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Everything posted by Ronismom

  1. Mark and Gina you all are in my thoughts and prayers. *hugs*
  2. Satellite I am sorry for your families loss but that was a neat tidbit of history there. My daughter goes to Allgood and we all LOVE that school. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
  3. I remember that house...it was definitely deep in the water. The water line was close to the top of the door. At least the Sheetrock was removed but that was one of the worst ones flooded.
  4. I don't care how many times I read that, I still laugh until I cry...add trying to read it out loud to mini me (cause she thinks I'm nuts while having no clue why I'm laughing/crying) and I can't breathe!!!!! ::wipestearsaway&catches breath::
  5. I liked Dr. Grant and his staff off of bus. 6...I just choose to pay for mini me's dental care @ Dr. Turners office (our favorite) because we love him and his staff. He's not covered by our insurance either but I need somewhere that my daughter feels comfortable and she has been with him since she was 2, she's now 10. We tried Dr. Sharon and I was not really impressed at all when they wouldn't let me go back with my child @9 yrs old to have her tooth pulled. This was the second time she had been to that office and was TERRIFIED about having the tooth pulled. She didn't "know" them and was scar
  6. I loved high school...just not most of the peeps I went to school with. Lol.
  7. Yes from here, so it is the same one. You are probably right about the people. No I haven't gone to any of the others. One of my very good friends went to our 5 yr and she said she wishes she wouldn't have wasted the money. I only hung with a few good friends and still keep in touch with them so I have no desire to go just to see how people have changed. Lol.
  8. My 20th is this year too (probably same school) and I don't plan on going...I still talk to those that I talked to then...don't really care to see the ones I didn't like then... *shrugs*
  9. My 10 yr old is in bed by 8 and asleep by 9 most nights. She's up@ 6:30ish.
  10. My first choice is Dr. Sisk! Due to an insurance change we started going to West Atlanta Peds! Awesome group!! We have been with them for 6 years and have rarely had to wait more than 10 minutes of walking in the door to be called back. My daughter loves Chad & Dr. Young. Always take the time to listen to my concerns as well as answer any questions mini me has for them.
  11. I would hope that the little GIRL in that video wouldn't remind me of your E...
  12. Momnteachers E, not your E goofball! Lol.
  13. This is the first time I watched this video and I have to say that little girl reminds me of your E!
  14. Well...he shouldn't be giving you any lip or telling you NO! I am glad he's ok though.
  15. She is gorgeous! Congrats!
  16. Yes I was...I think I was right in front of you...I was ready to get out of my car had he not turned and walked/stomped off! Lol.
  17. Or don't blow a gasket when you see 10 cars parked and you decide you want to leave and one of the parents tells you that we can't move because we have to go in behind the busses AFTER they all arrive...take your arrogant self elsewhere and don't take out your frustration on us when we are only doing what WE were instructed to do. If you still have an issue with it take it up with the school...afterall, they are the ones who told us where and how to park and wait to move to the car rider pickup area. *shakeshead*
  18. RIP Bertha. My prayers are with this family.
  19. I have 3...and I want at least 2 more. I have them picked out, drawn out and know where I want them...I just Ned the money to get them. I got my first one 16 years ago and love it still. As others have said be choosy who you go to...the old saying of "you get what you pay for" stands so true with ink. It's permanent, make sure it's something you will like in 20+ years.
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