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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Feeling better about the economy and a particular situation are not the same thing. Don't present an anecdotal and make it the norm for everyone. But what you're experiencing is what Europe figured out 60 years ago after World War 2. People cannot continue with big cars and live a long way from their employment. Smaller, economical cars are much better for everyone and living in the 'burbs is just not practical. The rest of the industrialized world figured this out already and America is now having to wake up to the cold reality. Still, things are getting better. We need a new car desp
  2. It is sad that our state has to be called out for this sort of ethical failure. The blame goes directly to the political leaders of the state and the leaders of the past who made it so.
  3. That's not what the information said. BTW...anytime a poster throws out Soros, etc as insults; it only demonstrates that they frequent propaganda sites, and any credibility they have is instantly gone. Congrats on losing yours. My link Let's discuss the issue the report raised instead of changing the subject into a means to "bash Obama." Dude we all get it you HATE Obama and liberals. No, REALLY we get it already. So big freaking deal. My link Fine. Let's talk about the issues the report raised.
  4. I don't think you meant to mislead people, but you didn't tell the whole story. Soros is only one of many donors and doesn't influence the content of the reporting. Here is the publicized list of donors to the project. My link Annenberg Foundation Arca Foundation Around Foundation Arthur D. Lipson Brodie Price Fund Carnegie Corporation of New York Charles S. Chapin Charitable Trust Cissy Patterson Trust Columbia Foundation – Christine H. Russell Fund Community Trust Daniel Solomon Tzedakah Fund of the Shefa Fund Donna Mae Litowitz Dudley Foundation Educational Foundation of America
  5. It looks like the improving economy has finally been felt by the average consumers. More good news for the economy! My link
  6. A third party processor here in GA has been compromised and a lot of information has been stolen. That stolen identity info is already being used by the bad guys. Be careful. My link
  7. Two people standing their ground. One with a defiant attitude (take your pick which one). One with an attitude of "I'm in charge here." One felt he was protecting the community. One believed he was being chased. One thought he was being harrassed. Both stood their ground. No idea who "started" the confrontation. Words were said. Shoving. Then fists. The gun won. Sad situation because neither would have reacted that way had they known what was going down. And politicians still write these laws to "protect" us. More innocent people will be killed as we do more of this.
  8. Read this very carefully, Beach Bum. I said IF you were to have made what happened to you a racial thing, then THAT would have taken a bigot to think like that. Since you said your words were poorly chosen, then you're saying it was NOT reverse discrimination.
  9. And since you agreed it was a poor choice of words and that you were not making a racist thing, then you're not acting the part of the bigot, no? Now if you would have held that what happened to you was a racist thing, I would have some questions about it. But since you retracted those words, I guess it you're agreeing with me.
  10. I've got it bookmarked and copied. You admitted it was a poor choice of words. Got it. Looking forward to it. Like you said, it was a poor choice of words (I agree, it was) and that it was not a racist thing. To that I agree. Only a bigot would try to make what happened to you a racist thing. Since you agreed it was a poor choice of words and NOT a racist thing, then you've proved my point that only a bigot would think it is a racist thing.
  11. And?You admited it was a poor choice of words. I've got it bookmarked and copied.
  12. I already said that. In fact, had you bothered reading or being able to acutally comprehend what I have said, you would have realized that I said that very thing. My link
  13. Really? I think you're words are bigoted. Is that better?
  14. That is why I said we don't know anything other than MY LINK.
  15. Then why would you even mention "reverse racism?" That is what you said you were a victim of in that situation. Here is your quote. I said that was NOT a racism thing but a group of guys being jerks. YOU said it was reverse racism. How very sad to view the world like that.
  16. Maybe you should threaten another lawsuit. Just my opinion, of course.
  17. That's nice. Walmart has sheets on sale. Just for your info. Have a good evening.
  18. And you're not black to know the experience the black community feels as it is goes through the experience every day. The double standard is that you're applying your experience on an entire race. Please be more in tune with reality.
  19. In case you're not following along, I was answering Beach Bum's post that said it was not a black or white thing. Please try to keep up because it makes it hard to carry on a conversation. And what evidence do you have Zimmerman would have acted the same way had it been a white kid that "looked" like he belonged? Please. Tell that one to someone who is completely sedated to get an affirmative response.
  20. Give me a break. That is not reverse racism. That is a group of guys acting like jerks. Only a bigot would try to make it a racist thing. From all indications, the black kid who was killed was just trying to get back home, too. He was just minding his own business. Consistency.
  21. Yep. Those photos of a black teen in a hoodie conjur up the image of Black Thugs out to kill Whitey, and rape and pillage. The bigotry is that anyone who doesn't dress, look, sound and have the same ideas as "white America" is somehow worthy of death because he has to be out for no good. The death penalty for black teens who don't know their place, right? America needs to grow up and remember that people are people and not a classification. It's not illegal to grow up black in America. Yet.
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