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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That would be everyone of the employees and would assume there is no agreement reached in defense appropriations for the company to be paid and to in turn pay the employees. Come on. Let's use some common sense here.
  2. A husband in China divorced and then sued his wife because he insisted the baby was too ugly to have been a product of relations between his beautiful wife and himself. The won the suit. The reason he won is the wife had extensive plastic surgery before he met her and the baby did indeed look like his wife before the overhaul. My link
  3. But Boeing is restructuring to save money. I thought everyone wanted the Job Creators to have plenty of tax cuts (already have them) and be able to hire and fire as they want. Fact is, Boeing is doing what all companies do and that is make adjustments so they can redefine their business model and be more efficient. It happens at every company. Making this political is really stretching it.
  4. Partisan? FYI, I supported Romney over Obama. What I've said is backed up with evidence. What I said would happen with the election and the GOP, did happen. Is that partisan or being right?
  5. You are absolutely right. Don't expect the partisans to understand that.
  6. The point is that it is the Extremists that Romney needed to win the nomination caused him to lose the general election. These people don't realise how out of step with the rest of the nation they really are.
  7. You're delusional. But I've got it bookmarked to prove that it in the future.
  8. Exactly. It shant matter going forward who sits in the Oval Office as far as the economy goes. Both would have had to do the same thing, e.g., raise some taxes and cut some spending. The numbers show people are feeling much better about the economy. Confidence is up. Growing jobs. Everything is positive. Slow growth but still positive growth. It was the process that the GOP nominee had to go through, and pander to, in order the get the nomination that killed any hope the Republicans had. How many times have you heard, "Romney wasn't my first choice but I'll vote for him over Obama.
  9. We've gone over this many times. Here are just a few of the MANY bookmarks I've made of my own posts in the recent past. I've tried to tell some of the local Extremists (Guard Dad, Go8tors, El Zorro) how the GOP was going to hand this election to Obama with the Extremist views it requires to get the Republican nomination. It is that Extremism and the failure to listen to minority concerns that lost the election for the GOP. The last thing the GOP needs is to move more Right. It has to figure out how to be the party of solutions, not the party of the White, Angry Male Voter who refuses to Chan
  10. Please cite specific examples of those core beliefs America held before 1963 that it no longer hold.
  11. A "reserve" wine is just a better blend than the "regular" wine. For example, the Kudos wine. My link On the link the white label with green lettering. Those are white wines. The white label with the red lettering is the entry level red wine, a pinoit noir. Now I like it. It's good, for what it is. Inexpensive $14-$17 depending on the year of the wine, the store mark up, etc. (I like Total Wine in Kennesaw for when I'm buying a lot of wine because the bulk they buy means cheaper prices. My link Really, though, Highland Beverage in Hiram is a great store and he can get whatever you want. I lik
  12. I'm not thinking Hillary. Not sure who but I don't think Hillary for the sole reason of age. Then again, it is Hillary so who knows.
  13. What I'm not seeing are the really out there agitators who were convinced there would re-counts and more re-counts, and we wouldn't know who won until mid-November. They said there would be civil unrest and predict weapon sales to go through the roof. That sort of talk is what Extremists do. The fact is it didn't matter who won because the end result of economy will be the same, e.g., slow growth and in 4 years we will see a substantial improvement, less unemployment, and lower deficits. It won't be easy but that was going to happen no matter who was elected. The periphery and tangenti
  14. Obama has won. All my friends at the party (they have since all filed out) agreed that not much will change. There will still be a House that thwarts any and all moves Obama will want, and the Tea Party Extremists will continue their irresponsible and outlandish claims. The Senate will act as a Sanity Meter for the crazy stuff the House tries to push, and it will move slow, slower, and slower with anything that does get through. National Healthcare will be implemented and tweaked. The deficit will go down slowly. Some taxes will increase. Some budget cuts will take hold.
  15. But really, the wine makes the meal! Kudos? That is another wonderful Reserve wine that is very reasonably priced. My link
  16. Tonight I am hosting a small gathering of close friends and a few business acquaintances to watch the political returns and enjoy a good meal. My husband already brought the several bouquets from the Farmers Market (great prices on floral arrangements). The food is ready to be put on the evening table. And the wine! Calkins Lane 2009 Piniot Noir. My link Ribbons Springs 2009 Pinoit Noir. My link Both from Adelesheim (our favorite American winery!) And whatever wine everyone else brings. Off to the company, the meal and a spirited discussion. Of course, I've told all my sta
  17. We all understand your frustration. We really do. We don't feel that what you're asking is reasonable. I can assure you, my administrators and management team do not have time to accommodate such requests from patients; it is simply not possible. Nor does the labour at the county agency that handles the election process. There are many things that have to be done today and it is out of the question to presuppose the local governing board could rally enough people to handle such matters. The only solution we can offer is to print off a sample ballot and have her complete it as if it
  18. A few points. The county voting office doesn't have time nor man-power to handle such as this. Neither do my administrators or other managers. This is why these matters are up to the individual to handle. Second, voting is important. That is why most of the doctor/care giver groups we associate with prompt patients to vote early in case of this sort of emergency. I'm sure many of the practices don't do that but it is something regularly discussed, especially among elderly patients. Third, a solution is for you to print out a ballot and let her make her selections. No, it won't be
  19. Making marijuana legal is not going to make other drugs legal. Reasonable people recognize the difference between marijuana and other drugs. If someone want to discuss making other drugs legal, that is a separate conversation and another topic. Many parts of the world have decriminalized marijuana but America is still rather backwards on this issue.
  20. This thread is an example of what happens when people think they understand how benefit packages work, and then put in their political suppositions atop their uninformed beliefs. The benefits company has options and the employer decides which plans are available and thus what the employees have access too. It is easier to complain about politics when the reality is the employer is using a cost cutting move. You're not going to get anywhere with this. Their mind is politically motivated and any rational discussion left with the decision to blame Obama.
  21. You lose. There are nice consolation prizes at stage left. Thank you. I would encourage everyone to read the articles that Guard Dad never read nor understood the effect that the Republican led states are having on women's issues.
  22. You're being disingenuous. The point was what the state of Mississippi is doing and that is to effectively ban the practice. Is that not what the article said? Since you know you've already lost that point, you then try to play the game of words and questions. Well, you lose. Again.
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