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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. No obligation to answer. My link On the other hand, the educated can see how this can be abused. You don't. So what does that imply?
  2. Nope. Not what I said. Again, the experts and even two of the justices in teh majority do see a problem. Take your complaint up with them.
  3. St Augustine grass. Water. Azaleas. Water. Camellias. Water.
  4. It happens everywhere and to everyone. Has nothing to do with hygiene. Home remedies don't work, IMHO. The lice shampoo does work. Or try this. My link
  5. You would be surprised how much you really do agree with me.
  6. Yes, I will vote for it. The money may ONLY be used for what is specifically detailed and no politician can get it to do anything else but the projects listed. The tax is spread onto everyone and it is for a specified time. This is a win-win for everyone.
  7. I'm still working on my case of Penner-Ash Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. Mmmmmm.
  8. Actually smokers are third most reviled behind Liberals and Democrats. Snarky. I know.
  9. The US Justice Department filed suit today against Apple and other E-book companies claiming price-fixing among the publishers. Are we getting ripped off again? My link
  10. A new study shows that the oil and gas industry's push to extract natural resources using hydrofracking is causing earthquakes in the midwest. My link
  11. Who cares? Look, the school did what it thought best. The parents and kid have a right to the legal process. They have the right to go through the appeals process. That is the way it works. We don't know everything and shouldn't know everything. Everyone said their piece and we had the discussion. See what good it does? Nothing. No matter what we think, they are going to do what they want to do. Our opinion or thoughts are irrelevant. Let it go people. Life is too short.
  12. Until a crime has actually been committed, there is nothing anyone can do. Talking about something is not criminal but taking action is.
  13. So I guess you're saying you know more than the professors along with the Supreme Court justices referenced here who said the abuse of the ruling is a worry. (My link) I will say again that I'm simply quoting the experts in the article, including two of the Supreme Court justices who were in the majority. If you think the numbers are wrong, then take it up with them. I'm sure they could use your input.( My link)
  14. I'm sorry but everyone can see did NOT ask the question and I explicitly said this was about the abuse the ruling could bring You asked EXPRESSLY about something else because you ASSUMED that was my position. Go back and look at post 7, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 40 and 47 and you will see I was talking about the abuse this could bring. Please put me on ignore. Your temper is causing you to lose objectivity. You need to do something about that. If you can't handle my objections to your drivel, that is your problem.
  15. Wrong again. As usual. You did NOT ask me in your very first post how I felt about this. Let me quote what you did ask. That is what you asked. You asked me to explain how a person being processed into jail was being deprived of his rights. That is NOT asking me how I felt about the topic. The topic is about the abuse of the ruling and I quoted the article how the ruling can be abused in post 5. YOUR ASSumption was that I was holding an opinion that I did NOT hold. That is your problem and you need to work on that.
  16. That "living breathing" argument is not a "liberal" argument but the accepted understanding of how our legal system works. Otherwise we would have to amend the Constitution every few years just to keep up with technology. I see you didn't catch what the article said and that was the ruling can easily be abused. THAT is what two of the majority justices wrote and exactly what I said in post 7, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 40 and 47.
  17. zoocrew


    Use a real estate agent that sells in that area.
  18. As more families are striped of the income needed to provide basic care for their families, some schools have found that the kids need to be fed supper, too. With a full stomach, homework gets done, there are less discipline problems and the kids learn better. My link
  19. This is 2012. Surely we are smart enough to know that lead in the environment is not a smart practice. We can do better. We owe it to the future generations.
  20. New information shows businesses are not looking favorably on business majors but favor courses of study that emphasize the humanities and other fields. No wonder most business majors have few job prospects when their course of study is seen as inferior. Good to know the colleges are taking steps to listen to businesses as to what they are looking for in an employee. My link
  21. You ASSume way too much. I wasn't trying to give any point of view except that I thought it was a bad decision. You ASSumed what my position was. Next time, I would suggest you state what it is you want to know and ask. Otherwise, don't waste my time. Had you bothered to read the rest of my posts you would CLEARLY see where I stated it was about reasonableness and the search of non-violent criminals. I stated over and over the postion of even the majority on the court. Next time, try reading before jumping to a conclusion. And the experts disagreed with you that it was reasonable
  22. Omaha Steaks. They have several packages that can be shipped and delivered to any address. We use those all the time for employees and doctors.
  23. I thought I stated my point very well seeing as how I mentioned the experts said the ruling could easily be abused. Since you decided what my position was without comprehending the MANY times I stated the ruling could be abused, that's your problem. Of course, reading comprehension requires the ability to listen and not react with a temper, which you seem to do lately. You would be better received if you didn't try to bully all the time.
  24. Seeing as how this whole topic is about a GLOBAL DEMAND problem, the use of gas in India affects you and the rest of us. Nice try though.
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