Hey Retired Teacher.... not my prissy pot pot girl, oh lordy can't wait to hear to stories. (Retired Teacher has adopted my pride & joy Ms Prissy Pot, my flame pt himmie, who is 12, and to old to travel, and stresses at just going outside so badly she will loose all her hair, so we knew we couldn't take her with us to England, and Retired Teacher is now Prissy's new perfect mom for her. Prissy is in heaven over there with the o
  14. Wow, now that really shocks me. I had no clue, what a bummer.
  15. Hey Mark, Anita, & CreativeOne.... thanks so much. I know you all know how much this means to us and how excited we are. Thanks for you kind words, and you will continue to see us here on pcom. Guess I will have to get a late night/early early morning crew going on here since we will be 5 hours ahead. Hey Mrs. JR, you know you best come by the Boutique and see us, although we do plan to make the rounds to see everyone once we have some time. Hope you found a lot of good stuff on Plymouth. You can also try google... Plymouth, Devon, England (county of Devon). I will also be postin
  16. Thanks Pubby. Well I will continue to bug ya about starting a 'pcom' n Plymouth, but as for your question, looks like you already knew the anser. Yep that is why.
  17. NEWS ALERT Fox 5 is here in our parking lot and they are going to do an interview at the Richardsons in a few minutes. OR they are going to try to do an interview.
  18. Hey Cape & JohnnyJ.... have no fear Steve will enjoy a few pints for ya, and you know you always welcome to visit us. I know Caped Crusader and Steve are already talking about it. Thanks so much, and your so right that Plymouth is a lovely place. We will be seaside as well, so it will be great having the ocean as our backyard. I just love the laid back calm easy going atmosphere of the area, and the people are very friendly. Hey Tess, thank so much, and thank you for all you have done and by all means, keep the prayers coming our way. We appreciate it all.
  19. Thanks Lowrider, Lady Raider, & KRM.... We are very excited about it, and counting the days. Maybe then I will have time to just sit on pcom and enjoy. But, for now, we still have lots to do between now and the move. Thanks everyone! and Lady Raider, you know Steve will just talk ya to death about Plymouth, England, places and when possible bring out the pics to show, which he did with you.
  20. Thanks, and I will send you PM later today about the duffel bag on wheels.
  21. Some of you might remember back in June, we posted that we would finally be fulfilling a dream, a goal of ours to move back to England. While we have had some detours since June, we are finally back on track thanks to many dear sweet friends, many of them pcommers. With much support from our friends in so many ways, and with a lot of hard work, we can now say that our move is back on track. Our new home will be in Plymouth, England (southwest England). While we love Paulding, loved living here for many years, love our friends here, we are also very happy to be finally making th
  22. Oh my, so very sorry to read about your precious tootsie. Steve and I know only to well that pain you have in your heart, and how much you will miss your baby. We are just so sorry for your loss. Know that we will be sending out special special prayers to you this evening. Call if you need someone to talk to or if you need anything. Rest in Peace Sweet Tootsie, We love ya Mizcue
  23. So nice of you to post this. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Hope you and everyone else all have a lovely day tomorrow.
  24. I don't know if the remotes are in the box with the receivers or not. I would have to look and see. Thanks for the info. I got these in 2000. I think it was April 2000, long ago. I have several, so couple I will put in the yard sale, and couple are going to a pcommer who pm'd me.
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