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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. This is what happens when it is the test scores that drive teacher pay. When "for profit" education takes over, expect even more cheating and far less educating.
  2. For those who need a basic explanation on what Global Warming is, here is a basic primer. My Link
  3. Kid to Kid on Hyw 41 past Cedar Crest is WONDERFUL. They take all of my little boys stuff and their prices are AMAZING.
  4. Gene's Transmission. In Dallas.770-445-3222
  5. Then you are asking the TAXPAYER to pay much, MUCH more over time than funding an alternative or GED program now. The studies CLEARLY demonstrate that.
  6. We use to have that attitude until we realized how much it cost society after these people reach age 25 with no high school diploma. Crime. Chronic unemployment. Low wages. A permanent lower class. It hurts all of us more in the long run than a program that helps these kids now. Wellness check ups save money and lives, too. So does an education. I wonder what political ideology would just turn away all but the more easy to educate? Or, better yet, would prefer a private system that gives an education to only those who can afford to pay for it?
  7. Sure. Nowhere near the price of a private school. Or they simply don't go there at all and drop out. Did they have to pay extra when there was an alternative school?
  8. Through the Ombudsman, a for profit company. Not part of the BOE. Again, what demographic do these budget cuts hit the most? Those with money can go the private school route. Can the poorest among us?
  9. Why several medications to treat the same problem? Why several cities in Paulding when one would do just fine? Why even have cities? Why several colleges in the same town? Why??? I understand what you're saying, but you know very well that those programs work for some students that the normal school environment did not. And you are well aware that some really good students just make mistakes and need an alternative program to get through. Without those programs, some students would never graduate.
  10. I'm not saying the normal course is not the best course. I'm saying that the Alternative School is closed and now the GED program is not funded. What demographic is most affected? Just saying.
  11. Because it costs money. These sort of programs don't usually impact the wealthy so when they cut things, they cut things that will hit those in the lowest socio-economic strata. And we keep electing the elite an putting corporations in charge of our system.
  12. That would be Reality vs. Cato Institute.
  13. Mine did that for a while. I changed the skin and it works fine now.
  14. I don't know but I think (not certain) that Washington Mutual did this on the Left Coast back before they went bust.
  15. It's about time. I wonder if the Atlanta media would get involved if every one of us sent an email to the same people at the same news station? If say Randy Travis of the I Team got 100 emails from different people asking him to do a story on this, would he do it?
  16. My credit union has been doing this for about 5 years. Up North in my hometown, my sister told me they started doing this back in the late 90s.
  17. Read my first post. Things are better than they were two years ago. The recovery takes a long time and it doesn't go straight up. Every expert I've read said you are incredibly ignorant if you think the recovery would only take a few years or go straight up. Most of the lost jobs were government jobs. Isn't that what you wanted? In a few months this month will be seen as the anomaly it is. Will you be so quick to admit the recovery is working? I doubt it. And oil prices DROPPED because of the weak number. Remember when oil prices were going up and I said that was because of the
  18. Brasstown Valley is not bad. My Link The Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC is fab. My Link The Brookstone Lodge in Ashville is nice, too. My Link
  19. "We" as in "in total." Look where the we were in March 2009? We just had to bail out the biggest banks and several industries. These are back and running again. Look where the market was in March 2009. My Link We have a long way to go but the scope of the recession was the worst since the Great Depression. It will take a long time to recover, just like it did from the Crash of 1929, too. Hard work is always a good thing. Some people would work very hard if given a chance. It is hard on all of us, but things are better.
  20. From where we were in the March of 2009? Oh, yes. We are MUCH better.
  21. Not a crime nor a sin against him, but yes, something you did. Something that he is not privy to all the details. Would you want him to cut your salary or fire you? You said that you chose not to give RT any more of your money and that would be paying him for his work. I'm just thinking that it has to be consistent all the way around. Really. I'm not arguing with you but I am trying to see if my thinking is the same if I were in a similar situation. If I worked in a job and my boss decided I had "sinned" how would I want him to treat me, especially if he is not privy to all the details?
  22. So when you have sinned (not committed a crime, but sinned) you will have no problem with your boss firing you or at least cutting your salary? Same way of thinking. Not saying it is wrong to think as you are. I'm thinking if I held that view, I would try to treat everyone same, including myself. After a while, that "grievous error in judgment" is no longer worth remembering, IMHO. I do hear you. I really do. I just don't think I know enough about RT's situation to pass such definitive judgement, just like I would hope no one would pass on me if I were in his place.
  23. Verizon will be halting sales of unlimited data plans for its phones starting Thursday July 7; After the 7th the same $30 that got you an unlimited data plan will now only get 2 GB/month. As long as you are in the current data plan before 7 July, you will be grandfathered for as long as you have the plan. This does include future contract renewals. If you currently have a data plan but add an additional plan later, your first line will stay the same, but the new line will be charged the new rate. My Link
  24. It's still tough out there. My husband had to take furlough days last year but now his company is doing much better, thankfully. As bad as things were, we can expect it to take a while. Two years ago things were dismal but they are better. No, things are not rosey but they are better. My Link Given all the grim news, why is this even a recovery? A recovery doesn't necessarily mean things are good. It means things are improving. And over the past two years, the economy been growing (slowly) rather than shrinking, and the number of jobs has been rising (slowly) rather than falling.
  25. It is about time that all Americans are allowed to serve their country without fear of reprisal just because of their sexual orientation. My Link
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