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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Fixed it. I couldn't decide if I should say not unconstitutional or simply say constitutional. I messed up during my edits. Fixed now.
  2. I'm sure this particular case will be appealed and the Supreme Court will eventually decide the matter but the first of three appeals courts has said the national health care bill is constitutional under the commerce clause of the Constitution. It doesn't mean much and is purely academic but it does show that the whole thing has a long way to go. My Link
  3. Typical. You didn't watch the video. Nor did you read the ENTIRE piece that had the other articles associated with this article.
  4. The latest evidence is that many times what is called Shaken Baby Syndrome is not that at all but really is other medical conditions. This means that many instances of people convicted of harming a child have been wrong and we've put innocent people in jail. My Link FrontLine Video
  5. My husband and I used to bank with Bank of America but I'm so glad we switched last year. These guys are shysters from the Git-Go. Paying $8.5 BILLION to settle claims tells me these people made a whole lot more than that and it was worth it to the bottom line. And we want businesses like this influencing campaigns of politicians who make the rules that regulate these businesses? My Link
  6. That is a Federal mandate and has nothing to do with a local requirements. If there is a stop light, there has to be pedestrian walkways and signals. Most of the intersections on the state roads are maintained by the state, not the county.
  7. Then present the other option without calling names, please.
  8. My experience is that I won't be in a subdivision that does not have an HOA. No way. I've seen too many problems where one or two houses take a neighborhood down really fast.
  9. So the other option is to let the kids die?
  10. Just taking the other homeowners side but if I had a larger house that was in a subdivision with another house that was only 2500 square feet, I'd be really upset because that is hurting my property values. Vet or no vet, the rules are the rules and the rules protect everyone.
  11. He is a vet and not above the law. The HOA sets the rules for everyone in the subdivision and everyone has to abide by those rules, even a vet.
  12. Hogwash. That's not what it says. Your "friend" is just regurgitating what is in the email, an email that is giving half truths. My Link
  13. We already have that system. It is called the private insurance company contract that the insurance company has with all the providers in that network. We also it with the Veterans Administration and Medicare.
  14. Totally disgusting. We've got lobbiests influencing the politicians to get what the corporations want into law. Then we've got coporations that may now finance campaigns. And now we have politicians that cut the funding to the Ethics Commission when it is the politician getting investigated. Why not just give the coirporations and the powerful the authority to do whatever they want? Isn't that the same difference?
  15. I didn't say we shouldn't do the testing.
  16. At least they didn't park in the Fire Lane and make it unsafe for everyone in the store, a practice that highly irritates me.
  17. Placing all the emphasis on test scores really is nothing more than a smoke screen for an agenda. The US has always placed low in the highly developed nations in terms of math and science but we still are the innovators. It was true 50 years ago and it is still like that today, but we put did do the Apollo Program and develop the microprocessor. It is not the test scores but what our system leads to. Other nations have generally scored ahead of us, mainly because our system tries to educate everyone while their system "tracks" students early on. It is not a fair comparison, in my opinion.
  18. Appalachian Grill in Cartersville is inexpensive but good. Aspens at the Avenues is not bad. Fogo de Chao in downtown is good. If you like Italian, Alfredo's off Cheshire Bridge is great. The Red Snapper, also off Cheshire Bridge, has great seafood. McCormick and Schmick's has a couple of locations in Atlanta. For something more out of the way, try Babette's Cafe off North Highland Avenue. There is always Dogwood Terrace in Acworth. Fusco's has good Italian in Acworth, too. Then there is the old stand by of Henry's Louisiana Grill, also in Acworth.
  19. I think you're right on this. Wait until he's home.
  20. What a feel good story! If he can do it, I know we all can do it! I've always regretted only finishing two years to get married to my Knight in Shining Armor. Don't get me wrong. I don't regret getting married, but I do wish I had finished. If this guy can do it, it makes me think there is hope for me to go back and finally become a teacher like I had always wanted. My Link
  21. LA Schools are now the first big district to have banned chocolate milk. But will the alternatives be something the kids like? My Link
  22. We are living longer but other nations have life spans that are topping ours. We've been falling behind. My Link A fresh analysis of recent changes in longevity finds there are wide variations in how long people in the U.S. can expect to live, depending on their county of residence. So for American men, the life expectancy ranged from 65.9 to 81.1 years. For women, the outlook ranged from 73.5 to 86.0. And when the outlook for Americans' lifespans is compared to those for people in other countries with the best life expectancies, we're falling behind. As Dr. Christopher Murphy,
  23. Not a dumb question. You're just not used to the acronyms. BOC = Board of Commissioners.
  24. Marco Island Resort in Naples is nice. Sandestin Resort is good and not too expensive. Sea Island Resort in GA is one of my favorite places. You may want to look into that one.
  25. This is really getting out of hand. Our county lost. Why don't we just pay the money and move on? Or at least let this go to court. The more I find out about this, the more upset I get at our elected officials.
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