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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. YIPPEE ! I had planned on calling you today, but got a bad tooth infection starting yesterday and was in bed since yesterday afternoon, taking pencillin & pain medication. So happy you will be there. You both are awesome. Yippee! Please do, please do! Remember arrival is anytime from 7pm onward. We will be on the bar side, when not eating I guess, I suppose, who knows. Sooooo gald you will be there. I also wanted to bump this back up to make sure that weekenders see it. SAT., JAN 30, 7PM onward (feel free to show up anytime after 7pm). We are excited an
  2. I (Nemie) have been in bed on heavy pencillin due to a major tooth infection. Started yesterday, wow you know your jaw can realllllly swell up something horrid. But, now it is getting bit better, so I been in bed since late yesterday watching tv, and yeppers I am watching that movie now, just came on. Nemie
  3. Sorry to read about your loss. We send prayers to you and your entire family.
  4. I like the hearts also. They look really good.
  5. oh my goodness, so so very sad. Prayers to the family.
  6. The party will be great fun, especially with KRM organizing it with other great folks. KRM ROCKS! Thanks so much KRM and LPPT for keeping this a nice thread. If Amazed shows at the party he or she is more than welcome to talk to us face to face, as it should be handled. We look forward to the party, and I will be bringing lots of tissues, b/c I know I will be needing them. Our pcom friends are not just friends, they are all family to us. We can't wait to see everyone and have a wonderful time!
  7. Maybe LPPT or someone could get all the info from MissD. I know back then she had tons of recipes from many pcommers, myself included. I sent in about 10 or so. If you could get all the old info from MrssD then the majority of the work would already be done. If you all ever do one, I want one shipped to England please.
  8. Yea, we know, but we still wish you could be there. You know we will be back at your house visiting before we leave. We will forever be grateful to you for taking and loving our very precious Prissy Pot Sapphire kitty of age 12, she is very special gal. It is great seeing her happy and very spoiled with you however. We love you lots. Definitely hope you can make it out to the party. Be great to see you there. Thanks so much Rio....(remember the kitty named after you?) If your able, please come out to the party. Thanks so much Pubby, and as well we have enjoyed knowin
  9. Greattttttt! So glad you both will be there. England, why England? Oh my goodness take a look at pic in siggy. Oh and that is Steve's home, so we are moving back to enjoy. Altho, we will miss everyone in Paulding, we will be visiting from time to time we hope, and of course we will remain on pcom, just may not be as active for while until we are settled in good. (I better go ahead and stock on tissues, I can tell this already). Nemie
  10. Great, glad you will be coming out. Subby is always great! Glad you will be there ! Great!
  11. Heya LPPT, I know you will be there, and wow o wow we will have lots of fun and laughter with you there. You know we luvv ya bunches. Your so sweet and your so right about your comment about us, anyone can pm us anytime.
  12. ..... and will you be there on Saturday night, Jan 30, with all of us? Certainly hope so!
  13. So sorry you can't join us at the party, but maybe we can see you sometime anyway before we leave. Thank you for all your kind and sweet words
  14. FABULOUS, we haven't seen Dave in a long time. Yeahhhhhhhhh we want to see you and hubby there! FANTASTIC JohnnyJ, so glad you will be there.
  15. Didn't hear anything on WSBts (channel 2, comcast) about it. We just finished watching the 6pm news. Hope things improve quickly and the dogs are all right. Bless em all.
  16. wow, what an awesome idea, and what a great opportunity for businesses. Great advertising for very low cost.
  17. THANK YOU KRM, and LPPT, and Caped Crusader, and DreamGirl, and anyone else who was involved in planning, organizing, and all that good stuff for this Going Away Party for us. We are looking forward to the party/get together with all our pcom friends (and there will also be some non-pcommers there also). We are BLESSED to have you all as our dear friends, people we love, everyone we know and call friend from pcom is and has always been cherished by us. Friends are precious and should be treasured and we feel that way about so many many pcommers. WE invite everyone to come out, to en
  18. While visiting family last weekend, I was going to have a piece of cake and some coffee. Got the cake on a small plate, made the cup of coffee, then for some stupid reason I turned around and put the coffee in the refrigerator and put the cake on a plate inside the food pantry and walked off. About the time I walked into the den I realised I freaking forgot my cake & coffee, turned around to go back and get them off the kitchen counter, but they weren't there.....DUH took me a few mins to remember what I did with them, then felt like the biggest idiot around.
  19. We have been to Bumble Bee several times. We have purchased; breakfast (I got biscuit & gravy, Steve got something else) and what I had was great, what Steve had was all right but probably wouldn't get it again. However, I could eat their biscuit & gravy everyday, mmmmm good. We have also gotten Wedding cookies there several times. Made a special order of 4 dozen once. All the Wedding Cookies we tried were Fabulous, just like my mom used to make them, perfect. They have on different occassions we visited them had different items available, and I hope they continue to grow w
  20. Heya SS, The babies do look good and still look good, but you know they could surely use one of those bandannas you make for Tender Loving/Pet Boutique. They are awesome bandannas.
  21. This is such a great idea. Sounds like an awesome trainer will be instructing. I bet these will fill up fast.
  22. Wow o wow, this is a shocker. I remember DT well, and know that many helped him in many different ways couple yrs back. It had been a long time since we had seen or spoken to him. We just figured he was doing all right and going about his daily life. It is so sad to read however, very say. I look forward to the pcom news this week to learn more.
  23. The furbabies still look awesome after a week. They are much happier now that they are clean and furrless. Bentley (skinny maltese) just loves loves loves his new do.
  24. Same here, broke my little toe couple of times, and once broke the one next to it also at the same time, now that was definitely NO FUN.... just gotta love all that tape. It is no fun for sure.
  25. That is so nice, and such a lovely thought, from a wonderful lady to someone special. That's Lady Raider for you though, always doing something nice for others
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