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Everything posted by boosmom13

  1. You can always volunteer at the animal shelter! They always need the help!
  2. We have already had a ton of kids! I am shocked at how rude they are though! I have had kids tell me that they didn't want what I gave them and put it back in the bucket and started to pick out something else. I told them that was not the way it worked at my house! They got what I put in their bucket and if they didn't want it they could move on to the next house! LOL!
  3. rountree recreation is in hiram right off of nebo rd
  4. i love farmville!! i will be your neighbor too! -- i will look you up right now!
  5. I saw them measuring (I guess where to put the name) on the outside of the building the other day and then I drove by and your name is up there! It looks great! (love the mailbox too!!) I can't wait to have a real bakery so close!
  6. My daughter and I said the same thing! Beautiful pictures!!
  7. I love what y'all have done with the pumps! That is really cute!
  8. Just some regular birthday cake (nothing fancy LOL) and real butter cream icing! And, some good red velvet cake! Are you in the little building that use to be a little gas station or the old luigi's pizza building? Or somewhere completely different? we are very excited!
  9. I would definitely call the vet but maybe feed her white rice in the meantime (if you have chicken broth you can put that over it) that is what our vet has recommended in the past for our dog
  10. If she liked the June B. Jones books she would probably like the Judy Blume books as well. Good luck!
  11. That is too funny! When my daughter was about 4 we were at church saying the Lord's Prayer and where it says "and lead us not into temptation" she said in her loudest, most proud 4 year old voice (because she was so proud of herself for knowing it LOL) And lead us God into temptation. Everyone around her laughed and of course she cried
  12. good to know mine isn't the only one
  13. Thank you so much!! I was wondering if we could do that! I am so grateful someone answered me-- you just don't know LOL! This work permit is all I have heard about for the past week LOL!!!
  14. any parents with kids that have had one filled out by the school? she can't start to work without it and of course she can't get it filled out because the schools are closed. she is very anxious to start work and start getting some money LOL!
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