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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Then private school is the option. Let's not jeopardize our entire society over the funding.
  2. I'm not trying to argue with you, but you've just made the case for voting NO. The kids that will do well in charter schools will do well in public schools or even private schools. Why? Because of parental involvement. The ones that don't do well are the kids with uninvolved parents, low socio-economic demographics, and lower-educated parents. Since charter schools can kick students out of lack of parental involvement or student problems, we end up with a segregated school system, with the best students in their own school and the "problem kids" in their public school, with less money and
  3. No tirade. I just strongly disagree with the amendment because of what it does. It is being advanced by corporations who are spending a whole lot of money to get this thing passed. Follow the money. Corporations or kids.
  4. I'm going to disagree with you on this one. The links I gave are from very conservative people, not liberals. People already have a choice with private schools and even charter schools under local control. The Amendment is not about choice but about corporations getting at the public tax money. The consequence is an eventual two-tiered educational system that will segregate based on economics and color, and will create a permanent, segregated system. This is a Pandora's Box that, once opened, cannot be undone.
  5. My link from GA School Superintendent My link 2 from Rome News Tribune My link 3 good article I'm opposed to the amendment.
  6. It is corporations' attempt to get public tax money using education as their business model.
  7. I can light several. For as long as it takes, too.
  8. The files should have been released long ago. This information could have saved many tragedies. Bit it is what it is and it takes time to fix a bad situation, be it a scouting policy, a bad footy club, an economic situation or even a relationship, these things will take time.
  9. You can do this, Lassie! Stop the habit! And to help, I'll light a candle for you. Promise.
  10. Yes because I'm not exactly sure where he is due to his travel schedule. He could be anywhere and he just said the station was "western hemisphere." I assume it was an AM station and not something else.
  11. So the Republican party has been overtaken by extremists, and the party has left many by its ideological hardline shift.
  12. And the Republican base is somehow ignoring their base with removing sensible gun restrictions and expanding programs for the wealthy while removing the social safety net for the poor? If it is wrong for one side to advance a political base agenda, then it is likewise wrong for the other.
  13. Since I was not even aware this site existed back then,I cannot comment on what what was said during those elections. Still, that anyone would make such a comment is insane.
  14. What is extreme about democrats? Do you think they will force people to give up their guns and take us to a communist model where the wealthy lose it all?
  15. So you agree that people who say this sort of stuff are crazy?
  16. These are just a few of the links I found. These people are crazy. My link 1 My link 2 My link 3 My link 4 My link 5 My link 6 My link 7 My link 8 My link 9 My link 10 My link 11
  17. I just got an email from a friend in the Western Hemisphere about a small audience AM band radio show touting the theory that Obama would suspend your general elections and declare Martial Law to prevent the bona fide election from taking place. From what boulders do these people crawl? These sort of people give free radio and free voice a bad name.
  18. Why can't the smokers go outside? Why do non-smokers have to get the short end of the proverbial stick? A private owner may do as he wants, but where public health is concerned, the government has a compelling interest in taking action that safeguards the health of everyone.
  19. I don't think we know all the details about this and think it is best to not convict an educator in the court of public opinion, nor demonize a child, without the luxury of knowing it all.
  20. Exactly. Domestic production doesn't drive US prices down but it does world prices if supply outpaces demand, and world demand has been up.
  21. Greece is just one nation. There are many others. Some are struggling while others are not. I didn't say the world economy has been good but that it is slowing just like the US economy.
  22. Worldwide demand is down on a slowing world economy. The US economy is still ploughing along though US demand is down due to efficiency, conservation and other fuel sources. The article discussed the slowing world economy.
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