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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I don't understand why some people are so centric they can't see that maybe America doesn't have all the best ideas and we can learn from others. If you told your boss you had all the ideas and you couldn't learn from everyone else, what would be the outcome? Do you actually understand what "socialist" means? Because costs go up every year. If you want others to pay, you have to pass the tax bill.
  2. And the DEMs have offered the cuts but the cuts must include Defense and some tax increases. The GOP says "no" to both. That means it is the GOP way or not at all. You're missing Juan's point. Why should Juan be asked to produce papers during a traffic stop when Bubba is not?
  3. Just pick out what you WANT my post to say and ignore what I actually said. Excuse me? Where did I say anything about about a teenager using a fake ID? Uh? I agreed with another poster about the COMPARISON to more penalty than murder. The point is that using a fake ID for the purposes of a job swhould NOT be 15 years. That is cruel and unusual. As stated by ANOTHER poster, a teenager using a fake ID [for a job application] gets more than the crime of murder? You extremists are so hypcritical.
  4. Whatr? Who is not wanting to compromise on the debt ceiling? The President has offered cuts WITH tax increases bu the GOP won't compromise.
  5. eVerify is not the same thing as enforcement of immigration. eVerify is a specific commerce item that does fall to the state. Next point, please.
  6. It is a typical tactic of the Extreme Right on here to change the topic to one more defensible. They also like to remind anyone that dares disagree with them that we should start our own topics. I'm just returning the reminder.
  7. The job belongs to the Federal government, not the states. Profiling is wrong. Tell those people who were detained because of profiling they need to sue for a violation of their civil rights. The sex offender list is not the only people that are considered suspect when a child is missing. I agree that if they are here illegally, we should send them home. But the right way to do that is with Federal authority because the Constitution doesn't give the states that power. We either believe in the Constitution in every part or none of it is worth the paper it is on. Like Mathetes s
  8. If you want to discuss Nationalized Health Care, please start your own topic. This is about the requirement in HB87 that a fake ID means 15 years jail time.
  9. That's not right either. The Civil War decided that the Federal government has control over the states and the Supreme Court has made that very clear since 1865. (see Texas v White, 1869)
  10. Right. You are exactly right. But the laws on the books (in this case, the US Constitution) say the Federal government must do it, not the states. You either believe in the Constitution or you don't. If you don't like the way Congress is handling it, vote against Gingrey, Isaakson and Chambliss next time. I will remind you of this post in 2012 to see who you voted for.
  11. The government may not break a law to enforce another.
  12. That's right. Really a well-thought-out bill. (sarcasm)
  13. No. People are NOT detained at airports because they are "Muslim looking," something that is impossible to do. No one looks Muslim. A religion doesn't change your looks. Profiling is illegal but thanks for proving my point that this law is unconstitutional.
  14. GA's HB87, patterned after AZ law, now makes a fake ID punishable by 15 years in prison. Bill Tolar, President of GA Agribusiness Council, says the this is just one of many problems with GA's new law. My Audio Link 4:37 minute
  15. But white people that sound like a good old boy won't be asked to produce papers, whereas Ivan or Jose will. Whether Ivan or Jose are citizens or not is irrelevant to this law. The only people that are going to be asked to produce papers are those that are different and that is wrong. That is what makes this a bad law.
  16. Yes, it is. It is about Mexicans that most people don't like or want here. Let's just call it what it is and admit it. This is a repeat of what we once did with the Irish, the Italians, the Germans and the Puerto Ricans. We passed all sort of similar laws that were eventually struck down then too.
  17. I guess you're not very observant or you obviously didn't READ this or the last topic. The last topic I posted was a COMPLETELY different article. My Link Let me break it down for you. The last topic was about the VIDEO and the ARTICLE that said the whole idea was being reconsidered. THIS topic has to do with a NEW AUTOPSY STUDY. Same topic. Different articles.
  18. After years of the execution of several people later proven to be innocent in the state and across the nation, Illinois has decided to no longer take the chance of getting it wrong. No more death penalty in Illinois. My Link
  19. An autopsy study on several supposed shaken baby deaths have raised doubts as to the validity for the conviction of many child abusers. What the research is suggesting now is that there may be much more doubt about Shaken Baby Syndrome that previously imagined. My Link
  20. The furlough days and budget cuts mean there are fewer man hours to tend to these parks.
  21. Cutting the things the low income people need the most. The wealthy have the internet and can afford to buy books. Just thinking out loud.
  22. There is a new evolutionary theory about that. Interesting idea. My Link
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