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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Americans are working more and sleeping less. That's a problem for everyone's health. My link
  2. It prevents more bubbles that would derail the continued recovery. It also allows the economy to finish working out the problems that caused the Great Recession in the first place. Here are two articles that describe why a slow and moderate economic growth may be better than what the average American wants. My link 1 My link 2
  3. Social Vinings was VERY good! If you haven't tried it, you need to. VERY good.
  4. What about the rest of the article that said the economy is growing?
  5. That's not true. The unemployment number ALWAYS counts those that are no longer looking in the unemployment number. That has been the case for a LONG time. The election has nothing to do with it. A lot of those people who are no longer looking have retired, taken part time jobs, or have gone back to school. Also, the unemployment benefits doesn't affect the unemployment number because that is a whole different measurement. My Link
  6. Tonight is date night so DH is taking me to Social Vinings. My link Back in a few hours!
  7. GA's Labor Commissioner says GA's unemployment has dropped for the 8th consecutive month. My link
  8. "I mean such things as these: when the young are to be silent before their elders; how they are to show respect to them by standing and making them sit; what honour is due to parents; what garments or shoes are to be worn; the mode of dressing the hair;deportment and manners in general." --- Socrates, in Plato's Republic, Book 4. (Lose translation by Kenneth John Freeman, in his 1907 dissertation about the ancients' view on this subject: The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.)
  9. Is there a reason you didn't tell the whole story and show the jobs data graph for the last two years? Why only the last few weeks unless it is to tell only part of the story to manipulate people into believing a certain way? Everyone knows the line doesn't go straight up. So let me show the full chart since 2008. Jobless Claims Chart 2008-Present US Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance data by YCharts Job Creation Chart 2008-Present US Job Creation Index data by YCharts You also failed to mention that the last quarter of 2011 had GDP at 3%. You didn't
  10. And that you can deduce that I am inferring that from the article is amazing. That is nowhere near what the article nor my post was about. But whatever.
  11. Ok. If you say so. I wasn't aware you can read minds too. Have a great rest of the evening.
  12. The numbers are the same even at the Fox News link. My link
  13. No, it wasn't. You're trying to put words into my post that I didn't say.
  14. The numbers are pretty convincing.
  15. Not what I said. The rest of your post stems from the first statement, which is simply a falsehood.
  16. This sounds like something serious.
  17. I know. And that you think I've made your point is what causes me to just shake my head in wonder.
  18. Not growing like the 90s but definitely growing. The Fed is keeping the same for the near future to let things continue to grow and let the market continue to work itself out. My link
  19. A Marine Sergent will be dismissed with "other-than honorable discharge" after making disparaging remarks about the Commander in Chief, saying the president was a coward and an "economic and religious enemy." My link
  20. If this is what you got out of the article and my post, you missed the entire point. The point is that our American culture is far behind the rest of the world in putting together a comprehensive transportation and pedestrian plan for the entire culture. The result is the American culture still thinks like you, and that is to be McEnglish Lords living in a McMansion in the rural countryside, and the public health, personal health, and the environment be damned.
  21. Thankfully it was in a cow and not a human but it is the fourth reported case in a few years. Hopefully this will be contained. We all pray it is contained, at least. My link
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