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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. Sort of like Nancy Pelosi vs. Sarah Palin, eh?
  2. You really think it is that high? I'd bet RM is one of the most "on ignore" posters on P.com. Right behind TP.
  3. Ahhh...it was another of those dumb azz Geico commercials.
  4. Which proves, without a doubt, that he was smarter than those of you who have remained firmly attached to the DNC's teat.
  5. I had cataract surgery on both eyes the first of this year. Dr. Paul Mitchell at Marietta Eye did them both. I came out of the surgeries with 20/15 in my left and 20/22 in the right. But my near vision still needed help (reading glasses). One of the "doctors" at Marietta Eye did an exam and I ordered reading glasses off that scrip. They were so bad I was dizzy wearing them. Went to the LensCrafters place at the Avenue, had an exam there by one of the optometrists there, and they got the scrip right.
  6. Wages are not the only employment costs a company must meet. Requiring health insurance, dictating hours that can be worked in certain industries, payroll and medicare taxes, social security matches, and, oh, yeah...kowtowing to the labor unions. That's just a start. Get back to us when YOU have ever met a payroll and run a company, OK?
  7. Yeah. Kerry, the one who is so stupid he shot himself (flesh wound from a ricochet bullet he stupidly fired at a channel buoy off the back of a PT boat). His "wealth" comes from his lunatic wife's inheritance of the Heinz Food's fortune. That dumb SOB couldn't find his butt with both hands and a flashlight. Just read a few minutes ago that the Hildebeast is "broke" because their net worth is less than $50MILLION.
  8. You left out incontinent, because he spews BS incessantly.
  9. Anybody know of any motorhome rental places around? Only one I knew of nearby was Bleakley in D'ville, and they have been gone for quite a while now. We are thinking about making a trip to the Upper Peninsula of MI to scatter my in-laws' ashes. Maybe gone about a week. Any ideas? Any such thing as a "private" rental?
  10. And given what has happened to this country over the past 6 years, maybe we should have been cleaning our shotguns. Frankly, I've very surprised BHO hasn't gotten capped before now.
  11. It's an ELECTION year. Is the Cobb DA running?????? They might get a conviction on as much as involuntary manslaughter. Unless.......in his interrogation he said just one word about the child in what could be taken as a derogatory manner.
  12. Don't get too excited. All that happened was the PATENT OFFICE cancelled a TRADEMARK. Trademarks are basically useless. Look at a certain pro football team in Oakland, CA. Their entire logo, color scheme, everything was stolen by a certain High School right here in Paulding County. This "action" by the USPTO has really very little impact, other than an influx of team gear from overseas. And when the 'Skins become relevant on the field, that cheap gear might be the only think. Maybe I can sell some pieces of stained glass like this without having to pay the silly NFL lice
  13. This day isn't going well, and it just got worse. I actually agree with you about something.
  14. A little early to be hitting the Drambuie, ain't it?
  15. When they have the potential to commit acts of war against the USA, certainly. Invading with boots on the ground, probably not so much. Air power and plenty of collateral damage would make the point. Mess with the USA and you die. I think Neville Chamberlain proved that negotiation and appeasement doesn't work. The other day, I saw a plastic bag blowing down the street. At first, I thought it was litter, but after a closer look, I saw it was just a Pakistani with the crap kicked out of him.
  16. So, can we assume that you are in full support of dictatorships? Figures.
  17. That would be funny, it it weren't so scary. Can you say Obamacare?
  18. Had Clinton gotten involved, with his ineptness (remember, he DID bomb an aspirin factory), the total casualties would have likely been 10 times what it is now, and you pea-brains on the left would be building a statue.
  19. Didn't they vote for it before they voted against it?
  20. I doubt Lake Allatoona has that much water.
  21. Given that you have been rolling in all the MSNBC and CNN and PBS and Daily Kos manure for years now, methinks you have a bigger problem than just your shoe soles. Your entire Soul needs a good hosing down.
  22. Isn't it amazing how nicely Japan has played with the rest of the world since Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened?
  23. Good luck in finding a room this weekend. It is the Riverbend Festival going on.
  24. So, as I read this, it looks like you have invested about 8 hours of your time in producing a video? Of a speech. Personally, I think your time could have been much better spent working on solidifying your revenue base in generating advertising revenue and sending emails to non-paying users of the site, requesting they pony up some $$. Seriously, you invested 8 hours or more in producing a video that, when available on the site, may get as many as 10 people to view all of it and make a comment? I had NO idea that any luncheon speech given to the PBA was that newsworthy.
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