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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Exactly. You should read that link. Then note what I said directly above your post. It is also why we can't place emphasis on a single week's or month's number. We have to take a longer view of what the consensus says. That is what I've been saying and what the reports I've been posting are saying. The experts are taking all the information, in context, over a long period, without the politics, and giving us the information. It is national, not the anecdotal evidence of a few people in one county, a county that happens to be very far Right Wing and the majority of its businesses was
  2. But we know that sentiment about the economy does change week to week and month to month. We have the data going back forever. It is also why we can't place emphasis on a single week's or month's number. We have to take a longer view of what the consensus says. That is what I've been saying and what the reports I've been posting are saying.
  3. The data is not contradictory at all. The data counts the information garnered from people and people change week to week. The numbers are gathered week to week. The numbers are not changing but people's perception is. Consumers are still spending, just not as much as they were.
  4. The economy is still growing but, like I've already said, things are certainly not going straight up. The latest numbers show things are still growing but are slowing down in areas like consumer spending. We will certainly see unemployment go back up a bit because that is what happens at some point after a recession, especially after the worst economic time since the Great Depression. My link
  5. I know this sounds crazy but I am going to take a run tonight! It feels so great outside. Three miles in this should be a breeze! But it is too hot in the daytime! This will make 6 miles today and I'll do another 3 tomorrow. Feeling GREAT!
  6. I reposted the link in that thread. What else do I need to do?
  7. Why won't my videos work anymore???
  8. What happened to my topic with the smoking commericial??? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5zWB4dLYChM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. I don't think a comment is necessary.
  10. Glad I ran this morning. I don't recall this sort of hot until late May at the earliest. Guess my mornings have to get earlier so I can run before getting the boys up for school.
  11. As global warming continues to wreck havoc on the world's environment, a new study shows that we can expect even greater swings in sever weather events. My link
  12. My husband took me to Dogwood Terrace (My link) for brunch this morning. It was good, as usual. Where are some other places nearby (30 minute drive) that have a good brunch?
  13. I am so sorry you're going through this. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of employers treat people exactly as you are describing. It's all about increasing their bottom line and people are expendable. You need an attorney. Best of luck to you.
  14. Here is what I'm looking for immediately. Corporate Trainer/Educator for onsite and system wide development. Minimum 2 years experience in this or similar positions. Must have bachelor degree in Education/Communication. Masters degree preferred if less than 2 years experience. Spanish fluency will be given priority preference. Pharmaceutical or medical insurance background also a plus. Internal Finance Auditor. Finance or accounting degree and 3 years experience required.
  15. Just finished my run this morning and it FABULOUS out there! But Glen Burns said record high this afternoon. Here we go with the GA Summer!
  16. OIC! I do agree. People that are looking and struggling have a hard time believing things are improving. But our particular situation is not the reality for the nation. It is tough out there. I know that my system is now hiring. Hiring several. My director agreed on Friday for me to hire a staff position that I had not even budgeted for. Why? Because we are overwhelmed with work and needs. Granted, much of the work is due to the fact we are building a new facility and all the government mandates being implemented, but in the long run those things are designed to improve care and cu
  17. I know this is going to sound wrong but don't take it like that. I just don't understand what you're saying. I think you left out a word or something and I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not.
  18. No, that's not the real story. You can't compare the hiring at the height of the bubble with the hiring today. That is apples and oranges. Everyone knows the line doesn't go straight up. So let me show the full chart since 2008. Jobless Claims Chart 2008-Present US Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance data by YCharts Job Creation Chart 2008-Present US Job Creation Index data by YCharts You also failed to mention that the last quarter of 2011 had GDP at 3%. You didn't say anything about non-farm payrolls rose 635,000 in the first quarter, the
  19. Again, I don't think you really understand that there is a whole other world out there. The CEO Survey says that 42% of them plan on hiring more workers over the next 6 months. So that single CEO you know? That is not what his peers are saying. My link
  20. The county has a recreation facility with a pool.
  21. Dat's funny. It's sad, too. Bet those two also think the Titanic was just a movie.
  22. What I'm saying is that the nationwide numbers are telling a much different picture than what you're seeing.. Companies are closing? Yes. And others are forming. Companies close in good and bad times. People are losing their jobs? Yes. And others are finding jobs. People lose jobs in good and bad times. People are losing their homes? Yes. People lose their homes in good and bad times. But nationwide, more people are going back to work. Companies are making record profits. The economy is growing. It is getting better slowly but it is getting better. You would do well to take 2 hours and
  23. A Texas Ranger baseball player tosses a baseball into the stands. A couple catch it. A three year old beside the couple begins crying. It is customary for fans to give a ball to a nearby child, but not required. (I don't know about that for sure because I've only been to a couple of major league games in my life.) Good news is the Rangers get another baseball to the three year old. All is well. [media] <script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=1602936346001&w=466&h=263">Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com>
  24. And why have the doctors not said "no?"
  25. This shows that you are really having a problem understanding what I am saying. We are ALWAYS headed for another recession. When it comes is unknown. Why it comes is unknown. It will happen just like I can say with absolute certainty that there will be snow in Atlanta again.
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