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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Good grief. I really don't expect you to be able to understand it but it is not a tax at all. Congress never called it a tax but a penalty. The "tax" label is for the legal and Constitutional purposes. The way it works is what makes it Constitutional or not, not the intent.
  2. Insurance companies already tell us how to provide care.
  3. Let us know his name and when he quits and what he goes in to after leaving medicine.
  4. The ruling was explicit that for the purposes of HEARING the case, the payment had to be NOT be considered a tax. However, for purposes of implementation, it was a tax. That means the penalty and the cost of implementation was something the Congress had the right to do. My link
  5. They are in the same place the Right Wing Extremists are who insisted the Affordable Health Care law would be struck down. You should remember that it was argued that by the Obama Administration that the only way it could work is if everyone paid in.
  6. If he's near retirement, he may just go ahead and retire. That happens all the time. Nothing new. If he does sell, let us know. I think it will be interesting to keep a tab on which doctors quit because of retirement or were just blowing off political steam.
  7. Not to mention that health care costs go up every year regardless of the Affordable Health Care Law. It's not like insurance premiums stayed flat since the 1960s.
  8. Not true. Not in the least accurate. Patently absurd. This is totally false. From a care perspective, we're glad the issue is settled so we can begin implementing what we've been working on for two years. It will mean more paperwork but, frankly, the people that need the care will be able to get it and the ED won't be the primary point of contact from on-going care. From a budget standpoint, it is the best thing ever. We will get paid, plain and simple. No longer will the majority of our ED patients be write offs in some amount. Now, all people will pay some more so that more people ca
  9. And those doctors are advocating for whom? Ever wonder why it was the insurance companies that heeled craft the plan and lobbied so hard to get out passed? Doctors are protecting their own pockets and the insurance companies are very happy right now. While my facility and company will have much more paperwork, at least we will get paid for those we treat and have no insurance. This bill is better than nothing. It began as aRepublican ideas in 1912 and took 100 years to become a reality.
  10. Vouchers would decimate public education, leaving the poorest students with the least advantages, in the worst schools, with the worst teachers, and guarantee a permanent poor class. Vouchers were never postulated until segregation was outlawed and suddenly the White Flight from the cities and to all white private schools came to be. Today, these private schools are somewhat integrated (a very small percentage) but the defacto caste system is the goal. And your statement about private schools provide better results than public schools is the third least intelligent post I've ever read on t
  11. Your ability to sustain intelligent discussion is truly your best talent.
  12. Riiiight. So how do I find out the stance on issues from the guy that is running? Already gotten some info (not enough) from Morrison, and Braddock's voting record looks very much like the Tea Party Line.
  13. As the world economy slows, gas prices continue to fall, just like they have the last 3 summers. When the world economy begins to grow faster (it is still growing, just more slowly) then gas prices go up. Consumer confidence is down but still much higher than where we were in the beginning of 2009 or even December 2011. My link My link for chart
  14. Remind them several times and get more stern each time. Honestly, they prolly didn't even realize they were back in your yard 'cause they were just being boys. If they get testy or can't seem to get the message, then I would politely tell their parents that they haven't been listening to you.
  15. Again, the court ruled that it is a Federal matter, not a state matter. 287g was announced in February to be cut drastically as it was replaced by a more effective and less costly.Secure Communities Program. This was been discussed for a long while. This is nothing new. It was already slated to be cut. The ruling definitively said it was a Federal matter and there was no need to continue the program at that point. Again, this is nothing new. My link My link 2
  16. No, you will never see because it is all about politics to you.
  17. You really think those things are comparable? Really? Now I see. It's about politics, not the person or issues. Party over substance.
  18. That's the point I was making. Newsjunky/PastNFront just labeled you as a liberal Democrat.
  19. I would disagree with you. The Supreme Court yanked it, deciding that immigration is a Federal matter, not a state matter. That means it is back to square one until the question of profiling can be considered separately.
  20. But it is the president's right. You're fine when Bush uses it for such things as Cheney's meeting with Canadian oil company officials, but not in this case where Mexican informants may become public knowledge, a death sentence when the drug cartels find out. BTW, what administration did Fast and Furious begin under?
  21. Whoa. Do you want to list the people who supported Will Avery over Braddock in the last election and place a liberal label on them? Really? Do you REALLY want to go there? Are you saying Lots To Do is a liberal? Naturegirl? Beach Bum? Animal? Epiphany? Mei Lan? Chainsaw? Solo? My link 1 My link 2 My link 3 My link 4
  22. And so we're back to exactly where we were before the ruling today, aren't we? Fact is, the only part of the AZ law that was upheld now has no teeth and is effectively moot until that specific part works it way through the system as a profiling case. Didn't you read the analysis instead of the headlines?
  23. How did Ms Morrison side step your question? She flat out answered you directly and in no uncertain terms. What did you want her to say? Sheeesh.
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