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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That may be true but that doesn't mean the people in there are not to be protected while in state custody. It also means those people can be even worse when they get out if we allow the worst things to happen to them. The point is that they are still human beings. The things described in the story are things like you hear about in third world prisons, not America.
  2. I can't imagine how this would be comfortable and there are all sorts of "problems" that could happen. Evidently, she managed to handle it well. My link
  3. That's part of the growing problem. Americans can no longer afford to live as McEnglish Lords outside the city on a rural McEstate and drive an hour each way to work. It is not economically feasible any more. It is not environmentally friendly. It harms the environment for future generations. And it is not healthy for us today. Our society needs to learn the lesson the rest of the world already learned and begin realizing that a transportation system is important to our world, our culture and our families, and designing communities where walking is encouraged is the future, whether we like it
  4. The Federal Department of Justice has reported that one MS Youth facility is managed terribly and is a "cesspool." The private company that took over the facility a year ago is puling out, but will another private operator be able to take over? My link
  5. It was the "far right" who promulgated the conspiracy theories. Can you give a link that shows a non-extremist held such a view? You are welcome to think whatever you like but, as you said, Occam's Razor says the simplest answer is usually the best answer and I'm looking around and seeing the simplest answer is that many on the far right did believe in the conspiracy theory.
  6. Unlike the rest of the world, Americans don't walk very much and our waist lines show it. Problem is the planning we've done for our cities, neighborhoods and transportation system has all but removed walking from our lives. We need to learn from the rest of the world. My link
  7. So are you saying the people who promulgated conspiracy theories are extremists? I wasn't trying to demonize anyone. You said that. I just pointed out that many of the far right were suggesting some sort of conspiracy. That many suggested a conspiracy is a factual statement but conspiracy existed. It was heart failure. The Gawker story was the first in the list due to Google's ranking. There were plenty of others. I noticed even the far right Beck downplayed such stories and that alone should tell us all how far right some people are. You also know that "many" is relative to "few
  8. You're going to have to do better than that. I said in the first post that there were many who believed in some sort of conspiracy theory behind his death. I never said any "prominent" person, mainly because anyone of "prominence" would want to distance themselves from such insanity just like they do with the birthers. Someone asked for a source so I showed how easy it was to pull it up. There are many people right here on paulding.com who will tell you they believe something was not quite right about his death. The point is that it was a heart attack and there is nothing evil going o
  9. Really? I mean, really. Try this.
  10. The US has increased its exports by 34% in just 2 years. We're doing something right. My link
  11. I remember many of the far right were speculating for some sort of conspiracy theory. Nothing of th sort. Heart failure. My link
  12. I'm actually proud of you. Have you tried the Apothic Red?
  13. I found it to be off the wall interesting. Not to mention that robots would mean changes to the legal definitions and our version of morality.
  14. Tonight we went to Ruth's Chris. And it was good.
  15. What will prostitution look like in 2050? Robots? If the objects are not real people, is it still prostitution? My link
  16. Would you prefer a Fox News link? I'm certain you would. Here goes. My link Your response, please?
  17. I can tell you really haven't read the news articles.
  18. Straw Man. All groups lose funding at various times and for various reasons. It has nothing to do with being "liberal" or "conservative." This instance is news because of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident, and this is the group that has been fostering the "Stand Your Ground" laws that make that case so difficult. That is what makes this newsworthy. If you want to discuss this topic with facts pertaining to this topic, I look forward to what you have to say. If you are going to keep proping up Straw Men that can't be substantiated but merely appeals to the emotions, then I w
  19. If you want to link to another article that says this article is not factual, please do so.
  20. I would hardly call him "obscure." If you want to discuss the links, then discuss the links. Do so with substance. If you just want to make it personal, I won't play that game. Address the point with a civil and thoughtful discussion, not jr high taunts.
  21. First it was Pepsi and Coke. Now Yum brands has pulled support from the conservative group responsible for the "Stand Your Ground" laws in several states. On top of all that, the "charity" status of the group has been challenged. If they are skirting the law, they should be held accountable. If not, they should be free to work within the confines of the charity designation. My link
  22. If this is true, Carnival Cruise lines is in serious trouble. Again. Not stopping to render aid on the ocean is serious. And to alter the story? Not good. My link
  23. That has always been the case. The only people that make the claim that the "real" number is higher are those that don't understand the numbers, are intentionally misleading everyone, or are just political spinmeisters. Everyone who deals with this professionally already knows that and the only ones who are making an issue of it are those that are pretty naive on these matters, as well as those that are just making political spin. Again, I'm sure you just overlooked it and wouldn't intentionally mislead anyone, especially since the links I gave explain that very well. I don't know muc
  24. Another example of someone misrepresenting the real numbers for their political spin. By only taking the first paragraph and using only the revised number, it looks bad. Awful. Terrible. Problem is the number is ALWAYS revised. For a good while there the numbers were revised BETTER than initially reported. Where was the post then heralding the number? Nowhere to be found. Why? Because it didn't fit the political agenda. Second, notice the person only mentioned the first two paragraphs. Why, oh why, was the REST of the article not mentioned? Could it be because the rest of the article e
  25. Isn't this welfare we're talking about here?
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