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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The food sounds wonderful! This is a splendid idea. Count us in if it is where I can and you decide to do this.
  2. K. Gotcha. Now I'm back to working on the task I got railroaded into.
  3. I appreciate the sentiment but it's not "dude."
  4. So true! I've had some wonderful $10 Spanish and French table wines that rival the $40 to $90 American bottles I'm aging now. And the American wines have so much tannins in them that will mask the deficiencies.
  5. Cab is good but it depends on what sauce/spice is with the meal as to whether it is the better pairing. There are some good malbecs that are very close to the cabs. Much cheaper too. I like the pinot noir for every day meals since it goes well with most dishes, as long as the sauce/spice is not too heavy or rich. We all have different tastes. My husband loves that Apothic Red and I hate that stuff. Can't stand it. But he doesn't like whites unless he is having fish and refuses to even try it. He will drink the Simply Naked pinot grigio as long as it is chilled and it is not just b
  6. I've tried that one and won't again. My pallet only but that was not to my liking at all.
  7. Lots of cheap lawyers. Good ones are not cheap.
  8. I do! I get four shipments a year of wines from Oregon and Washington and we'll save them for 3-5 years before enjoying them at their best. Of course, these bottles are handled well, climate controlled and never near the sunlight. Right now I've got several bottles of Temprance Hill My link, Boulder Bluff My link, Mark Ryan Dead Horse My link, and only two bottles of something I can't pronounce from Europe that should be ready to open next year. If it says it was bottled in 2010, it needs to age 1 more year. At least. I've tried that one and liked it. I've also liked the Cupcake p
  9. Haven't tried that one. I see the entry pinot noir is $18 a bottle but the Reserve is $24. That's about what I was expecting for a decent (or at least tolerable) pinot noir. I've found that usually the $30 mark is where a good pinot noir starts. The Kudos is around $17 at Total Wine and I have several bottles of it that I have purchased for weekend type meals. I'll check it out.
  10. zoocrew


    And his character played to the naive and the most base of all emotions. There is a reason the Rambo movies never got any awards and was even made into a comic book.
  11. I remember that you once said you liked that one from Kroger. What was that? They had it on sale half priced??? Found it! Paso Creek My link
  12. My husband got a case of Penner-Ash Wllamette Valley Pinot Noir recently for some work he did on the side for his boss. My link It is really good. We also are on the Wine Club list for Foris Vineyards. My link My boss just signed me up as a member of the Adelsheim Vineyards Pinot Noir Club. My link Haven't gotten this shipment yet but will get our first in March. (Thanks, Vickey!) The Cotes du Rhone wines are good but unless you go to Trader Joes, they are expensive for an everyday bottle. I've resorted to drinking Echelon My link for regular meals ($10 at Publix), though I would
  13. A former Library of Congress management analyst has filed suit after he was fired on Friday. He had been on leave without pay since October. The analyst contends his supervisor harassed him because he is gay. My link
  14. Home made chicken salad on lettuce. Various cheeses. Pickled beans (spicey). Artichokes. Paired with a wonderful bottle of 2009 Penner-Ash Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. My link (We got a case of this about a month ago and LOVE it!)
  15. No taxes! Shut down government! Anarchy! Tea Party!
  16. zoocrew


    Those that carry in public are Rambo wanna bees. They have an inferiority complex. Someone comes in with a gun and I see it, I ask the manager to find out of they are law enforcement. If so, I stay. If not, I tell the manager the guns goes or my family leaves immediately. Too many bad things can happen with a Rambo Wanna Be. Can we say Zimmerman? Just my opinion.
  17. I love my boys and don't mind wanting that closeness to continue. Here's why we should ignore the "Mama's Boy Myth." My link
  18. Ever noticed that anytime someone disagrees with the conservative majority, the "Liberal" tag comes along? Just saying.
  19. Not common that I know of, at least specifically for the CRCT. The circle we run in do NOT do this. Both my sons will be in middle school in the next 2 years and the friends we have, even with older kids, still don't do what these ladies are talking about. Taking time away from a child's education like that is teaching the child that learning is not important, and that hurts not only the kid but their kids and on down the line. Well educated families don't do this. The best and brightest kids don't do this. Now I do know of families who kids are, let's say, not well behaved and don't do to
  20. I'm asking you again to please stop harassing me. Again, please stop. I am in fear of my safety and ask that you no longer follow me aropund on this site. Please stop.
  21. I haven't deleted any posts but I fear for my personal safety. I'm asking you again to stop replying to my posts. I'm feeling harassed. Please stop. But you didn't say that to the others who had already made that statement about the experts. That is hypocritical. Please stop. You are harassing me in my posts. Please stop as I am in fear of my safety and what your temper toward me might lead. Please stop.
  22. I made my statement. If you disagree, that's fine. I'm feeling very harassed by your posts and am fearing for my safety. Please don't respond to any more of my posts. I don't appreciate you following me around on this site and harassing me. Please stop.
  23. I just quoted the experts. If you disagree with the experts, take it up with them, including the 2 Supreme Court justices.
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