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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. A foreign owned bank. You forgot to mention that. H&R Block can still do it but it must be with a domiciled bank.
  2. No. I said the only reason it is a crime is because the religious people wanted it on the books as criminal. Morally wrong is not the same as criminally wrong. Same with alcohol sales on Sunday or gay marriage. Pedophilia is a crime against children because they are defenseless. That is not the same as adultery.
  3. Oh My God. Holistic medicine is whole person. Google is your friend. My primary doctor's practice has on staff a counselor, a dietitian, a diabetes educator, an in-home nursing specialist, a geriatrics counselor and a geriatrics health specialist. All of those practice together for the full and total health of the patient.
  4. Don't you know that modern holistic medicine includes in-house professionals that are more than just medical treatment?
  5. The problem is that it is not just doctors. It is hospice. It is other mental treatment. It is in-home nursing consults. It is much, much more than just a doctor visit.
  6. Yes, you're wrong. Government doesn't have the right to regulate banks? Get real and the politics out of it.
  7. I call BS. There is much more to end of life care than a medical visit for a physical treatment.
  8. The doctor office is better at this than I am.
  9. Adult drama too. Just look at it on pcom.
  10. I didn't say that, now did I? I said you don't get to decide how or what the doctor charges.
  11. Not your decision what a doctor charges and how he bills.
  12. Their choice, isn't it? I thought you wanted personal choice and personal responsibility?
  13. The medical bills have to be paid whether you have a Will or not. Just because you have a Living Will, there are still bills at the end of life and those are the highest bills. Just because you have a Will doesn't mean the medical bills don't have to be paid.
  14. They will NOT be in charge of it. They are simply paying for it just like any other treatment. This is not political. It is part of Medicare rules that take place next year. If you want to make a political discussion out of it, please don't do it in this thread.
  15. That's not true. Many people get refunds because of medical payments, high mortgage interest or for many reasons, and they don't always know that until it happens in that particular year. Others prefer to over pay in anticipation of other things coming in during the year and they don't want to get hit with the underpayment penalty. There are many reasons why the refund may be due.
  16. Excuse me? Where in ANY OF THIS does it say the government is making ANY SORT OF DECISION? My God. You are putting politics in everything. It is not up to you. The government is simply allowing Medicare to pay for this vital service that everyone with private insurance gets already. It is part of the end of life care. If it is not up to you or me, then it is up to each individual and each individual should have all their options paid for just like a treatment.
  17. Come on. Get the politics out of it. Hopefully (or not depending on your perspective) they will find another bank.
  18. But for some people, it is the difference between losing a home, getting medicine or feeding a family. Sad but it is.
  19. OMG! The living will does NOTHING to dictate how your money is allocated after you die. Nothing. The Living Will determines how / if you want food, water, machines and medicine. It doesn't do anything regarding your estate. NOTHING. If you die without a Will, the estate is your beneficary for what is not in joint name. Nothing goes to the governement UNLESS the state paid for your care. If that is the case, the state of GA can recover its costs after you're gone. The Will is a totally different animal (no, SPECIES!) than a Living Will. But it should be an informed decision and
  20. Don't guess those commercials will be on the air any longer.
  21. Not the same thing. Read the article. Hopefully to make medical decisions that are right for that person. Their money. Their body. Their decision. Their right.
  22. And your's doesn't matter to those that need the help.
  23. People who borrowed against their tax refunds compliments of H&R Block tax filing won't be getting those loans against the refund in 2010. The bank that was making the loans has been ordered by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency to stop the practice. My Link
  24. There are some things that are private no matter married or not. I think it is tacky for the guy to go into her email but going after him criminally for it is wrong too, IMHO. I don't think adultery should be a crime either because the only reason it is on the books is because it is to satisfy the religious people who wanted to rule sex lives. Tacky, yes. But the guy did have a cheating wife so go figure.
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