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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. I must have done my submissions wrong or something b/c none of the pics that I entered are listed in the contest. What did I do wrong or Why aren't they listed in the contest. Please let me know. I sent in one pic for each category but none are there in the week#2 to vote on. Thanks
  2. Hey, I have ? for ya. I sent in pics but they aren't listed. Why? Am I confused (as usual) ?
  3. GOOD MORNING to all! Hope you all have a lovely day.
  4. I sent in pics of Bentley & Holly, but not sure if I can enter them or not since I didn't enter them last week. Oh well, sent them anyway.
  5. MMMMMMMM that looks so good! I would like some please.
  6. Congrats to all the winners. They are all fantastic pics. Yeaaaaa Belle & Bandit! So glad you both won.
  7. This time next week we will be having english fish and chips and a few pints Steve
  8. Whoever and everyone taking pics last Sat night at the party PLEASE PLEASE SEND ME COPIES of this pics. Send to Atlsouthernbelle@aol.com THANKS
  9. Hi ya, Would you be interested in any of our stuff left or some clothing..... would any of this stuff help you for fundraisers, for the people your helping via your church? We are open to donating most of what we have left, but we need someone who can come pick it all up. Let me Know asap. Nemie
  10. So very sorry to read of your loss. You and your family will be in our prayers and thoughts.
  11. Well it was a night a to remember. This would be especially true for Steve, who definitely had a great & fun time, and I think everyone would agree with that, like Subby did. Steve was so funny, but he had a great time for sure. I also enjoyed the evening with good friends. Of course, I shed a lot of tears as well. SouthernScarlett was the first to make me cry when she arrived with Yellow Roses and a sweet card. Love you so much SS, and then when Nicholas Cole showed up with a special portrait of Steve and his dogs, oh gosh thank you so much for that, and then when another small g
  12. We are so looking forward to tonight. Seeing our friends, meeting a few new pcom faces/names, and of course listening to Subby. We again want to personally invite everyone to come out and share a little time together with Pcom Pals, the best folks around will be there. KRM, remember we will have about 8 non pcommers coming also, mentioned above. NOTE TO ALL: There will be another couple (british) there tonight who are ALSO MOVING to England same time we are/ well about 3 months after us, so we will have some paulding folks living close to us in England also. HOW WILD IS THAT!!
  13. This also happens to people who have Ebay stores...... I have had several emails that were not real. I forward them all to ebay, and even talked to ebay about one of them. Ebay told me this happens a lot to people who have ebay stores. Just have to be so careful these days with emails.
  14. YIPPEE! you know you always sit next me at these events SS Glad you will be there. Should be great time!
  15. I am with ya on that, wish they hadn't even put that footage in the package at all, as there was no real need for it was there. The rest of the story was fine, great, well done. It was good to learn what the 'sickness' was. Now, I feel informed and up to date. I certainly hope that the Shelter can re-open asap, wishing the best to all at the Shelter, being 2 legged and all 4 legged residents. Nemie
  16. Nemie


    Love the post tess, a great one indeed! Made me laugh also
  17. Question: Does Mia's have just beer or can they serve mixed drinks also? I also looked up their menu on their website and looks like a lot of good things to have a tra at. Can't wait until Saturday night..........Steve & I hope you all will come out and join us and enjoy Subby's band. Be sure to PM or post KRM or LPPT if you plan to be there so they can have a head count. Nemie
  18. Hey Everyone..... COME ON OUT FOR THIS.... it is everyday this week starting tomorrow. Steve and I are actually going to take a lot (most all) of our yard sale items we have left which is alot down there to Luke to add to their sale, so there will be lots of great stuff along with all the stuff they already have, which is also a tone of stuff. They will be having lots of everything you can image.... and they will be constantly adding items as stuff sells and makes room for more. It would be smart to go each day actually if you can, b/c each day will be new stuff (all throughout
  19. Hey KRM.... We have a few non pcommers coming.... rough estimate would be.... 3 for non bar side, 8 for bar side (10 if you include me and steve) Thanks Nemie HEY EVERONE.... We would love to see everyone who can come out Saturday night.... just love to see you all before we leave. We have been so busy lately getting ready that it is sometimes hard to get to pcom to post. Please feel free to show up anytime after 7pm until...as we know a few folks who will be showing up late already. We are excited about the party, so please come join us at Mia's on Saturday night.
  20. Hey Subby, First let me say, I didn't read all the post made, so not sure if anyone has told you what I am going to say or not. I go to Northside Pain Clince in Atlanta, where they have a reduced rate for uninsured patients. You pay that when you go. At first I had to go monthly, then bi-monthly, and now they will write scrpts for meds for 3 mons in advance, all dated for specific future dates. They have been great for me and very understanding about having no insurance. When it comes to primary care docs writing these scripts, they can get into trouble if not careful, and I onl
  21. Thanks everyone for all the nice comments. It is lovely over there. I always describe it as..... it is like going back in time 100 to 200 yrs, but keeping all modern conveniences. It is a very laid back calm area as far as the people are concerned, people aren't into materials things yet instead into friendships and socializing at the pubs. It is in many ways much like paulding when it comes to the people and friends. I may have some more pics on my pc, if I find some others, I will post them also. Clio is so right about there isn't this much rain over there, like we have had here ove
  22. Yes, we have narrowed down the list of places to a few, and when we arrive we will look at them and decide.
  23. Here are some pics of the area in Plymouth, England, where we will be living. Some of the area is very historic, and of course all of the area we will be living in has great seaviews. Plymouth is located on southwest coast of England, about 3 hours drive to London. On the edge of Plymouth, (about 20 mins from where we will be living) The Dartmoor Ponies: National park where the ponies roam free. You can pet, enjoy, feed, etc, but you can't take one home. They are beautiful and so friendly. Local farmers are allowed to craze their sheep their with the horses
  24. Welcome to pcom, sure you will enjoy being a part of a great site.
  25. Heya, we would so love for you to come to the party, so please be here/there Jan 30. We so enjoyed chatting with you recently. Looking forward to seeing you again. Awww, your so sweet, thank, but we do love sharing the pics with anyone who wants to take a look. We definitely hope you will be there, at the party, we would love that. Please do try to come out for it.
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